1200字范文 > 迂回曲折 Going in a roundabout way英语短句 例句大全

迂回曲折 Going in a roundabout way英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 15:26:05


迂回曲折 Going in a roundabout way英语短句 例句大全

迂回曲折,Going in a roundabout way

1)Going in a roundabout way迂回曲折


1.The troops moved in zigzags and by roundabout ways.队伍迂回曲折, 绕道前进。

2.We took an indirect route to the town.我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。

3.A maze of narrow alleys leads down to the sea.迂回曲折的小径通往海边.

4.You swim into the dark twists and turns of her interior.你游进舰内迂回曲折的漆黑通道。

5.The plot twists and turns, but the ending is the biggest surprise of all.故事情节迂回曲折,结局令人惊奇。

6.I entered the village by the little roundabout lane.我由一条迂回曲折的小径进了村。

7.The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。

8.He is leading up to an impertinent request.他正在迂回曲折地提出一个唐突的要求。

9.After twisting for several miles, the road straightens out.经过几英里的迂回曲折之后,路面变直了。

10.Wuxia Gorge extends 40km along which the river snakes between strange shaped mountain peaks.巫峡绵延40公里,江水迂回曲折,两岸群峦叠嶂。

11.used devious means to achieve success; gave oblique answers to direct questions; oblique political maneuvers.用曲折的手段达到成功;间接的回答直接的问题;迂回曲折的政治花招。

12.There was really no end to its windings-to its incomprehensible subdivisions.迂回曲折的走廊长得没尽头,匪夷所思的厢房多得数不清。

13.Although it looks direct on the map the path twists and turns a lot.这条路在地图上看上去很直,其实迂回曲折,拐弯很多。

14.This bypassed the problem of year names in the Gregorian system.这个年名的问题在格里高利体系(历体系)得迂回曲折。

15.Other, more devious, patterns became clear when I knew about the taping.我知道了录音的事之后,就清楚了其他更为迂回曲折的手腕。

16.A roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route.弯路一条迂回曲折的路,尤指一条代替主干道的临时使用的路径

17."detour:a roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route.""弯路:一条迂回曲折的路,尤指一条代替主干道的临时使用的路径."

18.Many alien plants have become introduced by highly circuitous routes.许多外来植物是通过极其迂回曲折的道路引进的。


full of twists and turns曲折迂回

3)fold-line full of twists and turns迂回折线

4)Diverging from a direct course;roundabout.曲折的偏离直路的;迂回的

5)segmentation points on a circuitous curve迂回曲线分界点


1.Under such circumstances, detour, as the embodiment of personal literary view, is proposed in this paper: I would rather experience the pain of dilemma which intellectuals experience when they are writing than hesitate over the affirmation of literary works value.在此一背景下,“迂回”作为个人文学观的一种体现在本文提出:与其反复于文学作品的价值认定,不如去体验文学知识分子在创作中所经历的价值反复的剧痛——在“文学性”和“政治性”、在个人立场与主导意识形态立场之间的冲突与妥协,及其在文本中的具体体现如小说主人公关于理想的坚守与反省;面对红色写作陈规的守成以及对其的突破,小说叙事结构和技巧的守旧与创新等等。


