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哲学追求 philosophy pursuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-24 09:55:11


哲学追求 philosophy pursuit英语短句 例句大全

哲学追求,philosophy pursuit

1)philosophy pursuit哲学追求


1.Philosophy Pondering on the 1990 s Prose;论20世纪90年代文化散文的哲学追求

2.Pursuit between ToughMinded and TenderMinded Philosophies--On the Characteristic of Reconciliation of William James Pragmatism;刚柔之际的哲学追求——试论詹姆斯实用主义哲学的居间性

3.Both Descartes and Husserl devoted themselves to questing for the certainty of philosophy.笛卡尔和胡塞尔都追求哲学的确定性。

4.Our business philosophy is Striving for perfection and ,Forging ahead in an innovative way".“追求完美, 开拓创新”是我们的经营哲学.

5.What a philosopher seeks after is truth.一个哲学家所追求的是真理。

6.The Metaphysical Pursuing: The Interpreting Philosophy of the Mankind Existing Rational Idea;形上追求:人类生存理念的哲学阐释

7.Advocating the Philosophical Spirit ofIndependent Thinking and Truth Seeking;提倡独立思考与追求真理的哲学精神

8.Mozi and the Ways of Thinking and Pursuit of Ambit墨子“和”哲学的致思方式与境界追求

9.On“The Three Represents”and the Value-pursuit of Periodicals of Philosophy and Social Science;论“三个代表”与哲学社会科学期刊的价值追求

10.Business Philosophy: Focus on customer satisfaction.生意哲学:让客户满意是我们唯一的追求。

11.Einstein’s Philosophy of Life追求真善美的使徒──爱因斯坦人生哲学之二

bining the Thoughts of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism into Confucianism-The Ultimate Goal of Fang Yi-Zhi s Philosophy;三教归儒—方以智哲学思想的终极价值追求

13.Mailer s Exploration and Pursuit of Hip Philosophy in His Literary Creation;论诺曼·梅勒在创作中对嬉皮哲学的探索与追求

14.A Philosophical Perspective on the Value Pursuing in a Harmonious Socialist Society社会主义和谐社会价值追求的哲学思考

15.6 σ advocates perusing the excellent management philosophy, making scientific decision based on the facts.6σ提倡追求卓越的管理哲学,尊重以事实为依据,进行科学决策;

16.The Task of Philosophy lies in Pursuing Absolute Truth--on Husserl s phenomenology;哲学的任务在于追求绝对真理——试论胡塞尔的现象学

17.But philosophers seek a special sort of knowledge that eludes exact definition.但是,哲学家所追求的是一种难以精确定义的特殊知识。

18.Establishment of the Awareness of "Publicity": the Philosophic Basis and Humanistic Values to Be Pursued in the Practice of "Harmonious Society";“公共性”信念的养成:“和谐社会”的实践哲学基础及其人文价值追求


The philosophy ponder哲学追索

3)Philosophy pump哲学追问

4)aesthetic pursuit美学追求

1.These images have reflected his composing psychology andaesthetic pursuit in literary creation.蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中塑造了一大批“痴”者形象,这些形象体现了他的创作心理,寄予了他的美学追求。

2.This article reviews Sun Li s thoughts of literature and art from five aspects: the relationship of literature and art with politics, the relationship of literature and art with life,aesthetic pursuit, facticity of literary creaton, and literary criticis.本文评述了孙犁文艺思想的五个方面:文艺与政治的关系、文艺与生活的关系、美学追求、文学创作的真实性问题、文学批评。

5)poetical aesthetic诗学追求

6)aesthetic pursuits美学追求

1.Theaesthetic pursuits of magic realism have three aspects.魔幻现实主义的美学追求体现在三个方面:表现民族文化内涵、创建民族文学特色的追求目标;密切关注现实生活、勇于探索与创新的美学原则;寻求思维模式多维、撷取方法手段多样的美学方式。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
