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追求 pursuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 10:32:44


追求 pursuit英语短句 例句大全



1.Thepursuit and living plight of women out of men s control——Tentative study of the free women in the golden notebook;走出男性樊篱的女性追求及其生存困境——试论《金色笔记》中的自由女性

2.Education gives service to individualpursuit of happy life;教育服务于个体对幸福生活的追求

3.Thepursuit of value for ideological and political workers in higher school;论高校思想政治工作者的价值追求


1.hanker for fame [praise]追求名声 [赞美]

2.Dahua company means unremitting pursuit, and the pursuit is always aiming at a new height.有大华就有追求,有追求就有新高度。

3.Seeking truth is endless, therefore, pursuit is always the beginning.追求是无尽的,因此,追求永远是开始。

4.Educational Justice: Pursue Brilliance or Equality;教育公正:追求卓越,还是追求平等

5.Bright color is young people"s pursuit.鲜艳色彩,青年人的追求。

6.any specific activity or pursuit.一种特殊的行为或追求。

7.He fashioned no stilted epigram.他不追求夸张的警句。

8.following the latest trends in fashion追求最新的流行款式.

9.desired or wished for or sought.渴望的、希望的或追求的。

10.To Pursue Excellence to Push Development追求卓越、永续经营

11.a strong drive for success.追求成功的强烈的动力。

12.His son was feathering up to Nina他的儿子正在追求尼娜。

13.He is always seeking for wealth.他总是在追求财富。

14.He is after wealth and status.他追求财富和地位。

15.Most people strive for wealth.人们大都追求财富。

16.relinquish the struggle for power放弃追求权力的斗争

17.They are zealous in the pursuit of fame and money.他们热中于追求名利。

18.What they seek is the profit.他们所追求的是利润。



1.Appreciate beauty the spirit represented the direction of the teaching mode construction or purchase,the construction or purchase of the athletics teaching mode should with appreciate beauty spirit as endpursue.体育教学模式的建构经历了道德、理性和审美三种精神的追求,健康与体育的美学联系是体育教学模式建构所需要的生命关怀,审美精神是体育"手段论"与"目的论"价值观的融合点和评价尺度之整合所在。

2.This article tries to explore the aesthetic conceptions of Gu Cheng, the poet of the contemporary era,who devoted a untiringpursue for a distinct and pure humanity .本文就中国当代诗人顾城创作中的审美取向,即一种明晰的对纯真人性的不懈追求进行探求。


1.FeminineSeeking, Aberrance and Erotic Sublimation;女性的追求、女性的变异和性爱的升华——二十世纪七八十年代女性文学的衍变

2.The spirit conception needs unremitting efforts to seek,and in seek process ought to avoid describe what happened in great details.理想国是一种精神意境,奥林匹克运动与理想国略具同构性;意境需要坚持不懈地去追求,追求中应力戒精准场景的人为促成。

3.ANNa and FANYi is similar to against dark family of feudal and seek free live for love.安娜与繁漪为了爱反抗黑暗的封建家庭,追求自由是相似的。


1.Constraining, Pursuing, and Rebelling Brief Analysis of the Three Female Images in The Thorn Birds;压抑、追求、叛逆——《荆棘鸟》中克利里家族三位女性形象分析

2.On Pursuing All-round Development of People in the Practice of Enterprise Culture;在企业文化实践中追求人的全面发展

5)To seek someone"s love;woo.向…求爱;追求

6)pursue excellence追求卓越


