1200字范文 > 建设供应链 construction supply chain英语短句 例句大全

建设供应链 construction supply chain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-27 06:33:06


建设供应链 construction supply chain英语短句 例句大全

建设供应链,construction supply chain

1)construction supply chain建设供应链

1.The concept ofconstruction supply chain (CSC) is defined firstly.给出了建设供应链的定义 ,从建设过程参与者的角度建立了一种典型的建设供应链模型 ,分析了建设行业供应链的特征、属性和存在的问题。

2.The relationships betweenconstruction supply chain in general contractor environment and traditional supply chain are analysed.本文在分析总承包模式下建设供应链与其他行业供应链对应关系的基础上,给出了(s,S)库存管理策略和周期性检查(Periodic Review,PR)库存管理策略下牛鞭效应的量化分析模型,建立了两种库存管理策略下牛鞭效应的比较分析模型,分析了供货提前期、库存检查周期、自相关系数和预测样本数对两种库存管理策略下牛鞭效应差值的影响,得出PR库存管理策略比(s,s)库存管理策略下牛鞭效应的表现更强烈的结论,建议总承包商采用PR 库存管理策略时,应当更加注意对牛鞭效应的控制。

3.This paper studies quality supervision decision of the contractor under different kinds of information in theconstruction supply chain composed of the contractor and subcontractor.本文研究了总承包商和分包商组成的建设供应链中总承包商在不同信息下的质量监督决策问题。


1.A Framework for Integrated Construction Supply Chain Management;集成化建设供应链管理框架体系研究

2.Research on Coordination Decision of CSCM Based on Multi-Agent System;基于多Agent系统的建设供应链协同决策

3.Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Cooperation of Construction Supply Chain in China我国建设供应链合作的演化博弈分析

4.Research on Marketing of Construction Company Based on Construction Supply Chain;基于建设供应链的建筑企业市场营销研究

5.Study on the Mode of Establishing Supply Chain in Sustainable Architecture Construction Project可持续建筑建设项目构建供应链模式研究

6.The Coordination of Supply Chain Based on its Construction Model;从供应链的构建模式谈供应链的协调

7.Research on the Construction and Application of SCM Laboratory in Universities;高校供应链管理实验室建设与应用探索

8.Study on Supply Chain Logistics Management of ANHUI Electric Construction Group;安徽电力建设公司供应链物流管理研究

9.Research on Building Supply Chain Management System of Dalian Zhongcheng Co.;大连中成公司供应链管理系统建设研究

10.Study on Construction of Logistics Training System Based on Supply Chain Management;基于供应链管理的物流实训系统建设研究

11.Discussion on Construction Supply Chain Based on the Design-Build Model;基于设计施工总承包模式的建筑供应链探讨

12.Elementary Discussion on the Building of Providing- chain Logistics Information Common Platform;浅谈供应链物流信息共用平台建设问题

13.Integrative Method Based onRailroad Engineering;基于铁路工程建设的供应链集成化模型

14.Stock Information System Based on Supply Chain and E-Commerce;供应链与电子商务环境下的仓储信息化建设

15.On Professional Personnel in the Building of Flower Supply Chain in Yunnan Province;云南省花卉产业供应链建设人才保证研究

16.Study of the Own Brand Building in China"s Auto Industry based on the Supply Chain基于供应链的我国汽车产业自主品牌建设

17.Research on Supply Chain Management and Green Supply Chain Management of Construction Engineering Enterprise;建筑业供应链管理和绿色供应链管理的研究

18.The"Bullwimp Effect"in Book Supply Chain Affect the Information Construction of Library图书供应链中“牛鞭效应”对图书馆文献资源建设的影响


construction supply chain management建设供应链管理

1.A Framework for Integrated Construction Supply Chain Management;集成化建设供应链管理框架体系研究

3)construction supply chain建筑供应链

1.Operations reference-model of greenconstruction supply chain;绿色建筑供应链运作参考模型研究

2.Purchasing Management Research of Engineering Project in Construction Supply Chain Environment;建筑供应链环境下的工程项目采购管理研究

3.Risk management ofconstruction supply chain under EPC ModeEPC模式下的建筑供应链风险管理研究

4)supply chain design供应链构建

1.Based on the collaboration of E-commerce and supply chain management, this paper analyses types and characteristics insupply chain design firstly, then studies the conformation of supply chain in E-commerce such as process reengineering, enterprises collaboration and virtually integration.结合电子商务与供应链管理的协同发展,分析电子商务环境下供应链构建的类型和特点,对在电子商务环境下供应链构建中如何进行流程再造、企业协作和供应链虚拟集成等问题进行研究。

5)supply chain modeling供应链建模

1.This paper presents a method ofsupply chain modeling based on extensible ontology for supply chain.提出了一种基于扩展的供应链本体(Ontology)的供应链建模方法。

2.Based on the comparison and analysis of enterprise modeling methods, thesupply chain modeling technology is studied.在分析比较各类企业建模技术的基础上 ,研究基于企业建模方法的供应链建模技术 ,提出了基于ARIS(集成信息系统的体系结构 )的供应链建模技术 ,并建立相应的供应链运行管理参考模型 ,最后 ,给出了基于ARIS的供应链建模技术在上海汽轮发电机有限公司中的应

3.Exploring the mechanism of supply chain dynamics throughsupply chain modeling not only benefits corporations in supply chain to become more efficient and more competitive,but also improves the performance of the whole supply chain.通过供应链建模探索供应链动力学机制可以提高企业自身的利益和整个供应链系统的效率,提高供应链企业的竞争能力。

6)supply chain design供应链设计

1.The study ofsupply chain design based on green manufacturing;基于绿色制造的供应链设计

2.An Important Supplier and Customer Oriented Approachto Supply Chain Design;面向重要供应商和客户的供应链设计方法

3.Currently,most of researches onsupply chain design aim at one sector or one process in supply chain.目前,有关供应链设计的研究大多都针对供应链中某一环节或某一流程。


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