1200字范文 > 建筑业供应链 construction supply chain英语短句 例句大全

建筑业供应链 construction supply chain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-16 14:49:48


建筑业供应链 construction supply chain英语短句 例句大全

建筑业供应链,construction supply chain

1)construction supply chain建筑业供应链

1.This paper will make certain the meaning of virtual construct enterprise and differentiate its meaning with project joint venture,construction supply chain and general contract project.在对虚拟建筑企业的涵义进行界定基础上,辨析其与工程承包联营体、建筑业供应链和工程总承包等概念的异同点。

2.Information flow management is the essential ingredient of theconstruction supply chain, andit is also the precondition of information sharing between enterprises.文章提出建筑业供应链管理必须强调信息流的重要性,论述了项目导向的建筑业供应链的信息流模型,并分析了建筑业供应链信息流的特征及信息流管理与企业决策之间的关系。

3.This paper analyzes the feasibility of implementing CSCM and the steps that can be taken on the basis of comparing manufacture supply chain andconstruction supply chain.文章通过对制造业供应链与建筑业供应链的比较,分析了建筑供应链管理模式应用的可行性及实施步骤,研究了建筑供应链管理模式的发展趋势,并对供应链建筑管理模式与传统建筑管理模式进行了比较分析。


1.Research on Supply Chain Management and Green Supply Chain Management of Construction Engineering Enterprise;建筑业供应链管理和绿色供应链管理的研究

2.A Study on Integrated Construction Supply Chain in E-Commerce Environment;电子商务环境下的建筑业供应链一体化研究

3.Creation of Virtual Constructional Enterprise Based on Supply Chain Integration基于供应链集成的建筑虚拟企业构建

4.Research on the Application of Green Supply Chain Management in Construction Industry;绿色供应链管理在建筑业的应用研究

5.To Innovate in Construction Industry for the Supply Chain of Materials Circulation--Application of "Producing in Fixed Price";建筑业物流供应链的革新——“指值”的应用

6.The Logistics and Supply Chain Management in China s Construction Enterprise;浅论我国建筑企业的物流供应链管理

7.The feasibility of Supply Choin management in Construction;供应链管理在建筑业中的适用性探讨

8.Strategic Thinking of the Application of Supply Chain Management in the China’s Construction Industry;建筑企业实施供应链管理的战略思考

9.Study on Supply Chain Logistics Management of Construction Enterprise;建筑企业供应链物流管理技术的研究

10.The Key Factors of SCM in Construction Enterprise;建筑企业实施供应链管理的关键因素

11.Selecting of Tactic Cooperative Partner of Supply Chain for Construction Enterprise建筑企业供应链战略合作伙伴的选择

12.Thoughts about Supply Chain Management of Construction Enterprises建筑企业开展供应链管理的若干思考

13.The Research on the Mechanism and the Methods of Constructing Supply Chains for Large Construction Enterprises;大型建筑企业供应链的构建机制与方法研究

14.Research on Marketing of Construction Company Based on Construction Supply Chain;基于建设供应链的建筑企业市场营销研究

15.Construction and comparison of purchasing models based on construction supply chain management;供应链管理下建筑业采购模型构建与比较

16.Exalting Core Competition of Construction Enterprises and Establishing the Logistics Supply Chain Management;提升建筑企业核心竞争力构建物流供应链管理

17.Constructing Strategic Supply Chain of Construction Groups Based on Customerization;用定制营销理念构建建筑业大集团战略供应链

18.Simple analysis on construction supply chain struture which consider the owner to the core enterprise;浅析以业主为核心企业的建筑供应链结构


construction supply chain建筑供应链

1.Operations reference-model of greenconstruction supply chain;绿色建筑供应链运作参考模型研究

2.Purchasing Management Research of Engineering Project in Construction Supply Chain Environment;建筑供应链环境下的工程项目采购管理研究

3.Risk management ofconstruction supply chain under EPC ModeEPC模式下的建筑供应链风险管理研究

3)construction supply chain management建筑供应链管理

1.In this paper, the authors analyze the application situation ofconstruction supply chain management in China, point out existing problems and misunderstanding of the application, note the significance of system study ofconstruction supply chain management, and analyze its meaning, structure and content detailed.分析了我国建筑业供应链管理应用的现状,分析了应用中存在的问题和认识误区,论证了建筑供应链管理体系研究的意义,具体分析了建筑供应链管理的内涵、结构和内容。

2.Starting from summarizing the related materials of construction supply chain (CSC), homeland and abroad, this paper provided the definition of CSC andconstruction supply chain management (CSCM), introduced the development of China construction in this few year and the change of management mode of construction.本文从总结国内外建筑供应链管理的相关研究资料入手,给出了供应链和建筑供应链的定义,介绍了我国建筑业的发展现状以及近年来建筑业经营模式的转变,指出了我国建筑业管理当前的不足,并比较了传统建筑管理方法和建筑供应链管理方法的异同,同时还对建筑企业实施建筑供应链管理方法的必要性作了详细论述。

4)the value of construction supply chain建筑供应链价值

5)construction supply chain cost建筑供应链成本

1.Considering the constraint of supplier supply capacity,transportation corporation capacity,subcontractor capability,and the effect of various factors in transportation,it proposed the multi-factors decision optimization model of this kind ofconstruction supply chain cost and illustrates the application of the model with a typical case.建筑供应链成本控制是建筑企业和业主进行工程项目管理的关键内容,在大型城市建设项目管理中尤其重要。

6)construction supply chain partner建筑供应链合作伙伴


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