1200字范文 > 新疆保险业 Xinjiangs Insurance Industry英语短句 例句大全

新疆保险业 Xinjiangs Insurance Industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-05 12:41:28


新疆保险业 Xinjiangs Insurance Industry英语短句 例句大全

新疆保险业,Xinjiang"s Insurance Industry

1)Xinjiang"s Insurance Industry新疆保险业

2)Agriculture Insurance in Xinjiang新疆农业保险

3)Xinjiang Life Insurance新疆寿险


1.The Preliminary Study of the Competency of Life Insurance Marketers in Xinjiang Area新疆寿险营销人员胜任特征的初步研究

2.The Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Disease-related Risk Factors Analysis of the Uygur Longevous Old People in Xinjiang新疆维族长寿老人动态血压与心血管相关危险因素的分析

3.Insurance Innovation and Innovative Life Insurance──“Unit-Linked”;保险创新与创新型寿险产品──“基金连锁”

4.Life Insurance Marketing Mode Research on PA Insurance Company;PA保险公司寿险营销模式创新研究

5.Life expectancy in Xinjiang has been extended to 71.12 years.目前新疆人口平均期望寿命延长到71.12岁。

6.Analysis of the Xinjiang Uygur Longevity Elderly Intestinal Flora Diversity新疆维吾尔族长寿老人肠道菌多样性分析

7.Analysis of intestinal flora diversity among longevity aged people of the Uygur nationality新疆维吾尔族长寿老人肠道菌群多样性分析

8.Reform of the Social Security System and Development of Life Insurance──Also on the New Growing Points for Life Insurance;社会保障制度改革与寿险业发展──兼论寿险业发展的新增长点

9.Business restructuring of the life insurance industry in a new environment--Evaluating results of business restructuring from life insurance auditing and complaints handling新形势下寿险业的结构调整——从寿险稽查、举报投诉处理看结构调整

10."New China Life Insurance Company Co.,Ltd"新华人寿保险股份有限公司?

11.Preliminary Discussion on Potential Impact of New Technology Revolution on Life Insurance Industry;刍议新技术革命对寿险业的潜在冲击

12.Thinking on the New life Insurance Products in China;关于我国寿险业产品推新的若干思考

13.The Bank Insurance Model Study of New China Life Co., Ltd;新华人寿保险股份有限公司银行保险模式研究

14.Ehancing Chinese Life Insurance Enterprise International Competition with Insurance Innovation;以保险创新提升中资寿险企业国际竞争力

15.A Study on the Risk Analysis and Tactics of Xinjiang Grapevine Wine Industry;新疆葡萄酒产业风险分析及对策研究

16.The Case Study of Credit Risk Management in Construction Bank of Xinjiang Branch;新疆建设银行信用风险管理现状研究

17.The Problems and Solutions of Xinjiang Medical Insurance System;新疆医疗保险制度存在的问题及对策

18.Case-control Study on Risk Factors of Stomach Cancer in Xingjiang新疆胃癌危险因素的病例-对照研究


Agriculture Insurance in Xinjiang新疆农业保险

3)Xinjiang Life Insurance新疆寿险

4)Xinjiang environmental protection新疆环保

5)mineral industry in Xinjiang新疆矿业

1.To developmineral industry in Xinjiang, we should act on the reality and market, base on resources and technology, and attach importance to efficiency.新疆矿业发展,应从实际出发,以市场为导向,以资源为基础,以科技为先导,以效益为中心,建立集团化、大矿业发展的新体制,走矿业发展的可持续发展道路。

6)agriculture in Xinjiang新疆农业


新疆话考究—新疆话四级考试1.“匕石”是:(10分) A.一种石头B.一种刀具C.动物的骨骼制成的儿童玩具D.以上答案都不对 2.“氓到”是:(10分) A.形容外地人B.形容流氓C.形容猥琐D.以上答案都不对 3.“皮牙子”是:(10分) A.皮制品B.和牙齿有关C.一种食物D.以上答案都不对 4.“二球”是:(10分) A.二楞子B.球类玩具C.游戏名称D.以上答案都不对 5.“日能”是:(10分) A.能人、厉害的人B.白天做什么都行的人C.骂人脏话D.以上答案都不对 6.“逼蹭”(bi一声ceng一声)是:(10分) A.一种民间运动B.爱显示,显摆,强出头C.逼迫,强迫D.以上答案都不对 7.“搔青”是:(10分) A.形容风骚,爱出风头B.形容女人风情万种C.跳蚤的另个名称D.以上答案都不对 8.“猴筋”是:(10分) A.聪明,有鬼点子B.一种女生用来束头发的C.形容小孩太闹D.以上答案都不对 9.“唧熘”(ji一声liu二声)是:(10分) A.很聪明B.运动C.吃的东西D.以上答案都不对 10.“儿子娃娃”是:(10分) A.爸爸给别人介绍自己的儿子B.好汉,男人C.形容小孩可爱D.以上答案都不对
