1200字范文 > 财产保险业 property-liability insurance industry英语短句 例句大全

财产保险业 property-liability insurance industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 11:16:15


财产保险业 property-liability insurance industry英语短句 例句大全

财产保险业,property-liability insurance industry

1)property-liability insurance industry财产保险业


1.An insurer shall not concurrently engage in business of both property insurance and insurance of persons.同一保险人不得同时兼营财产保险业务和人身保险业务。

2.Study on Property Industry: Market Structure Market Conduct Market Performance;中国财产保险业:结构、行为、绩效研究

3.A Emperical Study on Efficiency and Industrial Organization of Property-liability Insurance Industry in China;我国财产保险业效率及其产业组织实证研究

parative research on property and casualty insurance industry in China and Korea;中、韩两国财产保险业风险管理比较研究

5.Application of Data Warehouse to Property Insurance Fields;数据仓库在财产保险业务数据分析中的应用

6.The Property Insurance Present Condition and Development Way of Thinking and Countermove of Yanbian;延边财产保险业现状及发展思路与对策

7.Estimation for Chinese Companies with business of Non-life insurance by DEA Method;用DEA方法评价中国有财产保险业务的公司

8.The claim payment capacity of Chinese property and casualty insurance industry for catastrophe risks中国财产保险业巨灾损失赔付能力实证研究

9.Generali China Insurance Company Limited provides a broad array of property and casualty products to businesses and individuals.中意财险将向企业和个人提供一系列财产保险,责任保险,意外伤害保险和短期健康保险产品。

10.Research on risk assessment model of industry corporation property insurance;工业企业财产保险风险查勘(评估)模型研究

11.A Discussion on the Guarantee Insurance to the Chattel Mortgage Loan;对财产保险公司开展动产质押贷款保证保险业务的探讨

12.Research and Development of Analysis System of Auto Insurance Business in Property Insurance;财产保险中车险业务分析系统的研究与开发

13.Investigation on Risk Management in Property and Liability Insurance保险在企业财产和责任风险管理中的应用研究

14.The Research and the Design for the Commercial Property-Insurance Company Operation Analyze System;商业财产保险公司业务分析系统的研究与规划

15.insurable property可以接受保险的财产

16.CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter)特许财产灾害保险商

17.To assess a property for the purpose of insurance为保险对财产进行估价

18.The Tianjin Property Insurance Market Analysis and Research on the Entry Strategy of the New-born Insurance Enterprise;天津市财产保险市场分析和新生保险企业的进入策略研究


efficiency of property-liability insurance industry财产保险业效率

3)Enterprise Property Insurance企业财产保险

1.Enterprise Property Insurance is an commercial property insurance for the enterprise to manage its own property risk.企业财产保险是企业出于化解自身风险的目的购买的商业性财产保险。

4)property insurance财产保险

1.Application of meteorological information onproperty insurance management;气象信息在财产保险经营中的应用

2.Identification and assessment of fire hazards inproperty insurance;财产保险中火灾危险源的辨识与评价

3.Definition of Insurable Interest in Property Insurance——Deficiency and Improvement of Article 12 in Insure Law;财产保险中保险利益的认定——兼论《保险法》第12条的缺陷及其完善

5)property and casualty insurance财产保险

1.The claim payment capacity of Chineseproperty and casualty insurance industry for catastrophe risks中国财产保险业巨灾损失赔付能力实证研究

2.The inner relationship betweenproperty and casualty insurance and national economy is always an important theoretic problem.财产保险与国民经济之间存在何种内在联系一直是理论界探索的重要问题。

3.According to the experience of major insurance markets worldWide,property and casualty insurance development in bancassurance channel is diffierent from that of life insurance to a large extent.国内外主要保险市场的发展经验显示,财产保险和人寿保险在银行保险领域的发展有较大的差异,财产保险公司无法完全复制人寿保险公司在银行保险领域所取得的成功。

6)insurable property可保险财产


