1200字范文 > 公办初中 Governmental junior middle school英语短句 例句大全

公办初中 Governmental junior middle school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-28 09:38:46


公办初中 Governmental junior middle school英语短句 例句大全

公办初中,Governmental junior middle school

1)Governmental junior middle school公办初中

1.Governmental junior middle school made by the thesis s author, the thesis made research about learning motivation, learning attitude, learning habit and learning environment.本文以自编的《九江市公办初中学困生学情调查问卷》为研究工具,(因为考虑到学困生的自尊心,所以在实际操作中,把问卷的名称改为《九江市公办初中学生学情调查问卷》),对九江市公办初中的学困生进行了学习动机,学习态度,学习习惯,学习环境等各方面的调查。


1.The Research and Investigation about the Study Situation of the Students Who are in Difficulty with Their Study at JiuJiang Governmental Junior Middle School;九江市公办初中学困生学习现状的调查研究

2.An Investigation and Counter-measure of the Compensation Management for the Public Junior School;公办初中薪酬管理的现状调查与对策研究

3.Exploration of Moral Education Practice for State-run Junior Middle Schools Composed Mainly of Immigrant s Children;移民子女为主体的公办初中学校德育实践的探索

4.General Office of CPC Central Committee中央办公厅(中办)

5.Developing Regions Primary Schools Human Resources Management;发展中地区初级公办中学人力资源管理

6.Relative Study about Security Sense between Migratory and Local Junior School Students.;民工子弟与公办学校初中生安全感相关研究

7.The Comparison and Analysis on the Differences between Public Schools and Non-governmental Schools in Kunshan Urban;昆山城区公办、民办初中教育若干差异的分析比较

8.Principal"s Office校长办公室(中学)

9.A Chinese Ready New York seminar was held in Chinatown. The events was organized by American Red Cross of Greater New York, and co-sponsored by CCBA, CPC and Chinatown YMCA.由大纽约区红十字会主办,中华公所、策会、埠青年会合办的大型中文应急讲座在孙逸仙初中举行。

10.Study on History and Development Trend of Office Furniture at 20 Century of China;中国20世纪办公家具的演变及未来发展趋势的初步研究

11.Accident injury behavior among junior high school students in peasant worker"s children school and urban public school农民工子弟与公办学校初中生伤害危险行为比较

12.Tentative Discussion on the University Office Information Work in a New Period;新时期高校办公室信息工作管理初探

13.The Modern SOHO;信息化的办公方式——初探SOHO

14.Study on Adaptive Renovation of Office Building of the New China Initial Stage建国初期办公建筑的适应性改造研究

15.Studies on Electrical Design of LEED Platinum-level Office BuildingsLEED铂金级办公建筑电气设计初探

16.Study on the technology-conception of eco-office building生态办公建筑设计的技术理念之初探

17.Central Office for the Suppression of Banditry中央剿匪办公室(中央剿办)

18.The Institutional Lost of the Nanjing National Government in the Sino-foreign Enterprises Cooperation in Its Early Period;体制缺失与南京国民政府初期的中外合办企业——以中国航空公司为中心的考察


the initial public secondary schools初级公办中学

3)private junior middle school民办初中

4)junior students of private schools民办初中生

5)public junior middle school公共初中

1.Thepublic junior middle school education resource unoccupied includes the tangible education resource and the intangible education resource.公共初中教育资源闲置包括有形教育资源闲置和无形教育资源闲置两种。

6)public primary and middle school公办中小学

1.This study is to analyze the organizational characteristics ofpublic primary and middle schools from the aspects of ought-to-be and to-be, and to raise recommendation to improve organizational management.本研究从实然和应然两个层面对公办中小学的组织特性进行分析,并提出相应的改善组织管理的要求。


《初中数学万题选》《初中数学万题选》新编精解本 第三版,初一适用。北京大学出版社出版中国人民大学附属中学,北京大学附属中学,北京市第四中学,北京师范大学附属实验中学,清华大学附属中学合编。责任编辑;王 艳封面设计;林胜利定价;12元书号;isbn 7-301-03357-5/g·400
