1200字范文 > 初中学生 Junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

初中学生 Junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-21 08:16:59


初中学生 Junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

初中学生,Junior middle school students

1)Junior middle school students初中学生

1.Surveying the Correlation between the Values and Level of Mental Health of the Junior Middle School Students;初中学生价值观与心理健康水平相关性的调查分析

2.Relationship among Idolatry and Self-worth and Academic Achievements of Junior Middle School Students;初中学生偶像崇拜与自我价值感、学业成绩的关系研究

3.A survey and research of junior middle school students′ dropout in the rural backwards areas in Central China;中部贫困农村地区初中学生辍学问题调查研究


1.Research on Mathematics Learning Assessment of Accelerating the Junior Middle School Students Development;促进初中学生发展的数学学习评价初探

2.Reading for Middle School Students (Junior Mid Sch)中学生阅读(初中)

3.Modern Middle School Student (jounior mid sch)现代中学生(初中版)

4.Brief exploration of cultivating students independent innovation learning in junior high school biology teaching;初中生物学教学培养学生自主创新学习初探

5.62.56 million students in junior middle schools, the gross attendance rate reaching 88.6 percent;初中在校生6256万人,初中毛入学率达88.6%;

paring China to U.S.A on Biology Curricula Reforms in Middle School;中、美初中生物(科学)课程改革比较初探

7.A Study on Cultivating Students Creative Ideology in the Process of Mathematics Teaching in Junior Middle Schools;初中数学教学过程中培养学生创新意识初探

8.On Student s Achievement Motive in Biology Teaching;生物学教学中学生成就动机培养初探

9.Preliminary Study on Objective of Middle School Student s Writing Skill;初中阶段学生写作能力目标定位初探

10.Chinese Foreign-Educated Students and Foreign Language Education during the Period between the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican China;中国留学生与清末民初外语教育初探

11.How to Improve the Junior Middle School Students Interest in Ideo-Politics Course;培养初中生思想政治课学习兴趣初探

12.On junior high school biology lessons development comprehensive evaluation;初中生物课学生学业发展性综合评价初探

13.New Exploration of Student Evaluation from Chaos in Physical Teaching in Middle Schools;中学物理教学中混沌的学生评价初探

14.Studying of Junior High School Students Self-evaluation in Chemistry Learning;初中化学学习中学生自我评价的研究

15.Academic Adjustment of the Students during Primary-Secondary School Transition;初中小学衔接阶段学生学习适应性的初步研究

16.How to Develop the Biologic Scientific Literacy of Senior High School Students in Biologic Teaching.;高中生物教学中培养学生生物科学素养初探

17.Ability Training to the junior middle school students in biological experiment teaching初中生物实验教学对学生的能力培养

18.Elementary Studies on Opening Experimentation Teaching Mode in Biology Teaching Methodology in High School;中学生物教学论开放式实验教学初探


Junior high school students初中学生

1.Investigation on factors influencing quality of life among junior high school students of Three-Gorges reservior;三峡库区初中学生生活质量及其影响因素调查

2.Investigation and Reflection on the present learning situations of junior high school students in Less-Developed Areas;欠发达地区初中学生语文学习现状调查与思考

3.The effect of the evaluation of progress degree and accomplishment degree on the physical constitution of junior high school students;进步度与达成度评价对初中学生身体素质的影响

3)junior middle school student初中学生

1.A cross-sectional study on dynamic refractive status of urbanjunior middle school students in Xi an city;西安市城区重点中学初中学生眼屈光状况的流行病学调查

2.Obhective: To realize circumstances on internet use ofjunior middle school students and its influencing factors.目的:了解天津市初中学生上网情况及其影响因素。

4)middle school students初中学生

1.Study on the effects of extracurricular exercises on the mental health ofmiddle school students;课外体育锻炼对初中学生身心健康的影响

2.By using the methods of documentary,expert interview,mathematical statistics,the author makes experiments for 10 months in China s east,north,south,west,middle about 11 part ofmiddle school students,one group adopting one hour everyday and long class interval sports activity,the other group by old teaching .我国初中学生的身体素质连续20多年呈下降趋势,学校体育采用的形式是影响初中学生身体素质的问题之一。

3.Studying motives were investigated,compared and analyzed among 300middle school students in one key middle school and one common middle school in Kunming.本研究采用华东师范大学心理系周步成先生主持修订的学习动机诊断测验(MAAT)对昆明市一所重点中学和一所普通中学共300名初中学生的学习动机水平进行了调查、比较与分析。

5)junior students初中学生

1.Junior Students Understanding on the Equation Thinking;初中学生对方程思想的理解

2.This paper begins with the inquiry of mental health of the presentjunior students and aims at the present situation of mental health in whichjunior students are.本研究从当前初中学生心理健康问题入手,对初中学生目前存在的心理健康现状进行了针对性的研究,发现初中学生普遍容易在学习方面、人际关系方面、情感等方面存在心理问题。

3.It is a prominent route for the practice to Chinese studies in thejunior students.本文针对初中学生的课外阅读情况进行调查研究,在广泛搜集、分析文献资料的同时,结合问卷调查,将课外阅读纳入到新语文课程的视野中来考察。

6)junior middle school biology初中生物学

1.Discuss Junior Middle School Biology s Emotional Teaching;论初中生物学的情感教学


《初中数学万题选》《初中数学万题选》新编精解本 第三版,初一适用。北京大学出版社出版中国人民大学附属中学,北京大学附属中学,北京市第四中学,北京师范大学附属实验中学,清华大学附属中学合编。责任编辑;王 艳封面设计;林胜利定价;12元书号;isbn 7-301-03357-5/g·400
