1200字范文 > 私人部门 private department英语短句 例句大全

私人部门 private department英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-11 00:48:38


私人部门 private department英语短句 例句大全

私人部门,private department

1)private department私人部门

1.The Comparative Analysis of the Personnel Incentive System between Public Departments and Private Departments;公共部门与私人部门的人事激励机制比较分析


1.The Comparative Analysis of the Personnel Incentive System between Public Departments and Private Departments;公共部门与私人部门的人事激励机制比较分析

2.Public-Private Cooperation in the Agricultural R&D : Experience from Foreign Countries;国外农业科研领域中公共部门与私人部门的合作

3.The private sector now plays a more important role in society than it did in the past.私人部门在社会中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

4.An Analysis of the Mode of Private Sector Provision in Public Service in the Developed Countries发达国家私人部门提供公共服务形式探析

5.The private sector now handles about 85 percent of the internal marketing of grains.现在私人部门经销业务大约占国内粮食销售量的85%左右。

6.The management refuses to accept responsibility for guests " personal belongings .管理部门对客人私人物品概不负责。

7.This department is not concerned with your personal problems.我们的部门不关心你的私人问题。

8.It applies in both private and public sectors of the economy.它适用于私人和公共的经济部门。

9.Private housekeeping is transformed into a social industry.私人的家庭经济变为社会的劳动部门。

10.Umbrella Programme for Engaging the Private Sector in Support of Sustainable Human Development动员私营部门支助可持续人类发展总括方案

11.regional conference on the private sector私营部门问题区域会议

12.Private Sector Inter-bureau Task Force私营部门局际工作队

13.Division for Private Sector in Development私营部门参与发展司

14.and the remainder of which is to private-sector borrowers.其余为私有部门的债务。

15.Public and Private Sector Management Group公营和私营部门管理组

16.Governments, private groups and individuals have criticized the Internet.政府部门、私人公司以及个人对互联网也有很多批评。

17.The same dismal story is being repeated in health and water services, which are also de facto privatized.医疗卫生与水利服务同样令人沮丧,事实上,这些部门已实现私有化。

18.Work personnel with state commercial inspection departments or organizations, who practice favoritism and malpractice and forge inspection results,国家商检部门、商检机构的工作人员徇私舞弊,伪造检验结果的,


the private sector私人部门

1.Along with the emergence of government failures,also the further development of market economy and the enhancement of social autonomy,the private sector and the tertiary sector begin to enter the field of public goods supply.随着政府失灵现象的出现、市场经济的深入发展和社会自主性程度的提高,私人部门和第三部门开始介入公共产品的供给领域,公共产品供给开始呈现多主体趋势。

3)private economic department私人经济部门

4)the interest of private sector私人部门利益

5)Private Sector私营部门

1.In China’s Criminal Law Code, bribery in the private sector stipulated in the United Nations Convention against Corruption refers to bribery of the staff in corporations or enterprises and bribery of people who bribe the staff in corporations or enterprises.《联合国反腐败公约》规定的私营部门贿赂犯罪在我国刑法典中就是指公司、企业工作人员受贿罪,向公司、企业工作人员行贿罪。

2.The bribery crime in the private sector has been stipulated in Article 21 of United Nations Convention Against Corruption,which includes giving bribes to any person who directs or works,in any capacity,for a private sector entity,and taking bribes by any person who directs or works,in any capacity,for a private sector entity.《联合国反腐败公约》第21条规定了有关私营部门内的贿赂犯罪,包括向私营部门工作人员行贿犯罪和私营部门工作人员受贿犯罪。

3.Special attention is focused on the role played by the private sector.这表明私营部门在英国高等教育变革中所扮演的角色越来越重要。

6)Departmental Committee on Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance个人资料(私隐)条例部门委员会


