1200字范文 > 城乡居民 urban and rural residents英语短句 例句大全

城乡居民 urban and rural residents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-27 01:31:09


城乡居民 urban and rural residents英语短句 例句大全

城乡居民,urban and rural residents

1)urban and rural residents城乡居民

1.Rrelationship between dietary intake and metabolic syndrome inurban and rural residents in Guangxi;广西城乡居民膳食与代谢综合征关系

2.The analysis of theurban and rural residents quality of life in Shaanxi province;陕西省城乡居民生活质量分析

3.Investigation and analysis of physical fitness ofurban and rural residents in regions of national minorities in Yunnan Province;云南少数民族地区不同年龄城乡居民体育健身现状及对策研究


1.The income of urban and rural residents has increased continuously.城乡居民收入日益提高。

2.-- The income of urban and rural residents grew continuously.——城乡居民收入持续增加。

3.The incomes of urban and rural residents continued to go up.城乡居民收入继续增长。

4.The income of urban and rural residents has increased rapidly.城乡居民收入增长加快。

5.The income of urban and rural residents has gone up steadily.城乡居民收入稳步增长。

6.Savings of residents: Savings deposits of urban and rural residents increased continuously.居民储蓄:城乡居民储蓄持续增加。

7.Resident income: Income level of urban and rural residents increased rapidly.居民收入:城乡居民收入水平较快增长。

8.Third, the housing conditions of urban and rural residents have further improved.三是城乡居民居住条件进一步改善。

9.So, measures should be adopted to constantly increase the income of people in urban and rural areas, improve their living standard to ensure people to live and work in peace and contentment.要不断增加城乡居民收入,改善城乡人民的生活,保障人民安居乐业。

10.There are also big gaps between urban and rural areas, with the ratio of the incomes of urban and rural residents standing at 3:1.城乡差距也很大,城乡居民收入比为3:1。

11.Income Gap Will be Drminished by Overall Planing Economic Development Between Urban and Rural Area;统筹城乡经济社会发展 缩小城乡居民收入差距


13.China has made vigorous efforts to promote the building of democracy in grass-roots units in urban and rural areas to guarantee the democratic rights of the residents there.中国积极推进城乡基层民主建设,保障城乡居民的民主权利。

14.Table 13: Improvement in People"s Life in Five Years表13. 五年来城乡居民生活改善情况

15.The living standard of urban and rural population continued to improve.城乡居民生活继续得到改善。

16.The income of both urban and rural residents is continuously growing.城乡居民收入水平不断提高。

17.Develop the Franchised Chain-store Business,To Provide More Jobs发展特许连锁经营,促进城乡居民就业

18.handle urBan and rural individual saving deposits.办理城乡居民个人储蓄存款。


Urban and Rural Resident城乡居民

1.KAP about Infectious Atypical Pneumonia inUrban and Rural Residents of Ningbo,Zhejiang Province;宁波市城乡居民“非典”防治知识、态度、行为调查

2.To study the demands of urban and rural residents for tourism and provide a theoretical support for the tourist development of Guangdong,the author surveys residents in Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Chaoshan,Shaoguan,Zhanjiang and some other urban and rural areas in the province and finds that different groups of residents have different purposes of tourism.为了研究城乡居民的旅游需求取向,为广东旅游开发提供理论支撑,以广东省广州、深圳、潮汕、韶关、湛江等城乡居民为调查对象,分析不同性别、年龄、文化程度、职业、居住地和经济状况人群之间的具体旅游需求。

3)urban and rural residential land城乡居民点

1.As the carrying body ofurban and rural residential land.土地作为城乡居民点的承载体,其面积有限,由于城乡规划不合理、人均用地面积大、土地利用率低等因素,使城乡扩张不断占用其它地类,尤其是耕地,使耕地面积大量减少、环境不断恶化,因此制定合理的城乡规划、找出影响城乡用地面积差异的主要驱动因子,是目前实现耕地动态平衡、提高城乡居民点用地效率和改善环境等的主要任务。

4)the city and countryside inhabitant income城乡居民收入

1.The reason causesthe city and countryside inhabitant income polarization is various.近年来我国城乡居民收入两极分化现象愈演愈烈。

5)Chinese urban and rural residents中国城乡居民

1.Based on social accounting matrix(SAM) multiplier theory and the micro-SAM for Chinese residents,this paper compares consumption multipliers betweenChinese urban and rural residents.基于社会核算矩阵(SAM)乘数理论和中国细化社会核算矩阵,本文对中国城乡居民消费乘数效应进行了比较研究。

6)Hubei urban and rural residents湖北城乡居民


城乡居民生活用电城乡居民生活用电residential loadChengxlong jLJm旧Shenghuo yongd}an硬乡居民生活用电(residential load)城镇居民和乡村居民照明及家用电器用电.家用电器按不同用途可以分为4类:①调理用类。包括电炊具、电冰箱等。②冷暖设备用类。包括电暇炉、电风扇、空调机、暖风机等。③卫生保健用类。包括电热水器、洗衣机、吸尘器、衣类干燥机等.④文化娱乐用类。包括电脑、电视机、音响等.人民生活用电水平大致可划分为三个阶段:第一阶段,使用照明和耗电较少的收音机、电视机和洗衣机等家用电器;第二阶段发展到使用耗电较多的电冰箱、电炉、电热水器和空调设备等;第三阶段则发展为电气采睦和家庭生活全面电气化。目前大部分发达国家生活用电已处于第三阶段,生活用电占总用电量的25%一40%。大部分东欧国家一般处于第二阶段,生活用电量占总用电量的2。%左右。发展中国家大多处于第一阶段,并且正在过渡到第二阶段,年人均用电量一般在100 kw .h以下。中国人均生活用电量1990年到1996年分别为40.4.45.9,54.1,62.0,73.0,82.9,93.0 kw·h,占人均总用电量的10%左右.
