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冒领 false claim英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-16 13:54:12


冒领 false claim英语短句 例句大全

冒领,false claim

1)false claim冒领

1.Discussion on how to put an end tofalse claim pension浅谈如何杜绝冒领养老金


1.a bogus passport, doctor, claim伪造的护照、 冒充的医生、冒领.

2.Somebody has falsely claimed the watch.有人冒领了那只手表。

3."Thirdly, the heavy expenditure may lead to extravagance and faked receipts. ""第三件,需用过费,滥支冒领"

4.Distribution of Legal Liability of Burden of Proof in the Case of False Claim on Depositors身份证件真伪不明冒领纠纷的证明责任分配

5.Please contact the General Service Counter immediately in case of article keeping list lost to prevent false collecting.若寄存单遗失,请速与总服务台联系,以防冒领。

6.How to Defend Depositors Rights after Their Bank Deposit Being Falsely Claimed?;储蓄存款被冒领后的相关法律问题探析

7.He turn up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain.他竖起大衣领子, 匆匆冒雨出去了。

8.He turned up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain.他竖起大衣领子, 匆匆冒雨出去了.

9.This idiom is used to describe those who have no actual skills but pretend to be experts, or the passing off of inferior things as high quality ones."滥竽充数"这个成语比喻没有本领而冒充有本领,或者拿次货冒充好货。

10.He drank the orangeade in great swallows, hot air rising from the open neck of his shirt.他大口地喝着桔子水,敞开的衬衫领口冒着热气。

11.Predicting the future in any area, much less the dynamic, volatile field of economics, is a risky occupation.预测将来是一件冒险的事,这在任何领域里都是如此,更不必说在这活跃多变的经济领域里了。

12.See Lord Caldwell and his people to safety, but do not at any cost cross into Griffin Empire lands.把考德威尔领主和他的人民送到安全的地方,但不要冒险进入狮鹫帝国的领地。

13.Conversely, the team that is margi-nally ahead is more afraid to make mistakes, is less willing to take risks, and is under more stress and tension!相反的,稍微领先的球队一定更怕犯错,更不愿冒险,也更感觉到紧张和压力!

14.That meeting put an end to the domination of Wang Ming"s ``Left"" adventurism in the Party"s central leadership and established the leadership of Mao Zedong.这次会议结束了王明“左”倾冒险主义在党中央的统治,确立了毛泽东同志在党中央的领导地位。

15.He could never be called an old Moustache Pete and he had the confidence of the newer, younger, brasher leaders on their way up.他绝不应称之为老朽:他深受新冒出来的比较年轻、比较活跃、正蒸蒸日上的领袖人物的信任。

16.JokeBox is a trading hub for the funniest videos, pictures and text jokes on the web.网站涉及的领域非常广泛,从小市民到国家总统;从小的娱乐项目到大大的冒险活动。

17.We might have waited till the owner had published and offered a reward, but we did not dare to venture the receiving of the reward.我们原可以等到原主公布出来,出一个赏格,但是我们不敢冒险去领赏。

18.It takes a special kind of courage to risk your membership of these select groups by challenging the leader.要冒着丧失自己优等团体成员资格的风险,来挑战领导者,需要一种特殊的勇气。


falsely withdraw other"s savings冒领存款

3)fraudulently receiving savings deposit存款冒领

1.Because of no specific provisions for deposits in our <Contract Law>, it makes the application of law of the kind of case become difficult, among which the confirmation of responsibility caused byfraudulently receiving savings deposit is the most dispute and typical.从存款得以冒领的原因上,可将存款冒领行为分为利用真实的存款信息伪造凭证冒领存款、利用真实的存款信息和凭证冒领存款及利用不当挂失冒领存款等三大类。

4)imitating drawing of the retirement pension control防冒领

5)To run away with a notion冒昧领会

6)fraudulent applications and claims虚报冒领


