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主张 claim英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-01 17:52:49


主张 claim英语短句 例句大全



1.The first is strongclaim to the right;the second is rich right content;the third is smooth litigation.总结起来,有以下三个发展趋势,即公民受教育权的主张会日益强烈,公民受教育权的内容会日益丰富,公民受教育权的诉讼会日益顺畅。

2.A civil lawsuit is filed on the basis of aclaim which needs proving.在民事诉讼中,诉讼因主张而产生,主张是否成立需要证明;证明过程需要借助证据,而证据则需要举证。

3.It includesclaim, data, warrant, backing, qualifiers and rebuttal.它包括主张、根据、正当理由、支援性陈述、模态限定和反驳 6部分。


1.a belief in and advocacy of monarchy as a political system.相信和主张君主制度的。

2.set up a claim in opposition to a previous claim, as in law.建立新主张反对原来的主张,在法律上。

3.not having or expressing opinions or views.没有观点和主张或不表达意见和主张。

4.the doctrine of expanding the territory or the economic influence of a country.主张国家扩张领土或经济影响的主义。

5.I for one am not for its abolition.我是不主张取消的。

6.person who considers vivisection is justifiable主张活体解剖的人.

7.I urged another attack.我竭力主张再出击一次。

8.She doesn"t like the idea of going to bed early.她不赞成早睡这种主张。

9.an advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms.主张严格遵守仪式的人。

10.His opinion isn"t worth a rap.他的主张毫无价值。

11.a claim backed up by strong evidence.有强大证据支撑的主张。

12.I admired him and agreed with his views.我钦佩他,赞成他的主张。

13.Be in favour of sth; support sth赞同、支持或主张某事物

14.Hoked up some phony allegations.拼凑出一些骗人的主张

15.You have now urged of the allowance which ought to be made for him.您刚才极力主张谅解他。

16.The tenets or policies of a Liberal party.自由党的主张或政策

17."Yes, that"s their idea.“这也是老赵他们的主张。

18.the orientation of an iconoclast.反对偶像崇拜者的主张。



1.This was then a significant turning point,and Lan Dingyuan acted as an active promoter,who put forward a number of constructive proposals andpropositions in the aspects of Taiwan s coast defenses position and installation,economic development,social security,cultural education and minority groups expl.在这一转折中,蓝鼎元对台湾海防的地位及设置,台湾经济开发、社会治安、文化教育、少数民族的开发等方面提出了许多建设性的建议和主张;这些建议和主张,为清王朝制定对台政策提供了重要参考和借鉴,直接或间接为清统治者所接受;他是从清初统一台湾的施琅到清后期全面振兴台湾的刘铭传之间一个承上启下的重要人物,在台湾开发史上占有重要的历史地位。

2.This paper indicates Li sproposition of "Resisting Foreign Aggresssion and Reforming Internal Policy" generally lay in his aim of resisting Japanese and seeking for democracy in spite of his class limitations, and that it accorded with Chinese national interest.本文的初浅考察表明 ,“九·一八”事变后李烈钧所提“御外患、修内政”的主张 ,虽然带有其阶级的局限性 ,但总体上在于对抗日与民主的追求 ,因而符合中华民族抗日救亡的根本利

3.Basing on PFP s political activity, the author expounds the process of its establishment and development realistically, elaborates itspropositions objectively and analyzes the prospect of its development completely.本文以亲民党的政治活动为主要依据,实事求是地阐述了它的成立与发展过程,客观地评析了它的基本主张,并较全面辩证地分析了它的发展前景。


1.Through analyzing the background of their origin and development,and theopinions about Zhexi Ci Poems and Changzhou Ci Poems in Qing dynasty,we recognize their relation among inheritance,discarding the useless and development in Ci theory,showing that they were the production of a particular society,and mutually made contributions to the prosperity and development of the Ci poems in Qing dynasty.该文分析阐述了清代"浙西词派""常州词派"产生发展的不同时代背景及它们的词学主张,从中看出它们在词学理论上的继承、扬弃及发展关系,说明它们都是一定社会时代的产物,共同为清词的繁荣发展作出了贡献,对过去重视"常州词派"、忽略"浙西词派"研究评价的现象作了一定的纠偏。

2.We can profoundly understand the status of the green party and the EU policy by the introduction of the green group s political thoughts,opinions and political effects.作为欧盟成员国绿党在欧洲议会的代表,欧洲议会中的绿色党团汇集了欧盟二十几个成员国绿党的力量对欧盟施加影响,作为欧洲议会的第四大党团,绿色党团对欧盟内外政策的制定有重大影响,通过了解议会中绿色党团的主张及其影响,可以更加系统地了解欧洲各国绿党的绿色思想和绿色主张,可以更加深刻地了解欧盟的经济政治和社会政策,并从绿色党团的主张中吸取对发展中国家发展有益的因素。

4)asserting entity主张主体

1.Therefore,the law should make clear its managing andasserting entity for realizing the real management and regulation of the invalid contract.因此,对于无效合同,法律应当明确其管理和主张主体,以真正达到对无效合同管理、规范的目的。

5)claim to sovereignty主权主张

6)the Claim-Counterclaim pattern主张-反主张型


