1200字范文 > 美德教育 virtue education英语短句 例句大全

美德教育 virtue education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-15 06:05:15


美德教育 virtue education英语短句 例句大全

美德教育,virtue education

1)virtue education美德教育

1.The value of virtue ethics and the trend of its revival have inspired us in thevirtue education for contemporary college students.美德伦理学自身的价值合理性及其复兴的趋势对当代大学生美德教育有诸多启示。

2.There are some complex tension, conflict, integration betweenvirtue educational theory and regulation educational theory in current Chinese education realm.美德教育、规范教育在当下的中国教育界渐渐地形成一种紧张、激荡、碰撞和整合的复杂而失范态势,对道德教育理论如何做出整合事关国家教育事业和精神文明以及社会发展。

3.In moral education,virtue education has priority to moral principle education, because the people who have virtue can obey the moral principles.在道德教育中,美德教育比道德规范教育更具有优先性,因为只有有美德的人才能更好的遵守道德规范。


1.On the Relation between the Art Education and the Traditinal Uirtue Education;艺术教育与传统美德教育之关系试析

anic Integration Between Traditional Virtues Education and Professional Ethics Education;传统美德教育与职业道德教育的有机融合

3.Strengthen Education of Social Morality, Professional Morality and Family Morality;加强社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德教育

4.The Theoretical and Current Significance of Chinese Virtues Education;中华美德教育的理论意义与时代意义

5.Moral Education Combining Aesthetic Education with Art Teaching in Middle School;中学美术教学中的“德育”与“美育”

6.Conducting Moral Education and Supplementing IntellectualEducation through Aesthetic Education --my opinion of college art teaching;寓德于美 以美辅智——高校美术教育探析

7.A Review of moral education thoughts in the critical pedagogy in the U.S.;美国批判教育学的道德教育思想述评

8.Art Education in the Modern Aesthetic, Moral, Intellectual s Role;浅析现代美术教育的美育、德育、智育功能

9.The Requirement of the Quality-oriented Education to the Blending of Moral and Aesthetic Education;论素质教育对德育与美育交融的要求

10.Enlightenment of American medical ethics education for Chinese medical schools;美国医德教育对我国高校医德教育的启示

11.Moral Education in Universities of America:On Bok s Views of Moral Education;美国大学的道德教育——博克的道德教育观浅析

12.Integration of Professional Ability and Political Integrity with Aesthetic:On Aesthetic Training in Higher Education;德才兼“美”——浅谈高等教育中的审美修养

13.The Unique Function of Aesthetic Education in Ideological and Moral Education;论美育在思想品德教育中的独特功能

14.The Virtue of "an Ignorant"--A Comment on a Prejudice in Teacher Education;“无知者”的美德——评教师教育的一个偏见

15.From Pragmatism to Character Education--The Evolution of Theories of American Moral Education;从实用主义德育理论到品格教育——美国道德教育理论的演变

16.On Teachers’ Ethics Education for the Fine Arts Major Students of Normal Colleges and Schools;师范院校美术教育专业学生师德教育初探

17.On the Organic Combination of Aesthetic Appreciation Education and Ideological and Moral Education;论审美教育与思想品德教育的有机结合

18.Evolvement of Moral and Aesthetic Education in Modern Music Education History in China;中国近现代音乐教育史中德育和美育的演变


the moral-aesthetic education德育审美化教育

3)traditional virtue education传统美德教育

1.Perfecting the youthtraditional virtue education to build harmonious civilized society;加强青年传统美德教育,构建和谐文明社会

2.Thus,we will make re-positioning of foothold and goal orientation oftraditional virtue education.任何传统的文化都必然有其历史和时代的局限性,在新的历史方位下我们的传统美德教育应该何去何从?要解决这一问题,必须对传统美德教育的立足点和目标取向进行重新定位。

4)virtue ethical education美德性伦理教育

1.The possibility ofvirtue ethical education contains two problems.美德性伦理教育的可能性包含着两个问题:第一,“美德”是可以通过教而学会的么;第二,德育对象为什么需要接受美德教育。

5)Traditional moral education传统美德教育

1.Traditional moral education is the key link that makes the goal of quality education realize; is the practical need for solving current social problems; be determined to research, to have lofty aspirations, be a loyal patriot, to have cordial cooperation, and adopt a prudent policy, are the main content which can embody the current traditional virture.传统美德教育是素质教育目标得以实现的一个重要环节 ,也是解决当前一些社会问题的现实需要。

6)Beauty and Moral Education美和道德教育


动物的“美德”猴子平素虽然顽皮嬉闹,但在集体吃食时,却让“猴头”和长者先吃,所剩的再分而食之。 沙丁鱼在海中遨游遇到狭窄通道时,会自觉地排成整齐队伍,让年幼者在上层,年长的在下层,井然有序,依次前进,从不争先恐后。 寒鸦一旦发现食物,总让最老的先吃,并派出“鸦保姆”带食物回巢去哺喂幼鸦,然后自己再吃。 螃蟹脱壳时,常成群地趴伏在一起,凡是不脱壳或已长好硬壳者,就自动担当哨兵,保证正在脱壳者免受侵害。 非洲的羚羊群内,倘若有一头年老的在场,那么,其余羚羊便都不会躺在地上。偶尔有不懂事的小羚羊躺下了,也会被叫起来让老者去躺。 大雁睡觉时,几只年长的就自动站岗,一旦发现“敌人”,“哨兵”就“咯咯”地叫,群雁闻讯便展翅高飞。
