1200字范文 > 通腹汤 Tong Fu Tang英语短句 例句大全

通腹汤 Tong Fu Tang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-28 14:07:32


通腹汤 Tong Fu Tang英语短句 例句大全

通腹汤,Tong Fu Tang

1)Tong Fu Tang通腹汤

1.at the same time ,we compared with two groups which one is usingTong Fu Tang and the other one is not.为了患者能及早恢复肠道功能,减轻患者的痛苦,减少术后并发症,加快患者康复,降低患者的医疗费用,在查阅文献的基础上,并在导师秦晔教授的指导下,应用通腹汤,对30例手术患者术后肠功能进行了临床治疗观察,并与对照组进行了比较性研究。


1.Clinical observation ofFutonglingtang treating of nonspecifical colitis腹痛灵汤治疗慢性非特异性结肠炎96例临床观察


1.Clinical observation of Futonglingtang treating of nonspecifical colitis腹痛灵汤治疗慢性非特异性结肠炎96例临床观察

2.Clinical Study of Dysmenorrhea with Cold Stasis Treated by Shaofuzhuyu Tang;少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀性痛经之研究

3.The Clinical Study of Using the Concoction of Shaofuzuyu in the Treatment of Dysmenorrhea of the Cold-Blood Stasis Syndrome少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀型痛经的临床研究

4.Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction on Primary Painful Menstruation Treatment:53 cases belong to syndrome of congealirs Cold with blood stasis少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经53例

5.Clinical Evaluation of Shu Tong Ling Treating Dysmenorrhea Caused by Endometriosis Permits;舒痛灵汤治疗子宫内膜异位症引起的痛经临床疗效评价

6.Clinical Study of Blood Stasis Caused by the Stagnation of Chill Primary Dysmenorrhea Treated with Jiajian Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction;加减少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床研究

7.The Clinical Observation of Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang Jia Wei on Primary Dysmenorrheal of the Type of Blood Stasis Due to Cold;少腹逐瘀汤加味治疗原发性痛经—寒凝血瘀型的临床观察

8.It"s suitable for the patient with the symptoms of abdominal pain and distension.适用于腹痛、腹胀的病人。

9.I"ve had a bad stomach-ache and a terrible headache for two days.我腹痛和头痛已两天了。

10.He had an awful colic.他有严重的腹绞痛。

11.My stomache is fine now.我的腹痛已经好了。

12.acute abdominal pain (especially in infants).(特别是婴儿)剧烈的腹痛。

13.The pain of pancreatitis is epigastric in location.胰腺的疼痛位于上腹部。

14.I have a sharp pain in the stomach.我的腹部有点刺痛。

15.I have a pain in the lower abdomen.我的下腹部有点痛。

16.B: I have headache, nausea and diarrhea.甲:我头痛,恶心,还有腹泻。

17.The patient"s stomachache stopped after he took the medicine.病人服药后腹痛遂止。

18.The pain began in the hypogastrium and spread upward.痛自下腹开始,向上扩散。



1.Clinical observation ofFutonglingtang treating of nonspecifical colitis腹痛灵汤治疗慢性非特异性结肠炎96例临床观察

3)Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction少腹逐瘀汤

1.Simultaneous Analyze Chemical Components of Inhibiting Mice Uterine Contraction in Active Fraction ofShaofu Zhuyu Decoction;同时分析少腹逐瘀汤拮抗离体子宫收缩活性部位中多类型化学组成

2.In vitro inhibition on the contraction of isolated mouse uterine and chemical components ofShaofu Zhuyu Decoction;少腹逐瘀汤对小鼠离体子宫收缩模型的生物效应及物质基础评价

3.Evaluating the Effects ofShaofu Zhuyu Decoction on Hemorheology and Ovarian Function in Rat Model of Han-Ning Blood Stasis;少腹逐瘀汤对寒凝血瘀大鼠模型血液流变性及卵巢功能的影响

4)Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang少腹逐瘀汤

1.The observation of the clinical effect of Minocycline combined with traditional Chinese medicineShao Fu Zhu Yu Tang in the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease;美满霉素联合中药少腹逐瘀汤治疗慢性盆腔炎疗效观察

2.Analysis of the Contents of 12 Elements inShao Fu Zhu Yu Tang;少腹逐瘀汤中12种元素含量的测定与分析

3.The formulas used in this research areShao Fu Zhu Yu Tang.不孕症是妇科临床常见的疾病,困扰着许多家庭,本研究根据中医久病致瘀的理论,探讨活血化瘀法中少腹逐瘀汤对血瘀型不孕症的疗效。

5)Shaofuzhuyu Tang少腹逐瘀汤

1.Effects ofShaofuzhuyu Tang on uterine convulsion and anti-inflammatory action in rodent;少腹逐瘀汤对子宫的解痉和抗炎作用

2.Clinical Study of Dysmenorrhea with Cold Stasis Treated byShaofuzhuyu Tang;少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀性痛经之研究

6)Ventral stream腹侧通道


