1200字范文 > 抗衰复巢汤 Kang shuai Fu chao Tang英语短句 例句大全

抗衰复巢汤 Kang shuai Fu chao Tang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-22 16:17:05


抗衰复巢汤 Kang shuai Fu chao Tang英语短句 例句大全

抗衰复巢汤,Kang shuai Fu chao Tang

1)Kang shuai Fu chao Tang抗衰复巢汤

1.Objective: Toobserve the therapeutic effect of theKang shuai Fu chao Tang Associated with Artificial Cycle Therapy on patients with premature ovarian failure.目的:观察以抗衰复巢汤合西药人工周期疗法对卵巢早衰患者的疗效。

2)Chaoshuaifuyuan Decoction巢衰复元汤

1.Effect ofChaoshuaifuyuan Decoction on premature ovarian failure;巢衰复元汤治疗卵巢早衰38例临床观察

3)Bushen Kangshuai Tang补肾抗衰汤

1.Effects ofBushen Kangshuai Tang in retrieving oxidative stress-induced reproductive defects in Caenorhabditis elegans补肾抗衰汤对氧化应激所致的秀丽隐杆线虫生育缺陷的影响(英文)


1.Effects of Bushen Kangshuai Tang in retrieving oxidative stress-induced reproductive defects in Caenorhabditis elegans补肾抗衰汤对氧化应激所致的秀丽隐杆线虫生育缺陷的影响(英文)

2.The Clinic & Experiment Investigation in Zishentiaogantang Anti Women s Kidney Deficiency and Senility;滋肾调肝汤抗女性肾虚衰老的临床及实验研究

3.Effect of Bushen Yanggan Decoction for the Treatment of Premature Ovarian Failure:An Observation of 40 Cases补肾养肝汤治疗卵巢早衰40例临床观察

4.Clinical study of Yishen Kangshuai decoction combined with Kelingmeng on premature ovarian failure of kidney deficiency益肾抗衰汤配合克龄蒙治疗肾虚型卵巢早衰的临床观察

5.Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Immunological Infertility with Bushenxiaokangtang补肾消抗汤治疗免疫性不孕的临床观察

6.Experimental Study on Effect of Danggui Buxue Decoction on Hematopoietic Function in Rats with Adenine-induoed Renal Failure当归补血汤对腺嘌呤肾衰大鼠造血功能影响的实验研究

7.Empirical Study of Complex Prescription Decoction Bushenkangyu on Rat Model of Depression and Rat Model of Kidney-yang Asthenia;补肾抗郁汤对大鼠抑郁症模型和肾阳虚模型影响的实验研究

8.Effect of Bushen Kangshuai Tablet on NF-κB Signal Pathway and Inflammation Factors in Rabbits with Experimental Atherosclerosis补肾抗衰片对实验性动脉粥样硬化家兔的NF-κB及炎症因子的影响

9.Intervene of Bushen Kangshuai Tablet to Oxidative Stress State of Atherosclerosis补肾抗衰片对动脉粥样硬化氧化应激状态的干预

10.Clinical Study on Bushen Tonglin Decoction Treating Chronic Pyelonephritis;补肾通淋汤治疗慢性肾盂肾炎的临床研究

11.Clinical Study on Treatment of Immunological Infertility by TCM in Combination with Isolation Therapy;补肾抑抗汤配合隔绝疗法治疗女性抗精子免疫性不孕症的临床研究

12.Experimental Study on Taohezhenwu Decoction in Preventing and Treating Chromic Renal Failure;桃核真武汤防治慢性肾衰的实验研究

13.Experimental Study about Therapy of Yishen Huoxue Decoction on Chronic Renal Failure;益肾活血汤治疗慢性肾衰竭的实验研究

14.Clinical Research on the Effect of YiShenXieDuQuYuTang (YSXDQUT) on Chronic Renal Failure (CRF);益肾泄毒祛瘀汤治疗慢性肾衰的临床研究

15.Clinical Observation of "Yishen Xiezhuo Huayu Decoction" in Treating Chronic Renal Failure益肾泄浊化瘀汤治疗慢性肾衰竭临床观察

16.The Studies of the Effect of Strengthening Vital Energy Combined with Tonifying Kidney Recipe on Immunosenescence in Aging and Nephrasthenia Mice;益气补肾方药对自然衰老和肾虚致衰老小鼠免疫衰老的防治研究

17.Clinical Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Bushen Huoxie Paidu Decoction in Retarding the Course of Chronic Renal Failure补肾活血排毒方延缓慢性肾功能衰竭患者肾衰竭进程的临床研究

18.Effects of Nourishing Kidney-essence Medicine on Abilities of Learning Memorizing and Anti-oxidation of Brain in D-galactose Induced Senile Rats补肾填精方对D-半乳糖衰老模型大鼠学习记忆能力和脑组织抗氧化能力的影响


Chaoshuaifuyuan Decoction巢衰复元汤

1.Effect ofChaoshuaifuyuan Decoction on premature ovarian failure;巢衰复元汤治疗卵巢早衰38例临床观察

3)Bushen Kangshuai Tang补肾抗衰汤

1.Effects ofBushen Kangshuai Tang in retrieving oxidative stress-induced reproductive defects in Caenorhabditis elegans补肾抗衰汤对氧化应激所致的秀丽隐杆线虫生育缺陷的影响(英文)

4)compound soup of renal failure复方肾衰汤

5)Anti-aging Compound Recipe抗衰老复方

1.Fingerprint in chemical compatibility ofAnti-aging Compound Recipe;抗衰老复方化学配伍关系的色谱指纹谱研究

6)Anti-nephroexhaustion Compound Prescription抗肾衰复方

1.The experiment investigated the mechanism ofAnti-nephroexhaustion Compound Prescription(ANCP) treating CRF from the living, biochemical analysis and so on.本实验是以5/6肾大部分切除大鼠改进的动物模型为研究对象,通过观察抗肾衰复方对CRF大鼠生存状态、生化指标等的影响,初步探究了本方延缓CRF进展的作用机理。


阳衰不能抗阴之病阳衰不能抗阴之病 阳衰不能抗阴之病 病证名。明·倪维德《原机启微》认为:“人有昼视通明,夜视罔见,虽有火光月色,终为不能睹物者,……此阳衰不能抗阴之病,谚所谓雀盲者也”。由于白昼阳盛,虽阳衰亦能明视,夜则阴盛,故阳气虚衰不能抗阴而夜视罔见。治宜温补肾阳。方用右归丸加减。详见雀目条。
