1200字范文 > 省属高师院校 Provincial Normal Colleges英语短句 例句大全

省属高师院校 Provincial Normal Colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-31 15:24:52


省属高师院校 Provincial Normal Colleges英语短句 例句大全

省属高师院校,Provincial Normal Colleges

1)Provincial Normal Colleges省属高师院校


1.A Study of Setting up Curricula of Enterprise Education in Provincial Normal Colleges省属高师院校开设创业教育课程的研究

2.Some thoughts on the development of provincial teachers universities--An analysis of the idea of school management of Yunnan Normal University;省属高师院校发展的新思考——浅析云南师范大学的办学理念

3.The Consideration on the Construction of Qualified Teachers Team in Higher Institutions;对我省高职院校师资队伍建设的思考

4.Trans-province Admission:a Reformation of Local Teachers Colleges;跨省招生:地方高师院校的一大改革

5.Causes of tne Increased Number of Poverty-striken Students in Normal Univer sities in the West and Countermeasures;西部省属师范院校特困生群扩大的原因及对策

6.A Study on the Group Diathesis of Teachers Worked in the P.E. College or Departments of Henan Province;河南省高等院校体育院系教师群体素质研究

7.Jilin Province Higher Teacher-training College Teacher Knowledge Structural Research;吉林省高等师范院校教师知识结构研究

8.The States and Optimizing Tacticses of "the Double-Competency Teachers" in Higher Vocational College of Zhejiang Province浙江省高职院校“双师型”教师的现状和优化对策

9.The Research on the Teacher Drive Mechanism of High Colleges and Universities in Hebei Province河北省高等师范院校教师激励机制研究

10.Scientific Development of Provincial Medical Colleges and Universities省属高等医学院校科学发展的实践与思考

11.The Reflections and Suggestions for the Reform of the System of Appointment in the Provincial Universities and Colleges;对广东省属高校教师聘任制改革的思考及建议

12.Preliminary Exploration of the Basic Properties of the Teacher Staff Construction in Higher Vocational Institutions高职院校师资队伍建设的基本属性初探

13.On the positioning and development for newly level-upgraded local colleges--A case of Human First Normal School;新升格地方高师院校的定位与发展——湖南省第一师范学校个案研究

14.Study on the Problems of Teachers Construction in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges Which Were Upgraded from Technical Secondary Schools in Shaanxi;陕西省升格高职院校师资队伍建设问题的研究

15.Research on Teaching Styles of Teacher of P.E Department in Henan Province General Colleges;河南省普通高校体育院系教师教学风格之研究

16.On Teachers Training of Higher Vocational Colleges in Hubei;湖北省高职院校教师培训的问题、成因及对策

17.A Study on the Utilization Efficiency of Financial Resources of Higher Teacher s College in Shanxi Province;山西省高等师范院校财力资源利用效率研究

18.The Status Quo and Strategy of Teaching Staff Building in Higher Vocational Colleges;我省高职院校教师队伍建设的现状及对策


nomal university of GAN SU Province甘肃省高等师范院校

3)provincial medical colleges and universities省属高等医学院校

1.Based on the activities of studying and practicing the Scientific Outlook on Development launched in Fujian Medical University,the author conducts a tentative exploration of the significance of those activities developed inprovincial medical colleges and universities,elementary connotation of scientific development,and basic ideas of how to promote scientific development.笔者着眼于福建医科大学学习实践科学发展观的实践,对省属高等医学院校学习实践科学发展观的意义、科学发展的基本内涵、推进科学发展的基本思路等作了思考,以资同类高等医学院校规划科学发展时参考借鉴。

4)provincial university省属高校

1.Reflection on the disciplinary construction ofprovincial university省属高校学科建设工作思考

5)normal colleges高师院校

1.The Relevant Research on the Construction of the System of Experimentation Teaching in Normal Colleges;高师院校实验教学体系建设研究

2.As a kind of professional education,normal colleges in China mainly take the task of secondary education teacher training since the date of birth.作为一种专业教育,我国高师院校自诞生之日起,主要承担培养中等教育师资的任务。

3.Nowadays there are some problems in art education speciality ofnormal colleges,such as the students quality,the training goal,the mode of personnel training,the teachers quality and so on.目前,高师院校美术教育专业在生源质量、培养目标、人才培养模式、教师素质等方面存在着不容忽视的问题。

6)normal colleges and universities高师院校

1.Insight on employment psychology of graduate in Yunnannormal colleges and universities;云南省高师院校毕业生就业心理状况调查与分析

2.With this, questionnaires are made to investigate the graduates of various majors from threenormal colleges and universities by means of random sampling.0统计软件进行数据统计分析,在此基础上提出高师院校环境教育的对策与建议。

3.Under new situation,constructing the environmental protection societies in thenormal colleges and universities not only meet the urgent need of the environment,but also is the need of strengthening environment education and constructing "the green school" in the elementary and middle schools.在新形势下,高师院校进行环保社团建设既是环境问题日益严峻的迫切需要,也是加强中小学环境教育的需要。


