1200字范文 > 科学本质 nature of science英语短句 例句大全

科学本质 nature of science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-01 22:58:03


科学本质 nature of science英语短句 例句大全

科学本质,nature of science

1)nature of science科学本质

1.The Survey Research on the Present Situation of Junior Middle School Science Teacher s View of Nature of Science;初中科学教师科学本质观的现状调查研究

2.As a goal of science education,the teaching of thenature of science has been paid much attention in recent years.作为科学教育的目标,科学本质教育近年来广受关注。

3.Helping students develop adequate understanding ofnature of science(NOS) is one of objectives for science education.培养学生适当理解科学本质是科学教育的目标之一。


1.The Nature of Science and the Cultivation of Students Conception of the Nature of Science;科学的本质与学生科学本质观的培养

2.Another"Science" --On the Scientific Essence of Social Science;另一种“科学”——论社会科学的科学本质

3.The Education of Scientific Essence and the Compilation of Textbook for Science Curriculum;科学本质教育与科学课程教材的编写

4.Phenomenological Perspective on Philosophy of Science;“直观”科学:对科学本质的另一种追思

5.Reconstructing Science Textbooks Discourse of Nature of Science;论理科教科书科学本质文本话语的重建

6.Influence of Science Teachers Conceptions of Nature of Science on Science Education;理科教师的科学本质观对科学教育的影响

7.Exploration of Strategies for Developing Science Teachers′ View of Nature of Science;理科教师科学本质观发展策略的探索

8.Innovative College Teaching Assessment College Teaching Quality Improvement;创新本科教学评估 提高本科教学质量

9.The developmental direction of science education came from the nature of science;从科学的本质看科学教育的发展趋势

10.Play of Scientific Research in Improving College Teaching Quality;发挥科学研究作用 提升本科教学质量

11.Science and Man --A New Perspective on Human Essence;人的科学与科学的人——兼论人的本质

bination of teaching and research to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching教学与科研结合 提高本科教学质量

13.The Essence of Scientific Revolution:Comparison between Cohen and Kuhn;科学革命的本质:科恩与库恩的比较

14.Promoting Teaching and Improving the Quality of Undergraduates on the Basis of Scientific Reasearch;以科研促教学,提高本科人才培养质量

15.To Combine Study with the Scientific Research and Improve the Innovative Quality of Undergraduates;学研结合,提高本科生科研创新素质

16.Humanity: The Essence and Core of the Scientific Outlook on Development;以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心

17.Putting People First--the Essence and Gist of Scientific Development Concept;以人为本——科学发展观的本质和核心

18.Humanism--the Essence of Scientific Thought of Development;以人为本:科学发展观的本质和核心


scientific essence科学本质

1.To think and research some questions in TCM such as thescientific essence, the superiority and characteristic, the limitation and insufficiency, the faced challenge, the present situation in the scientific research in TCM, the research and development in new Chinese medicine and so on were deeply thought and investigated.对中医学的科学本质、优势与特色、局限与不足、面临的挑战、中医科研的现状、中药新药研制的一些问题进行了深入思考与研究,提出了一些看法与见解。

2.Heidegger,through is to study thatscientific essence has happened in the investigation of the modern science phenomenon,studying is to open an area—Area of existing,surviving among them in existence person,activity—And then the world picture opening our modern times.海德格尔对科学本质的追问及其观点给我们认识科学的历史带来一些有益的启示,使我们对现代科学有更深入、更为清晰的认识。

3.Its structure is determined by thescientific essence, including the knowledge, the method and spirit of science.科学素质的结构内容是由科学本质决定的,包括科学知识、科学方法和科学精神。

3)the nature of science科学本质

1.To help students develop their understanding ofthe nature of science is one of the most important objectives for science education.帮助学生发展较全面而准确的科学本质观是科学教育的根本目标之一,教师应该能够应用一些课堂教学方法,引导学生认识科学的本质。

2.The research and practice of exploring study can help people to understandthe nature of science and the significance of this study mode from the perspective of the demand of modern society and the nature of education.通过对科学探究式学习的研究和实践,能加深人们对"科学本质"的认识,有利于人们从"现代社会需求的变化"和从"教育本质"的角度来认识科学探究式学习的意义。

3.Making students realizethe nature of science and regarding it as the important goal of education of science, have already become the trend of science educational reform.文章论述了科学本质的观点、内涵与教学。

4)disciplinary essence学科本质

5)essence science本质科学

1.Husserl\"s phenomenology is not only logical and mathematical knowledge but also a pureessence science.胡塞尔对现象学整体的说明,不光是逻辑与数学在知识上的厘清,或是意识本质面的先验科学,更是一种纯粹的本质科学。

6)essence of science科学的本质

1.There are debates between internalism and externalism, naturalized and socialized epistemology in understandingessence of science.本文认为 ,要正确认识科学的本质问题 ,就必须把认识论置于“文化建构论”之上。

2.There is controversy between internalism and externalism in understanding ofessence of science.本文试图通过建构的实在论来理解科学的本质问题。

3.The cultural transition of science philosophy has made people s cognition on theessence of science transform from being traditional to being modern.科学哲学的文化转向使人们对科学的本质的认识由传统向现代转变。


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