1200字范文 > 思想政治理论课建设 development of ideological and political course英语短句 例句大全

思想政治理论课建设 development of ideological and political course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-13 01:38:04


思想政治理论课建设 development of ideological and political course英语短句 例句大全

思想政治理论课建设,development of ideological and political course

1)development of ideological and political course思想政治理论课建设


1.Thinking about the Standardization of Thoughts and Politics Theories Construction;关于规范思想政治理论课建设的思考

2.The Status Analysis and Countermeasures on Ideological and Political Theory Course Construction for Private Universities;民办高校思想政治理论课建设现状分析及对策

3.On Construction of Ideological and Political Curricula in Institutions of Higher Education in the New Period;新形势下加强高校思想政治理论课建设刍议

4.On Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching in Colleges and Universities Based on Ecological Environment System基于生态环境的高校思想政治理论课建设

5.The Characteristic Program of the Course of Ideology and Politics in Guangzhou Maritime College航海院校思想政治理论课建设评估之特色项目

6.Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses at Colleges under the New Situations新形势下高校思想政治理论课建设笔谈

7.Research of the construction of the ideological and political theory course from the reform and open policy for 30 years改革开放30年思想政治理论课建设研究

8.A Study on College Ideology Theory Teaching Reform and Construction;高校思想政治理论课改革与建设探析

9.On the Approaches and Practice of the Construction of the Courses of Ideology and Political Theories思想政治理论课程建设的途径与实践

10.Consideration on Excellent Course Constuction of Ideological and Political Theory Course in Vocational College;对高职思想政治理论课精品课程建设的思考

11.Marxism Theory Discipline Construction and the "Thought Political Theory " Class马克思主义理论学科建设与“思想政治理论”课

12.Suggestions on Adjusting the Ideological and Political Theory Curriculum for Postgraduates调整硕士生思想政治理论课课程设置的建议

13.On the Buildup of Ideological Education Staff in Colleges and Universities;高校思想政治理论课师资队伍建设的几点思考

14.On intensifying the teaching team building of ideological and political courses;论强化高校思想政治理论课的教师队伍建设

15.About Ideological and Political Education in New Times;论新时期思想政治理论课教师队伍建设

16.Harmonious Society Building and Reform on Political Theory Courses in High Vocational Institute;高职院校和谐校园建设与思想政治理论课改革

17.The Construction of the Development of Higher School Ideological and Political Theory Teachers高校思想政治理论课教师职业道德建设研究

18.On the Construction of Network Test Item Bank for Ideological and Political Theory Course高校思想政治理论课网络试题库建设管见


Ideological and Political Theory course思想政治理论课

1.The Teachings of Ideological and Political Theory Course Based on the Quality Education;基于素质教育模式的思想政治理论课教学

2.An Exploratory Study on the Teaching Reform of Ideological and Political Theory Courses at Higher Education Institutions under the New Situation;试论新形势下高校思想政治理论课教学改革

3.The Thought of Further Promoting the Reform on Ideological and Political Theory Course in university;关于进一步推进高校思想政治理论课改革的思考

3)Ideological and political theory思想政治理论课

1.On the Practicality and Reality of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching in Higher Vocational Schools;论高职思想政治理论课教学的实践性与现实性

2.A Preliminary Study on Practical Teaching of Ideological and Political Theory under the Training Mode of Combining Working with Learning;工学结合下思想政治理论课实践教学初探

3.Use of Case Method in Ideological and Political Theory;案例教学法在思想政治理论课中的运用

4)Ideological and political theory courses思想政治理论课

1.Study on the Teaching Model Reform of the Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Higher Vocational College;高职院校思想政治理论课教学模式的改革探析

2.With the overall implementation of the new scheme of the ideological and political theory courses,research field and university teachers have come to focus on how to enhance the teaching effectiveness.随着思想政治理论课新方案的全面实施,如何更好地增强教学实效性成为学术界和高校思想政治理论课教师研究的重点。

3.In the teaching reform of ideological and political theory courses,the practice teaching are being paid attention increasingly.在思想政治理论课教学改革中,实践教学日益受到重视。

5)ideological and political courses思想政治理论课

1.On intensifying the teaching team building ofideological and political courses;论强化高校思想政治理论课的教师队伍建设

2.At present, the teaching ofideological and political courses in colleges and universities chokes the heart of students, for lacking poetry, attaching importance to lecture of theory, looking down on edification of emotion.目前高校思想政治理论课教学缺乏诗意,重理论性说教,轻情感性陶冶,窒息了大学生的心灵。

3.Teaching method is the key to makeideological and political courses more effective.提高思想政治理论课教学实效性,教师的教学方法是关键。

6)ideological and political course思想政治理论课

1.Attempts at and Reflection on the Research-oriented Ideological and Political Course in Universities and Colleges;高校思想政治理论课研究型课程的尝试与思考

2.New opening teaching pattern ofideological and political course in colleges and universities论高校思想政治理论课开放式教学新模式

3.The essence of the developing examination and appraisal measures ofideological and political course is that we examined and appraised the students′learning process and effect following the teaching process through prepared research,discussion in the class,making record and analysis,doing general training,etc.思想政治理论课伴随教学过程动态考评,其实质是伴随教学过程进行,通过研讨准备、课堂讨论、课堂记录分析、综合训练等几个主要教学环节,考评学生的学习过程和学习效果。


《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》Ideological and Political Building Must Be Put in the First Place in Building the Army from All RespectsBixu Ba Sixiang Zhengzhi Iianshe BaizaiQt1Qnlun GeXiang Jianshe de Shouwei《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》(勿eozo、ieaz。n、尸。21,iealBuilding Must Be Puti凡t人e First Plaeei矛飞Building theA月刀〕户口从All ResPects)江泽民1994年12月18日在中央军委扩大会议上讲话的一部分,约6 800字,收人解放军出版社1997年7月出版的《军队高中级干部理论学习读本》一书。该文的主要内容是二要从战略的高度来认识在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,加强全党全军的思想政治建设,防止腐朽思想文化侵蚀的重大意义该文指出,改革开放是一场新的革命。这场革命给社会思想文化带来了空前广泛而深刻的影响,使人们摆脱了那些陈旧过时的思想禁锢,产生了一些符合时代发展要求的新观念,极大地调动了广大群众的积极性。这是今天人们思想的主流。地方是如此,军队也是如此。但是也应看到,随着改革开放的不断扩大,资本主义腐朽思想文化乘机而人,同历史上遗留下的剥削阶级的腐朽思想文化相结合,使得当前社会上拜金主义、极端个人主义和腐朽生活方式等消极现象有所滋长,对人们的理想、信念和价值观产生了很大的冲击,也侵蚀了一部分党员和领导干部。在改革开放的历史洪流中,既造就了一大批建设有中国特色社会主义事业的新人,也可能淘汰一些意志薄弱者。要从战略的高度来认识在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,加强全党全军的思想政治建设,防止腐朽思想文化侵蚀的重大意义。对于思想文化领域斗争的长期性和复杂性,一定要有足够的估计,始终保持应有的警惕。该文指出,军队同社会有着千丝万缕的联系,各种社会思潮和社会风气也会不同程度地反映到军队中来。军队的风气总的说是好的,官兵的精神面貌是健康向上的,但是社会不良风气在部队中也有这样那样的表现,一些官兵已经受到了腐朽思想文化的侵蚀。中国人民解放军是人民民主专政的坚强柱石,不仅在政治上要十分坚定,始终不渝地坚持正确的政治方向,而且在思想道德方面也必须保持纯洁,成为人民群众学习的榜样。
