1200字范文 > 干预分析 intervention analysis英语短句 例句大全

干预分析 intervention analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-15 19:51:41


干预分析 intervention analysis英语短句 例句大全

干预分析,intervention analysis

1)intervention analysis干预分析

1.This paper takes traffic accident data of Beijing as foundation and puts forward making use ofintervention analysis technique to correct the gray model.在北京市交通事故数据的基础上,提出利用干预分析技术对传统的灰色预测模型进行修正,提高在政策干预等特殊事件影响下交通事故的预测准确度,为交通事故预防提供科学的依据。

2.Applying theintervention analysis model,this paper describes the dynamic impact of SARS on Chinese inbound tourism.采用干预分析模型刻画了"非典"疫情对中国入境旅游业的长短期动态影响,结果表明:"非典"的总体影响使入境旅游人数月同比增长指数在短期内出现了连续下降,但它并不具有永久效应。


1.The Forecasting of Power Demand in China Using Cointegration Theory and Intervention Analysis;基于协整理论和干预分析的中国电力需求预测

2.Psychological intervention for two cases of university students with suicidal tendency;有自杀倾向大学生2例心理干预分析

3.Investigation of two kinds of intervention pattern for MSM两种干预模式对MSM人群干预效果分析

4.Analysis of six years intervention trail to prevent cerebral vascular accident预防脑血管意外六年干预试验结果分析

5.Effects of Intervention Measures on the InjuryPrevention of School Students in Maoming City;茂名市中、小学生预防伤害干预措施的效果分析

6.Meta Analysis:Effects on HIV/AIDS Intervention in Drug Users我国吸毒人群艾滋病预防干预效果的Meta分析

7.The Timing of Surgical Treatment and Efficacy in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis重症急性胰腺炎手术干预的时机与预后分析

8.Prognosis and intervention strategy of early persistent neurological abnormality of infants婴幼儿早期持续神经学异常预后分析与干预

9.Analysis of early stage surgical intervention and prognosis in bilateral frontal lobe lacerations双额叶脑挫裂伤早期手术干预及预后分析

10.Effect of intervention on the occurrence of trachoma among resident students住校学生沙眼患病现状干预效果分析

11.Predictability analysis of trunk line traffic in large LANs大型局域网干线流量的可预测性分析

12.Oxygen Therapy and Nurse Intervention on Heavy Patients危重病人氧疗错误的分析及护理干预

13.Meteorological Drought Analysis and Prediction in the Irrigation District of Baoji Gorge;宝鸡峡灌区气象干旱特性分析及预测

14.Study on Social Network Analysis of Accompanier Intervention in Unlicensed Prostitutes Population;暗娼人群同伴干预社会网络分析研究

15.Factors Analysis and the Intervention Strategies on the Suicide Behaviors of the Undergraduates;大学生自杀行为的因素分析及其干预

16.The higher vocational education students suicide mentality analysis and its intervention reserch;高职学生自杀心理分析及其行为干预

17.Meta-analysis on Impact of Injury Intervention Among Pupils and Middle School Students;中小学生伤害干预效果的Meta分析

18.Analysis and Forecast on Several Indicators of China s Tourism Development;中国旅游业发展若干指标分析与预测


Analysis and intervention分析与干预

3)intervention analysis model干预分析模型

1.This paper analyzes the impact of raising required reserve ratio on April 25th, on the treasury securities market by using theintervention analysis model.本文使用干预分析模型,研究了4月25日央行上调存款准备金率这一干预事件时我国国债市场的影响。

4)The Analysis of the Contemporary Intervention当代国际干预分析

5)Analysis of drought prediction model干旱预报模型分析

6)Intervention Component干预成分


