1200字范文 > 计算机组装与维护课程 Computer Assembly and Maintenance Course英语短句 例句大全

计算机组装与维护课程 Computer Assembly and Maintenance Course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-30 10:23:25


计算机组装与维护课程 Computer Assembly and Maintenance Course英语短句 例句大全

计算机组装与维护课程,Computer Assembly and Maintenance Course

1)Computer Assembly and Maintenance Course计算机组装与维护课程


1.Research on Task-oriented Teaching Model of Computer Assembly and Maintenance Course计算机组装与维护课程任务导向教学模式研究

2.Some thoughts on teaching mode reform to Computer Assembly and Maintenance计算机组装与维护课程教学模式改革的若干思考

3.Experimental Teaching Design of "Computer Assembly and Maintenance" Curriculum;《计算机组装与维护》课程实验教学设计

4.The Teaching and Practice of the Subject the Package and Maintenance of computers in advanced vocational colleges;高职《计算机组装与维护》课程教学实践

5.Course-designing on Computer Assembly and Maintenance;《计算机组装与维护》课程教学的探索

6.Preliminary Teaching Method on Computer Assemble and Maintenance;《计算机组装与维护》课程教学改革初探

7.Discussion on Teaching Reforms about the Course the Assembling and Maintenance of Computers《计算机组装与维护》课程教学改革探讨

8.A Probe into the Teaching Method of the Course of Computer Assembly and System Maintenance;《计算机组装与系统维护》课程教学模式探究

9.The Exploration into the Curriculum Teaching Reform of Computer Assembly and Protection;高职《计算机组装与维护》课程教学改革探讨

10.Study on the Teaching Reform of "The Assembly and Repair of Computers";浅谈高职《计算机组装与维护》课程教学改革

11.Class Planning of the Curricula of Computer Assembly and Maintenance in Trade School中职“计算机组装与维护”课程的教学与实践课程设计

12.Exploration of the Teaching Mode of Computer Installation and Maintenance;计算机组装与维护课的教学模式探索

13.Working-process-based Curriculum Standard Research and Development for Computer Assembling and Maintaining基于工作过程的《计算机组装与维护》课程标准研究与开发

14.Discussion on the Practice of 《Microcomputer Installation and Maintenance》 in Teaching浅谈《计算机组装与维修》课程的实践环节

15."The Assembly and Repair of Computers", an elementary course for all majors, is also a course involving wide knowledge, broad application and many practice fields.《计算机组装与维护》是各专业的一门基础课程,是一门侧重实践和应用的课程。

16.The Teaching Reforms of MicroComputer Assembly and Maintenance《微机组装与维护》课程教学改革的探讨

17."The Computer Assembles and Maintains" Muliti-studies Environment Design;《计算机组装与维护》多元学习环境设计

18.Research on the course reform of computer maintenance and service;《计算机维护与维修》课程改革的研究


computer assembly and maintenance计算机组装与维护

1.Practice and Exploration on Teaching of Computer Assembly and Maintenance《计算机组装与维护》实训教学的实践与探索

2.The content of experimental teaching of "computer assembly and maintenance" curriculum include four steps of establishing experimental teaching objectives system, selecting teaching content, designing teaching process and evaluating teaching effect.《计算机组装与维护》课程的实验教学包括实验教学目标体系的确立、实验教学内容的选择、实验教学过程的设计、实验教学效果评价等四个环节。

3.The course of Computer Assembly and Maintenance is a strongly practical for computer major in vocational school .职业学校《计算机组装与维护》课是计算机专业一门实践性很强的课程,如果仅靠单纯的理论教学和少量的实验,学生不可能系统地、全面地掌握计算机软件、硬件的安装及维护知识。

3)microcomputer assembling and maintenance微机组装与维护

4)rearrangement computer courses重组计算机课程

5)computer and calculation course计算机与计算课程

6)microcomputer assemble and maintenance计算机维护与维修


计算①根据已知数通过数学方法求得未知数:~人数 ㄧ~产值。②考虑;筹划:做事没个~,干到哪儿算哪儿。③暗中谋划损害别人:当心被小人~。
