1200字范文 > 拉伸粘结强度 tensile adhesive strength英语短句 例句大全

拉伸粘结强度 tensile adhesive strength英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-09 08:23:40


拉伸粘结强度 tensile adhesive strength英语短句 例句大全

拉伸粘结强度,tensile adhesive strength

1)tensile adhesive strength拉伸粘结强度

1.The results show that adopt interface agent can obviously increase thetensile adhesive strength.结果表明,采用界面剂能使两者间的拉伸粘结强度明显增加;并在挤塑聚苯板粘结表面涂覆表面剂后,控制适当的晾置时间及适当延长胶粘砂浆粘结后的养护时间,有利于拉伸粘结强度的提高。


1.Effects of Residual Water on Microtensile Bond Strengths of Single-Bottle Adhesive Systems to Dentin;湿度对“单瓶”牙本质粘结系统微拉伸粘结强度的影响

2.In Vitro Study on the Micro-tensile Bond Strength of Four One-bottle Self-etching Adhesives四种单组份自酸蚀粘结剂微拉伸粘结强度的实验研究

3.Influence of simulated pulpal pressure on microtensile bond strength of middle dentin with resin模拟髓室压力对中层牙本质树脂微拉伸粘结强度的影响

4.testing methods for tensile strength of adhesives胶粘剂拉伸强度试验方法

5.testing methods for shear strength of adhesive bonds by tensile loading用拉伸负荷测定粘合剂剪切强度

6.Influence of Storage Methods on Microtensile Bond Strength of Dentin Adhesive System;离体牙储存方式对牙本质粘结系统微拉伸强度的影响

7.The Study of Micro-tensile Strength for Bonding Different Inlays with IDS and DDS TechniquesIDS与DDS技术粘结三种不同材质嵌体的微拉伸强度实验研究

8.Adhesives--Determination of tensile strength of butt jointsGB/T6329-1996胶粘剂对接接头拉伸强度的测定

9.testing methods for strength properties of adhesives for wood in shear by tension loading胶粘剂拉伸剪切强度测定方法 (木材对木材)

10." Rubber, vulcanized-Determination of adhesion to metal-Tension method"GB/T11211-1989硫化橡胶与金属粘合强度的测定拉伸法

11.Bond strengths of one-step and two-step self-etch adhesive systems不同酸蚀体系粘接微拉伸强度的比较研究

12.Testing methods for impact shear strength of and tensile strength of adhesivesGB/T6328-1986胶粘剂剪切冲击强度和拉伸强度试验方法

13.A study of the effects of light intensity on the microtensile bond strength of dentin bonding with wet-bonding technique and the compressive strength,microtensile strength of light-curing composite resin;光照强度对牙本质湿粘接微拉伸强度及复合树脂抗压和抗拉强度的影响

14.The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Enamel Microtensile Bond Strength of Four One-bottle Self-etching Adhesives釉质表面粗糙度对单组份自酸蚀粘接剂微拉伸强度的影响

15.The results of the tensile test indicate that the composite exhibit relatively high strength both at room temperature and high temperature.拉伸试验结果表明,该种复合材料具有较高的室温和高温拉伸强度。


17.The method for determination of strength properties of adhesive in shear by tension loading(Metal to metal)GB/T7124-1986胶粘剂拉伸剪切强度测定方法(金属对金属)

18." Rubber, vulcanized--Method for determination of strength properties of adhesive to metal in shear by tension loading"GB/T13936-1992硫化橡胶与金属粘接拉伸剪切强度测定方法


Microtensile bond strength微拉伸粘结强度

1.The research of microtensile bond strength between core build-up composite modified with Ultrafine Diamond and fibre posts;纳米金刚石改性核树脂与纤维桩的微拉伸粘结强度研究

2.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different dentin surface moisture on the microtensile bond strengths of an ethanol/water-based and an acetone-based adhesive systems to dentin.本研究的目的是用微拉伸粘结强度检测法评价脱矿牙本质表面的不同“湿度”状态对酒精/水基和丙酮基“单瓶”牙本质粘结系统粘结强度的影响。

3.PURPOSE: To evaluate the influences of various surface treatments on the Microtensile Bond Strengths of several total-etch adhesives to dentin.结果:每个处理组微拉伸粘结强度明显高于对照组;两种粘结系统EDTA组微拉伸粘结强度无统计学差异但 Single-Bond组高于Prime & Bond NT组,EDTA组粘结强度最高;10-3溶液、35%磷酸组在2组中均无明显差异;除对照组外 37%磷酸组MTBS值最低且与EDTA组有显著差异。

3)adhesive strength after immersion in water浸水拉伸粘结强度

4)Micro-tensile bond strengths微拉伸粘接强度

5)tensile bond strength拉伸粘合强度



粘结强度粘结强度bonding strengthn janjje qjangdu粘结强度(bonding strength)两种材料粘结在一起时,单位界面之间的粘结力。用耐火砖砌筑各种窑炉时,通常在砖与砖之间需用耐火泥浆粘结;某些不定形耐火材并(如投射料、喷涂料、喷补料等)在使用、施工时,要有一定的粘结能力,以使其有效地粘结于施工基体。为了考察粘结剂的性能,确定加入粘结剂的种类和数量,需要测定粘结强度.中国测定耐火泥浆常温粘结强度的试验方法,分为抗折粘结强度(GB5o24·3)和抗剪粘结强度(GB5o24·4).抗折粘结强度试验方法的要点是用泥浆粘结成试样(图1),在抗折强度测定仪上进行抗折试验。(图2)介 图2测定抗折粘结强度方法示意图按下式计算抗折粘结强度:R=些 ZbhZ式中R为抗折粘结强度,MPa;F为试样粘结面断裂时的最大载荷,N;L为两支撑辊间的中心距,mm;b为粘结面处试样的宽度,mm;h为粘结面处试样的高度,mm。抗剪粘结强度的试验方法,是在两块试样之间用耐火泥浆粘结(图3),干燥后进行剪切试验。{ 阵界‘ 图3测定杭剪粘结强度用试样示意图结果的计算如下: _F 万.~一;州~.A式中刀。为抗剪粘结强度;F为试样粘结面断裂时最大载荷;A为试样的粘结面积。此外,在科研工作中还设计过一些其他方法,如拉伸法(图4)、剪切法(图5)。一自缪一羚图4拉伸法测定粘结强度示意图一介结界面异图5剪切法测定粘结强度示意图不论采取何种方法,应选用自身强度大于被测泥浆粘结强度的试块,否则会出现试块断裂而粘结界面没有断开的现象。 (王通荣)
