1200字范文 > 水电 hydropower英语短句 例句大全

水电 hydropower英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-01 08:42:23


水电 hydropower英语短句 例句大全



1.Ecological impacts ofhydropower development on the Nujiang River, China;怒江水电开发的生态影响

2.Stepwise bidding strategy forhydropower in ahead market;日前市场的水电分段报价策略

3.Superficial Discussion on the Existing Problems and Solutions on Hydropower Development of Baoshan City;浅谈保山市水电开发存在的问题及对策


1.Specification for drilling in hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering水利水电工程钻探规程

2.dam - diversion type hydroelectric power station坝-引水混合式水电站

3.Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric PowerResearch, IWHR水利水电科学研究院

4.Study on the Hydraulic Characteristics of Multi-Level Intake Structure of Hydropower Station;水电站进水口分层取水水力特性研究

5.installation of mechanical and electric equipment of hydroelectric power station水电站机电设备安装

6.The hydro-electric station began generating electricity in 1960.1960年水电站开始发电。

7.dam-type power station堰堤式发电站,蓄水式水电站

8.The Role of the Small Hydropower Guild in the Rural Hydropower Construction;小水电协会在农村水电建设中的作用

9.Construction ventilation for power tunnel system of Nozhadu Hydropower Station糯扎渡水电站引水发电系统施工通风

10.Design of Power-house with High Tailwater Level Range for Dongqing Hydropower Station董箐水电站高尾水变幅发电厂房设计

11.Surface Water Environmental Impact Assessment and Analysis of Hydropower Project of Luding Hydropower Station;泸定水电站水电工程地表水环境影响评价分析

12.Upgrading the managing abilities in hydropower construction to accelerate the hydropower development;提高水电建设管理水平 促进水电建设发展

13.Summary on the Excavation of Tailrace Surge Chamber in Generating System of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站引水发电系统尾水调压室开挖综述

14.Assessment and Protection Research of the Water Environment in the Hydropower-station Reservoir;水电站水库的水环境评价与保护研究

15.floating power barge水上动力站水上发电站

16.pumped-storage hydro-electric power station抽水蓄能式水力发电厂

17.electric bathythermograph电测水深水温记录仪

18.acidulated water for recharing batteries蓄电池充电用酸性水



1.The research ofhydroelectricity industry development tendency in Lishui;丽水市水电产业发展方向的探讨

2.Pricing of sendinghydroelectricity to grid in China;我国水电上网电价的定价研究

3.It had some effect forhydroelectricity taking part in electricity market in foreign countries.随着我国市场化的推进,水电正酝酿逐步参与到电力市场化运营中去。

3)water power水电

1.A lot of data are enumerated to show new development opportunities ofwater power in China.用大量的资料列举了中国水电发展的新机遇,回顾了水电厂值班方式和自动化技术的发展情况,着重讨论了中国水电厂计算机监控技术发展的4个阶段及攀登监控技术的4个台阶,阐述了所采取的相应的政策、措施,以及攻克关键技术从而跨入世界先进行列的情况。

2.Research and explorationwater power is effective method of continuous development problem of energy in China.研究分析了在我国开发水电是实施能源可持续发展战略的最有效途径。

4)water and electricity水电

1.Pre-control methods of two common quality problems in thewater and electricity installation;水电安装中常见的两种质量问题的预控方法

2.The cost ofwater and electricity is an important part of the whole cost for colleges and universities.水电费是高校办学开支的重要组成部分。

3.Thewater and electricity,the relationship between irrigation works and ship,the combination of ship and electricity, conserving ship through electricity,the management and protection of sea-route,and the full usage of water carriage have been analyzed.介绍我国水资源的开发利用情况,分析水电、水利与航运的关系以及航电结合、以电养航,航道管理与保护以及充分利用水运问题,从而强调我国水资源综合利用的必要性以及需要注意的问题。


1.One of the most remarkable characteristic ofhydroelectric project is that with the design developing and the time consuming,the scope and cost will change continuously.水电工程具有项目最显著的特点,随着设计深度和时间的变化,项目内容及投资会不断地发生变化。

2.Sichuan province possesses a large amount ofhydroelectric sources , the development of which shall be coordinated with theconstruction of the power transmission channels.四川水电资源丰富,其开发需要与外送通道的建设协调进行,其中通过三峡输电系统外送是重要的通道之一。

3.In our country, the new round reform of electric power system are starting up,hydroelectric power project construction has launched on a large scale, the new situation has been showed in the investment field .在我国,面对新一轮电力体制改革全面启动的有利契机,水电电源项目建设正在大规模展开,电源建设投融资领域也已呈现出了新的态势,多种市场化的融资方式已更多地被发电企业所采用。

6)Hydroelectric power水电

1.Based on the characteristic of hydro-power generating units,this article designs the mode of hydropower in the electricity market such as compact market,AGC assistant service market,and it will provide the reference value about hydroelectric power full participation in the market competition.针对电力市场化改革是一个长期的实践探索过程、我国正积极研究和制定水电可持续发展的各项政策,结合水电机组自身特性探讨了水电机组参与合约市场、日前市场、AGC辅助服务市场的竞价策略和模式,对水电真正参与市场竞争提供参考依据。

2.The technical requirements for special anti-corrosive coatings applied in thermal power, wind power, hydroelectric power and nuclear power industry are introduced.介绍了火电、风电、水电和核电的涂料防腐技术要求以及基本涂料品种。


水电1.水和电。 2.指水力发电。
