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蟹油 crab oil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-14 17:48:56


蟹油 crab oil英语短句 例句大全

蟹油,crab oil

1)crab oil蟹油

1.Extraction and analysis of fatty acid composition ofcrab oil in swimming crab waste梭子蟹下脚料蟹油的提取及脂肪酸组成分析

2.The main components of swimming crab wastes are protein,crab oil and mineral.课题以梭子蟹下脚料为原料,通过先提脂获取蟹油,再提取蛋白质制成蛋白粉和调味汁,最后将余料进行超微粉碎制成微粉,从而基本实现了梭子蟹下脚料的无废弃综合利用。


1.Extraction and analysis of fatty acid composition of crab oil in swimming crab waste梭子蟹下脚料蟹油的提取及脂肪酸组成分析

2.Acute Toxicity Effects of Spilled Petroleum Pollution on Crab Larvae溢油污染对蟹类幼体的急性毒性效应

3.Add the avocado and cucumber to the cold crabmeat, and mix well.在冷却后的蟹肉中加入牛油果和黄瓜拌匀.

4.Remove the excess of oil from vessel, use about only three tablespoonof oil for the Thailand Curry Crab Paste.将多余的食用油倒去,泰国咖喱蟹酱只需3茶匙的食用油。

5.Heat the oil and fry the marinated crabs in medium heat, keep aside. In the same oil fry the garlic and keep aside.将腌制好的蟹,用中火油煎后放在一旁,再放入蒜瓣油煎后放到一旁。

6.White chunky Alaska king crab meat baked in a buttery and earthy mushroom sauce.丰满厚实的阿拉斯加王蟹配蘑菇黄油汁,让您体验地道的美国风情。

7.manila No.1-150, 150 cases, canned crab-meat and sardine in oil唛头Manila编号1到150号,150箱蟹肉罐头及油浸沙丁鱼罐头

8.P.S. As I know, deep fry the crabs and then cook with beer and other spices.翻译:如同我知道,油炸螃蟹和然后烹调用啤酒和其它香料。

9.Heat wok and pour in oil. Add egg white mixture. Stir fry quickly until the mixture is halfway set. Transfer to plate. Pour crab roe onto egg white. Serve.烧热镬,下油倾入蛋白混合料,快手炒至材料凝固,上碟后将熟蟹膏浇在蛋白上即成。

10."Do you mean Little Crabby?"“你是说那小蟹吗?

11.Crab, shrimp and vegetable soup!螃蟹,虾和蔬菜汤!

12.I liked the stone crab and named it Little Crabby, for it was much smaller than a sea crab or a river crab.我喜欢这只石蟹,况且,它比海蟹、河蟹小得多,所以我愿意称它小蟹。

13.A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him.一只公螃蟹遇见了一只母螃蟹,公螃蟹向母螃蟹求婚。

14.I don"t like crabs because they have hard shells.因为螃蟹壳硬,我不喜欢吃螃蟹。

15.I ordered the hairy crab, but you gave me the green crab.我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。


17.Investigation Report for Eriochier sinensis H. Milne-Edwards Seed in the Estuary of Yangtze River in 19971997年长江口中华绒螯蟹蟹苗调查报告

18.Volatile Flavor Components in Meat of Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis)中华绒螯蟹蟹肉挥发性风味成分分析


edible oil of crab taste蟹味油

3)fried fresh water crabs油爆河蟹

4)Crab with butter黄油蟹

5)Fried crabs with bean sauce油酱蟹

6)Braised River Crab with Soy Bean Paste油酱毛蟹


