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蟹糊 crab paste英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-25 13:48:27


蟹糊 crab paste英语短句 例句大全

蟹糊,crab paste

1)crab paste蟹糊

1.Studies on microbiological quality and safety characteristics of bottledcrab paste in cold storage;冷藏瓶装蟹糊微生物学品质安全特征研究

2.Study of the antimicrobial effect of antiseptic incrab paste常用防腐剂对蟹糊抑菌作用的研究

3.Sensory,chemical,microbiological quality,safe and survival bacteria flora were qualitatively and quantitatively carried out on bottled Crab paste.对标称保质期内瓶装蟹糊感官、理化、微生物学品质安全及残存细菌菌群进行定性和定量研究,结果表明产品感官品质良好;水分含量(65。

2)Fried crab meat蟹粉烂糊


1.Study on spermatophore storage and dehiscence incrab;蟹类精荚贮存和裂解研究进展

2.Study on the allergens of shrimps andcrabs;虾类和蟹类的过敏原组分分析

3.The average WHO-TEQ concentration of fish, shrimp,crab, shell and oyster were 0.对五种养殖生物进行二噁英类化合物污染水平和指纹特征的研究结果显示,鱼、虾、蟹、扇贝和牡蛎的平均浓度分别是0。


1."Do you mean Little Crabby?"“你是说那小蟹吗?

2.Crab, shrimp and vegetable soup!螃蟹,虾和蔬菜汤!

3.I liked the stone crab and named it Little Crabby, for it was much smaller than a sea crab or a river crab.我喜欢这只石蟹,况且,它比海蟹、河蟹小得多,所以我愿意称它小蟹。

4.A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him.一只公螃蟹遇见了一只母螃蟹,公螃蟹向母螃蟹求婚。

5.I don"t like crabs because they have hard shells.因为螃蟹壳硬,我不喜欢吃螃蟹。

6.I ordered the hairy crab, but you gave me the green crab.我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。


8.Investigation Report for Eriochier sinensis H. Milne-Edwards Seed in the Estuary of Yangtze River in 19971997年长江口中华绒螯蟹蟹苗调查报告

9.Volatile Flavor Components in Meat of Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis)中华绒螯蟹蟹肉挥发性风味成分分析

10.The quality and cultivation of parent crab are the basis of the artificial seedling rearing of mud crab Scylla serrata.亲蟹质量及亲蟹培育是锯缘青蟹人工育苗的基础。

11.Any of various similar related crustaceans, such as the hermit crab or the king crab.寄居蟹任一种与其类似的甲壳纲动物,例如寄居蟹或蜘蛛蟹

12.The sort of sea crab is not little, the crab having blueness with economic common and great sense, swimming crab and sturgeon.海蟹的种类不少,常见而且经济意义大的有青蟹、梭子蟹和鲟。

13.Variation and Structure Analysis in Ribosomal DNA of Crabs Grapsus albolineatus,Varuna litterata and Ocypode ceratophthalmus白纹方蟹、字纹弓蟹与角眼沙蟹rDNA序列变异及结构分析

14.A Cancer"s emotions can go back and forth very powerfully.巨蟹座的情感起伏强烈。

15.very large deep-water Japanese crab.日本产非常大深水蟹。

16.The fiddler crab is a living clock.招潮水蟹是一只活闹钟。

17.Cancer: Be Sensitive and Be Cautious敏感而谨慎的巨蟹座

18.Where are you, Little Crabby, you shrewd little thing?哪儿去了? 我的小蟹!


Fried crab meat蟹粉烂糊


1.Study on spermatophore storage and dehiscence incrab;蟹类精荚贮存和裂解研究进展

2.Study on the allergens of shrimps andcrabs;虾类和蟹类的过敏原组分分析

3.The average WHO-TEQ concentration of fish, shrimp,crab, shell and oyster were 0.对五种养殖生物进行二噁英类化合物污染水平和指纹特征的研究结果显示,鱼、虾、蟹、扇贝和牡蛎的平均浓度分别是0。

4)pinnotheres of Chinese mitten crabs河蟹幼蟹

1.Being ashore was the chief disease which threatens thepinnotheres of Chinese mitten crabs in the process of being cultured.河蟹幼蟹培育过程中发生上岸现象是幼蟹培育期的主要疾病 ,采取大眼幼体放养前综合消毒、在整个养殖期定期药物预防 ,可以大大减少发病率 ,提高幼蟹的成活率。

5)Eriocheir sinensis河蟹

1.Determination of Amino Acid Component of the Enzyme-hydrolysate in theEriocheir sinensis Meat;河蟹肉酶解产物的氨基酸组成分析

2.Effects of Na_2SO_3,H_2O_2 and urea on the N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase fromEriocheir sinensis;亚硫酸钠、过氧化氢和尿素对河蟹N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶活力的影响

3.Effect of Different Stocking Densitiy on Size,Yield and Survival Rate ofEriocheir sinensis;放养密度对河蟹育成规格、产量和成活率的影响

6)crab meat蟹肉

plex enzymatic hydrolysis ofcrab meat;复合酶法水解蟹肉的研究

2.The research of preventing blue change ofcrab meat can;防止蟹肉罐头蓝变的研究

3.The protein ofcrab meat was hydrolysised by many kinds of proteinase,and at last the neutral proteinase 1398 and flaourzyme were chosen to compound hydrolysis.以蟹肉为原料,利用多种蛋白酶对蟹肉中的蛋白质进行水解,挑选中性蛋白酶1398以及Flavourzyme两种蛋白酶进行复合酶解,得出酶解的最佳工艺参数为:中性蛋白酶1398的酶底比为300U/g、Flavourzyme的酶底比为1200U/g、Flavourzyme的作用时间为14。


蟹糊【菜名】 蟹糊【所属菜系】 全部【特点】 此菜色泽黄润,鲜香浓郁,味咸酸辣。【原料】螃蟹肉四两;精盐一分;鸡蛋一只;醋二钱;葱末一钱;湿淀粉四钱;姜末二钱;胡椒粉三分;酱油三钱;芫荽末一钱;黄酒三钱;熟猪油五钱【制作过程】1.将鸡蛋磕入碗内,搅拌均匀待用。2.锅放炉火上,放入熟猪油烧热,下葱、姜末煸出香味时,加入蟹肉继续煸炒至油发红,加入黄酒、酱油、精盐和开水八两,烧开后,用湿淀粉调稀勾芡,见汤汁稠浓时,将鸡蛋液慢慢淋入锅中,再加入醋,撒上胡椒粉、芫荽末即成。[注]蟹肉加工
