1200字范文 > 吊炕 suspended kang英语短句 例句大全

吊炕 suspended kang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-21 02:00:03


吊炕 suspended kang英语短句 例句大全

吊炕,suspended kang

1)suspended kang吊炕

1.After analyzed the structure of the kang design variables and the relationship between kang-heating progress and the impact extent of gas pressure drop,the physical and mathematical model of the traditionalsuspended kang and optimal design of a new type of thesuspended kang were established,and the hot-gas-flow and heating-process were simulated with the help of FLUENT software.通过分析炕结构设计变量之间的关系和它们对炕传热和烟气压降的影响程度,分别建立传统形式吊炕和结构优化设计的新型吊炕的物理、数学模型,用FLUENT软件对气固两相流的热烟气与炕体传热过程进行数值模拟研究,以炕性能指标(炕面温度性能指标和炕的保温性能指标)为评判标准,对比传统形式吊炕和其结构优化设计的新型吊炕的上、下炕面温度场分布和烟气的气流组织,得出优化设计的新型吊炕是先进的炕体形式,为吊炕采暖用户搭建高效吊炕提供理论指导。


1.Numerical Simulation of Suspended Kang,Huoqiang,Radiator Heating-room Under the Two Layouts吊炕、火墙、散热器两种布局下供暖房间热环境数值模拟

2."Baoyu promptly slipped off the kang and went to his cousin"s door, before which hung a somewhat worn red silk portiere. ""宝玉听说,忙下了炕来至里间门前,只见吊着半旧的红绸软帘"

3.a long-handled covered pan holding live coals to warm a bed.用煤来暖炕的长柄的盆。

4.A straw mat covers the kang.炕上铺着一床草席。

5.On the kang under the window was a low table laden with books and a tea-service."正房炕上横设一张炕桌,桌上堆着书籍茶具"

6.There was an old quilt on the bed, it"s edges as shiny and greasy as the bricks on which it lay.炕上放着条旧被子,被子边儿和炕上的砖一样,都油亮油亮的。

7."The nurses urged Daiyu to sit on the kang, on the edge of which were two brocade cushions. ""老嬷嬷们让黛玉炕上坐,炕沿上却有两个锦褥对设"

8."Granny Liu and Baner were given seats on the kang, while Pinger and Mrs. Zhou sat face to face on the edge.""于是让刘姥姥和板儿上了炕,平儿和周瑞家的对面坐在炕沿上"

9.In 1643, Emperor Taizong passed away on the earthen bed in the southern chamber.1643年皇太极就死在南屋的火炕上。

10.We sat cross-legged on the blanket-covered kang.我们盘腿坐在铺了毯子的炕上。

11.They both got down from the kang and brushed their clothes."说着一齐下了炕,打扫打扫衣服"

12.In these houses, there were kangs, built of stone or brick.这些房子里有石头或砖砌的炕。

13.The kang takes up two-thirds of the space.炕就占了三分之二的地方。

14.Families crowd together on them to sleep under mountains of quilts .一家人一起上炕睡在厚厚的被子里。

15.Families gather on them to watch satellite television and DVDs.一家人坐在炕上看卫星电视和DVD录相。

16.Granny Liu perched gingerly on the edge of the kang.刘姥姥方扭扭捏捏在炕沿上坐了

17.Study on Function and Structure of "Kang" in Underground Cave Dwellings地坑窑居中“炕”的功能和构造研究

18.and are born and die there.生在吊床上、死在吊床上。


partial-hollow kang半吊炕



2.Based on numerical simulation, the thermal comfort of suspended kang, firewall, radiators and other traditional heating equipments were analyzed.用数值模拟的方法对比吊炕、火墙、散热器供暖房间和传统落地炕、火墙、散热器供暖房间的热环境分布。

4)Kang Table炕案

5)Kang and stove炕灶

6)heated kang火炕

1.Through using anthropological means,authors discussed the sitting,spatial and environmental characteristics of cave-houses,the significance ofheated kang in cave-house lives,the succession and development of open courtyards based on cave-houses,and the effect of geomantic.通过人类学方法的运用,分别探讨了靠崖窑在选址、空间与环境方面的特征;火炕在窑居生活中的核心作用,敞院对靠崖窑的继承与发展;以及风水禁忌对宅院格局的影响。

2.The ecological idea in which theheated kang signified was evaluated,covering the niche,life cycle and applicable effects with modern ecological theory.用现代生态学理论对火炕的生态位、全生命周期与应用效果进行评价,发掘火炕中蕴含的朴素的生态观,分析了传统火炕的适宜性技术策略及其在当今的现实意义,提出火炕的可持续发展方向。


