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接触过滤 contact filtration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-03 10:34:41


接触过滤 contact filtration英语短句 例句大全

接触过滤,contact filtration

1)contact filtration接触过滤

1.Treatment of car-washing wastewater by vortex electrocoagulation-flotation-contact filtration process;涡流电凝聚-气浮-接触过滤组合工艺处理洗车废水的试验研究

2.The combined process treatment of vortex electrocoagulation andcontact filtration涡流电凝聚—接触过滤工艺处理低浊度原水

3.By depth filtration of suspended material in effluent after treatment usingcontact filtration process,the total Zn and Cd concentration in the effluent discharge can be dropped to 1.通过接触过滤技术在冶金化工污水处理工艺中的应用,对处理后浓密废水所含悬浮物进行深度过滤,使处理后排放废水中的总锌、总镉浓度分别降到1。


1.The combined process treatment of vortex electrocoagulation and contact filtration涡流电凝聚—接触过滤工艺处理低浊度原水

2.Study of Micro-polluted Water Treatment by Contact Filtration-Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption-UF Technology;接触过滤—颗粒活性炭吸附—超滤工艺处理微污染水源水研究

3.Experimental Research on an Integrative Equipment Purifying Raw Water of Contact Filtration + Activated Carbon Adsorption+ UF;接触过滤+活性炭吸附+超滤的一体化净水装置的试验研究

4.Research on Treatment of Sewage by Micro-eddy Current Electrocoagulation-Contact Filtrate Integrated Purifier;涡流电凝聚接触过滤一体化净水器处理生活污水的研究

5.Study on Multifunctional Integrated Purifier with Vortex-electro-coagulation and Contact-flocculation Filtration Process;涡流电凝聚接触过滤一体化多功能净水器的试验研究

6.bacteria bed(s)细菌滤池; 接触滤池; [pl. ]菌膜过滤层

7.Municipal Wastewater Treatment by Integrated Bioreactor of Contact Oxidation and Filtration Separation接触氧化过滤一体化生物反应器处理城市污水

8.Contact Oxidation and Filtration Separation Integrated Bioreactor for Municipal Sewage Treatment接触氧化过滤一体化生物反应器处理城市污水研究

9.Filtration Behavior Research of Uniform Media in Direct Filtration Process;均质滤料直接过滤过程中的过滤特性研究

10.Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact.接触传染通过直接或间接接触来传播的疾病

11.I had never touched his person.我从未接触过他的身体。

12.oil tank hopper油槽入口接受过滤器

13.filter for television receiver aerials电视接收机天线过滤器

14.A connection between two conductors that permits a flow of current.接触两个导体之间可容电流通过时的接触

15.Study on Effect of Filter Cut-off Frequency on Rough Point Contact Mechanism滤波截止频率对粗糙点接触机理影响研究

16.Hydrolysis Acidification/EGSB/Biological Contact Oxidation/Sand Filtration Process for Treatment of Methylamine Production Wastewater水解/EGSB/生物接触氧化/砂滤处理甲胺生产废水

17.There are two kinds of filters that come near to this ideal currently: Bayesian Filters and Community Filters.有两种过滤接近这个理想目前:贝叶斯过滤器、过滤社区.

18.Numerical Simulation of Filtering Process in Fixed Bed with the Method of Characteristics固定均质滤料床直接过滤过程数值模拟


micro-flocculation contacting filtration微絮凝-接触过滤

1.Application ofmicro-flocculation contacting filtration in oilfield wastewater treatment;微絮凝-接触过滤技术在油田废水处理中的应用

3)catalytic filtration催化接触过滤

1.Electroplating rinse wastewater were treated by oxidation-reduction reactions andcatalytic filtration and there were Fe、Cr、Mn of great concentration in this wastewater.采用氧化还原-催化接触过滤法,以硫酸亚铁为还原剂,高锰酸钾为氧化剂,饱和石灰乳为pH值调节剂,天然锰砂为催化滤料,对某电镀厂酸性漂洗废水进行处理,此废水中铁、铬、锰重金属离子严重超标。

4)starting-to-running transition contactor起动—运行过滤接触器

5)contact bed接触滤床

6)contact percolation接触渗滤


