1200字范文 > 景观安全格局 landscape security pattern英语短句 例句大全

景观安全格局 landscape security pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-17 15:28:25


景观安全格局 landscape security pattern英语短句 例句大全

景观安全格局,landscape security pattern

1)landscape security pattern景观安全格局

1.Ecological land use in three towns of eastern Beijing:A case study based onlandscape security pattern analysis基于景观安全格局分析的生态用地研究——以北京市东三乡为例

2.The conception and research methods oflandscape security pattern were put forward,and the current development situation in home and abroad were introduced,it showed that the study oflandscape security pattern is very important for the ecological planning of landscape and ecological security of region.文章提出了景观安全格局的概念及其研究方法,并对其国内外研究现状和应用前景进行了阐述。

3.The spatial allocation of land uses is readjusted to improve land use efficiency on the basis oflandscape security pattern of different ecological process and land use control zones.研究方法:景观安全格局分析方法、GIS空间分析方法。


1.Study on Landscape Security Pattern of the Greater Qingcheng Ecotourism District in Sichuan Province;四川“大青城”生态旅游区景观安全格局研究

2.Planning of land consolidation project based on farmland landscape security pattern基于农田景观安全格局的土地整理项目规划

3.Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment and Landscape Security Patterns Analysis in the Three-Gorges Reservior Area;三峡库区森林生态系统健康评价与景观安全格局分析

4.Theoretical and Empirical Study of Eco-tourism Planning Based on the Landscape Security Pattern;基于景观安全格局的生态旅游地规划的理论与实证研究

5.Building the Landscape Security Pattern of Dike-Pond System with Urban Functions--A Case of Magang Part of Shunde District,Foshan City;基塘-城市景观安全格局构建研究——以佛山市顺德区马岗片区为例

6.Ecological land use in three towns of eastern Beijing:A case study based on landscape security pattern analysis基于景观安全格局分析的生态用地研究——以北京市东三乡为例

7.The Evolution of Urban Landscape Pattern and Its Impact on Ecological Security in Shanghai;上海城市景观格局演变及其生态安全影响研究

8.Landscape Pattern Change and Ecological Security Evaluation of the Tibet Autonomous Region;西藏地区景观格局变化及生态安全评价

9.Analysis on Change of Landscape Pattern and Ecological Safety of Yanqi Oasis;焉耆绿洲景观格局变化与生态安全分析

10.Study on Landscape Pattern Change and Ecological Security in Jinghe County;精河县景观格局变化与生态安全评价研究

11.Research on Landcape"s Dynamic Evolution for Watershed"s Ecological Security面向流域生态安全的景观格局演变研究

12.Change of Landscape Patterns before and after the Land Conversion for Restoration in Dongting Lake Region and its Ecological Safety洞庭湖集成垸退田还湖前后景观格局变化和生态安全格局

13.The Analyses of Landscape Security Pattern of Wuhan Science & Technical New Town Based on Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹判定的武汉科技新城景观生态安全格局分析

14.Impacts of Land Use Change on Landscape Pattern and Ecological Security at Watershed Scale;土地利用变化对流域景观格局与生态安全的影响

15.Study on Landscape Security Pattern of the MT. Erlang National Forest Park in Sichuan Province;四川省二郎山国家森林公园景观生态安全格局研究

16.Change of Landscape Pattern and Its Impact on Ecological Environment Security in the Distribution Region of Tetraena mongolica Maxim.During the Last 30 years近三十年来四合木分布区景观格局变化及其对生态安全的影响

17.Optimization of City Landscape Pattern Based on GIS in Lu"an City基于GIS六安城市景观格局优化研究

18.The function of ecological security patterns as an urban growth framework in Beijing北京市生态安全格局及城市增长预景


Landscape ecology security pattern景观生态安全格局

3)Landscape pattern景观格局

1.Relationships between landscape pattern and water quality at western reservoir area in Shenzhen City;深圳市西部库区景观格局与水质的关联特征

2.Analysis on the ecological vulnerability of the western Hainan Island based on its landscape pattern and ecosystem sensitivity;基于景观格局和生态敏感性的海南西部地区生态脆弱性分析

3.Dynamic changes of land desertification landscape pattern in agriculture and pasturage interlaced zone of northern Shaanxi;陕北农牧交错带土地沙漠化景观格局动态变化

4)landscape structure景观格局

1.Analysis on the dynamic change oflandscape structure of Ejina Oasis;额济纳绿洲景观格局变化研究

2.The land use and land coverlandscape structure research of Daqing urban area;大庆市土地利用/土地覆盖景观格局研究

3.The analysis methods oflandscape structure were introduced when the LUCC(Land Use and Cover Change) of Muchuan County was analyzed.本文在对沐川县土地利用/覆盖变化进行分析过程中,引入了景观格局分析方法,将遥感与地理信息系统技术有机地结合起来,综合运用计算机自动分类技术与专家知识对该区域的土地利用?覆被变化(Land useand cover change,简称LUCC)、景观格局变化及其迁移特征进行了定量分析。

5)landscape patterns景观格局

1.Study on the Landscape Patterns Change and Its Impacts on the Eco-environment of the Middle Stream of Tarim River;塔里木河中游景观格局变化特征及其生态环境效应研究

2.Analysis of dynamic spatial-temporal changes oflandscape patterns in Hulunber meadow steppes——Taking Hailaer and surrounding areas as an example呼伦贝尔草甸草原景观格局时空演变分析——以海拉尔及周边地区为例

3.Using Panyu s 1979、1990、2000 MSS,TM,and ETM+ images,under the support of GIS and landscape ecology theory,this study analysiseslandscape patterns and its dynamic change of Panyu District.研究番禺区来的景观格局变化,对于其经济社会的可持续、健康发展有一定的指导意义。


1.Model oflandscape allocation in typical small catchments on Loess Plateau of China;黄土高原典型小流域景观格局配置模式

2.Using the Landsat TM data in the years of 1997 and 2002, the land cover map has been made respec-tively in sample areas locating in Zhangjiakou, Yulin and Dngxi, and then analyzed the effect of National KeyProject of Ecological Environment Construction and the changed characteristics of land coverlandscape accordingto the transformed acreage of land cover types andlandscape indices.利用Landsat的TM数据,对地处我国半干旱区的张家口、榆林和定西3个典型区在1997年和2002年的土地覆盖进行了遥感监测,并以土地覆盖类型变化面积和景观格局指数为指标分析了生态环境建设工程的效果及由此而产生的土地覆盖景观格局的变化特征。

3.And with the comprehensive analysis of thelandscape pattarn,it was showed that the area of mangrove forest extended by 8 times during the period of 2001— after all kinds measures of afforestation,as well as the forest continuously extended to the south.采用多期TM、ETM+、SPOT5影像对福建省洛阳江河口湿地的红树林分布进行了遥感动态监测,以及通过对周边环境的景观格局综合分析,得出:洛阳江河口红树林在2001—期间,通过各种恢复保护措施,面积扩大了8倍,并且种植范围不断向南延伸。


《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioac-tion Waste Management代卜Oronl一00 GuonJ一Anquon he Fongshex一ng Fe一wLJ GLJanllAnquon Llonhe Gongyue《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》(了访”tC加祖ventlon胡th£SafetyojSPent Fuel Mana岁ment and on th‘Safet少of尺。己~t姗WasteManageme力t)加强乏嫩料和放封性度物管理安全方面的一项鼓励性国际公约。1997年9月5日通过,1997年9月29日开放供签署。截至1999年3月10日,已有39个国家签署,6个国家交存了批准书。但按该公约规定,需得到25个国家批准,而且其中要包括15个拥有运行的核电厂的国家才能生效,因而目前尚未生效。《公约》的目的是,通过加强缔约国的管理和国际合作,包括适当时与安全有关的技术合作,以在世界范围内实现和保持高安全水平的乏嫩料和放射性废物管理;确保在乏嫩料和放射性废物管理的一切阶段都有预防潜在危害的有效措施,保护个人、社会和环境免受电离辐射的有害影响;防止有辐射后果的事故发生,一旦发生尽可能地减轻其后果。《公约》适用于民用核反应堆运行产生的乏燃料的管理安全以及民事应用产生的放射性废物的管理安全,但为后处理而在其设施中保存的乏燃料除外。对于军用或国防计划所产生的乏燃料和放射性废物,则仅当其被永久转为民用计划时才适用。《公约》强调,确保乏嫩料和放射性废物管理安全的最终责任在于对应这些材料拥有管辖权的国家身上。缔约国的主要义务为:应在其国家法律框架内通过立法、管理和行政的措施以及其他必要的步骤,确保在乏嫌料和放射性废物管理的所有阶段都能充分保护个人、社会和环境不受到辐射的伤害.就履约所采取的措施向缔约方审评会议提交报告。《公约》还对这类物质的踌越国界运翰做了规定。中国派代表参加了《公约》的制订和审议工作,由于对其中关于放射性废物跨境运输的条款有保留,故未签署本公约。
