1200字范文 > 入河排污口 pollution discharge outlets of rivers英语短句 例句大全

入河排污口 pollution discharge outlets of rivers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-14 08:10:00


入河排污口 pollution discharge outlets of rivers英语短句 例句大全

入河排污口,pollution discharge outlets of rivers

1)pollution discharge outlets of rivers入河排污口

1.Practice of general survey ofpollution discharge outlets of rivers in Song-Liao River Basin;松辽流域开展入河排污口普查工作的做法和思路


1.The Investigation and Evaluation on the River-entering Outfall in Yongdinghe Water System of Shanxi Province山西省永定河水系入河排污口调查与评价

2.Research on supervision and management of sewage outlet to the river in the Yangtze valley;长江流域入河排污口监督管理问题的探讨

3.Total Pollution Features of Urban Runoff Outlet for Urban River城市入河径流排放口总污染特征研究

4.off-shore sewage outfall离岸入海的污水排水口

5.reduction planning of pollutant at river outfall河流排污口污染物削减量规划

6.optimizing planning for equalization treatment at river outfall河流排污口均匀处理优化原则

7.Ocean-going ships, on entering inland rivers or harbors, shall observe the standards for pollutant discharge by inland river ships.从事海洋航运的船舶,进入内河和港口的,应当遵守内河的船舶污染物排放标准。

8.Contamination Twodimensional Water Quality Model Study of Surrounding Area of Drainage Outlet of City Rivers;城市河流排污口近区污染物二维水质模型

9.The paper mill vomits out amount of water into the river every day.这纸厂每天向河中排入大量的污水。

10.The factories dumped so much waste material into the rivers that the water became polluted.这些工厂把那么多的废物排入河中,以致于河水受到了污染。

11.Characteristics of Methane Emission from Invasive Species(Spartina Alterniflora) in Estuary Wetland of the Min River;闽江河口湿地入侵种互花米草甲烷排放特征

12.A health authority may take all practicable measures to control the discharges from any ship of sewage and refuse which might contaminate the waters of a port, river or canal.卫生当局应采取一切可行的措施控制可能污染港口,河流或运河水域的船舶污水和垃圾的排放。

13.In-situ model experiment on purification of polluted river water into lake based on micro-aerated ecological floating bed微曝气生态浮床净化入湖河口污染河水原位模型实验

14.Runoff of untreated livestock waste adds to pollution in rivers and lakes.未经处理的家畜排泄物流入河流及湖泊,加重了对它们的污染。

15.Clean sand traps and header box to the reserve pit.把锥型罐和振动筛入口罐的废钻井液清到排污池子去。

16.Polluted Characteristics of Sediments and Phosphate Adsorption and Release Characteristics at the Sediment-water Interface in Nansi Lake, China, and Its Main Estuaries;南四湖及主要入湖河口沉积物的污染特征及磷吸附释放研究

17.Study on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollutants Changes of Main Into-Lake Rivers for Kunming Danchi Lake during Dry and Rainy Seasons滇池主要入湖河道口旱季/雨季水体氮磷污染物变化研究

18.The stream debouches into the estuary.这条河流入河口湾.


sewage outlet to the river入河排污口

1.Research on supervision and management ofsewage outlet to the river in the Yangtze valley;长江流域入河排污口监督管理问题的探讨

2.In the meantime, the realignment ofsewage outlet to the river is widely carrying on.入河排污口是污染物进入水体的主要通道之一,通过排污口每天有大量的生活污水、工业废水排入河流,对河流造成污染。

3)pollution discharge into river入河排污

4)Trash port入江排污口

5)riverine input (of pollutants)沿河排入的污染物

6)contaminated rivers and ditches排污河渠

1.Through imitative experiment research on lead removal ofcontaminated rivers and ditches by three kinds of media of unsaturated zone,it is found that lead incontaminated rivers and ditches can be removed and depurated by different media, and removal ratio of lead increases with depth Different media have different removal results:medium sand have a higher removal ratio than coarse sand.通过对 3种不同介质的包气带对排污河渠中铅的去除模拟实验研究发现 ,不同的介质对排污河渠中的铅都具有去除和净化的功能 ,并且随着包气带深度的增加 ,铅的去除率逐渐升高 ;不同的介质对铅的去除效果不同 ,中砂对铅的去除明显优于粗砂 。


