1200字范文 > 航海技术 navigation technology英语短句 例句大全

航海技术 navigation technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-30 15:23:40


航海技术 navigation technology英语短句 例句大全

航海技术,navigation technology

1)navigation technology航海技术

1.Exploration and practice of the bilingual teaching fornavigation technology航海技术双语教学的探索与实践


1.The journey round cape horn demand a high degree of seamanship绕好望角航行要求有高超的航海技术

2.The journey round Cape Horn demanded a high degree of seamanship.绕好望角航行要求有高超的航海技术。

3.A Survey on the Spreading in Shipbuilding and Navigation Technology to the Overseas in Fujian During the Ming Dynasty;明代福建造船航海技术向海外传播述略

4.We are only at the beginning of the voyage,and have to learn an entirely new system of seamanship.我们刚刚踏上航程的第一步,还有一个全新的航海技术要学呢。

5.A comparative study of Chinese and European shipbuilding and navigating technologies in the 15th century15世纪中、欧造船与航海技术之比较研究

6.Norm and Assessment Criteria for Maritime Technical Personnel Cultivation;航海技术人才培养规范与评估标准研究

7.RTCM - Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services航海无线电技术委员会,差分信号格式

8.Research of ECDIS/ARPA Information Overlay Technology电子海图/导航雷达信息叠加技术研究

9.The Progress of Shanghai Spacecraft EPS Technology in the 20th Century20世纪上海航天器电源技术的进展

10.The Research and Application of 3-Dimensional Image Modeling in Navigation Simulator;航海模拟器视景建模技术研究及应用

11.Steel structure lifting technique of China Mariners Museum velum body中国航海博物馆帆体钢结构吊装技术

12.The technique or act of piloting.导航技术导航及导航技术

13.Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships-Deck departmentGB/T11412.2-1989海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求甲板部

14.Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships-General rulesGB/T11412.1-1989海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求总则

15.Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships-Engineering departmentGB/T11412.3-1989海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求轮机部

16.Application of the Aerial Remote Sensing Technology to the Pollution Invetigation along Dalian Coast航空遥感技术在大连海滨污染调查中的应用

17.Construction Structural Technology for Beacon Tower of Haikou Meilan International Airport海口美兰国际机场航管塔台结构工程施工技术

18.Research on 3D Scene Display Technologies of Java3D-based Navigation Simulator;基于Java3D的航海模拟器三维视景显示技术的研究


navigation technology specialty航海技术专业

1.The risk degree in marine logistics industry is comparatively analyzed andnavigation technology specialty is pointed out to be potential safety engineering specialty.比较分析了海运物流业的风险程度,指出航海技术专业是隐性的安全工程专业。

3)shipbuilding and navigating technologies造船与航海技术

4)shipbuilding and navigation technology造船航海技术

1.The advancedshipbuilding and navigation technology of Fujian was constantly introduced to Ryukyu via reciprocal diplomatic envoys, the emigrants with "thirty-six family names" from Fujian and their descendants.明清时期福建沿海地区与琉球造船航海技术的交流有着十分丰富的内容,福建先进的造船航海技术通过琉球使团、闽人三十六姓及其后裔、中国册封使团等多种渠道源源不断传入琉球,极大促进了琉球海外交通和中介贸易的发展,同时这种交流也促进了福建造船工艺的提高及商品经济的繁荣。

5)Helava aerial photography technology海拉瓦-洛斯达航拍技术

6)navy navigation technology satellite海军导航技术卫星


航海协会航海协会HQnghQi XiehL一航海协会中华全国体育总会单位会员。1964年成立。总部设北京。主管航海模型、潜水、摩托艇(包括滑水)、帆板、航海等多项运动项目。下设所管辖的各项目教练员、裁判员等委员会及办事机构。1986年分别单独成立中国航海模型运动协会。中国水下运动协会、中国摩托艇运动协会和中国滑水协会。刘道生曾任协会主席。
