1200字范文 > 求新 innovation英语短句 例句大全

求新 innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-19 17:03:25


求新 innovation英语短句 例句大全



1.On the premise of a proper handling of the relationship between teaching contents and teaching materials,it is steadily to transformation and changefully toinnovation,taking "Innovation" as a target and making a guarantee on aiming for "reality".在妥善处理好教学内容与教材关系的前提下,要以"求新"为目标,以"求实"作保证,稳中求变,变中出新。

2.Therefore, the teaching content calls forinnovation: aesthetic faculties and appreciations should be included in addition to singing skills.为此,高师声乐教 学应在内容上"求新",即不但要重视歌唱技能的培养,还要重视包括审美、鉴赏等各种能力的培 养;教学方法上"求变"。

3.The fact that the development of modern science and technology and the progress of modern social production pushed forward the human cognition shows that the real essence of cognition is creation andinnovation.长期以来人们对认识的研究和了解只是侧重于反映和求真 ,对于认识是创造和求新则有所忽视。


1.TO Sue for Practicality,Novelty and Depth-the Essentialsof Theoretical Education;求实、求新、求深——理论课教学的基本要求

2."Stability,Change,and Novelty":Analysis of the New Program of College Entrance Examination Reform“求稳、求变、求新”:高考改革新方案探析

3.This is an example that shows the willingness to learn, change and progress.这个例子是求新、求变与求进精神的体现。

4.In seeking the new, Singapore endeavours to change, to develop, and to improve to achieveperfection.求新,就是求变,求发展,向更完美的境界迈进。

5.Perhaps they are just a nation that is ever seeking something new.也许,“新加坡族”就是一个求新的“新族”吧。

6.a new mistress now I chase,我在追求新的女主,

7.In seeking the new, Singapore endeavours to change, to develop, and to improve to achieve perfection.新加坡求新,就是求变,求发展,向更完美的境界迈进。

8.Singapore"s strong quest for what"s new新加坡的强烈求“新”欲

9.New Poetry:Pursuing "Truth" and "Honesty"--An Interpretation of Fei Ming"s New Poetic Theory新诗的求“真”与求“诚”——废名新诗理论阐释

10.I beg of you to kindly reconsider my request.我恳求你费心重新考虑一下我的请求。

11.Dahua company means unremitting pursuit, and the pursuit is always aiming at a new height.有大华就有追求,有追求就有新高度。

12.Quality-orientation is the base of以质量求生存,以创新求发展

13.The creative is to seek the truth from objective things bravely and in skill;创新要敢于实事求是和善于实事求是

14.Strive for Existence in Reforming and Development in Bringing forth New Ideas;在改革中求生存 在创新中求发展

15.Provide Fine Quality Services for Surviveand Keep on Renovation for Development;以优质服务求生存 以不断创新求发展

16.The demand for new houses held good all the year.对新房子全年都有需求。

17.the surgery was performed on his readmission to the clinic.重新入场要求被批准了。

18.demand a scrutiny要求(重新)检查选票


seeking difference and new求异求新

3)breakthroughs in persuing innovation求新求异

4)innovation and changes求新求变

1.It also involvesinnovation and changes,fresh, language and a variety of poem styles.《日记诗钞》以诗记史,有厚重的历史感;它弘扬爱国主义、社会主义时代精神,具有历史意义;在艺术上求新求变,语言新,诗体多样,富有创新性。

5)pursuit of creativity创新求新

1.From the perspective of its ideological feature, thepursuit of creativity comprises its everlasting lifeline.创造社的流派特色是一个系统 ,至少有以下方面构成 :从创作方法上讲 ,它是现实主义、浪漫主义、现代主义的交叉渗透 ;从思想特征上讲 ,创新求新是其生生不息的思想命脉 ;从心态特征上讲 ,激情焕发的青春型心态是其情感指向 ;从情绪色彩上讲 ,感伤是其挥之不去的情绪基调 ;从表现方式上讲 ,主观抒情、自我表现是其不变的艺术追求。

6)to look for beauty and novelty求美求新求异


