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繁衍 Reproduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-30 21:06:02


繁衍 Reproduction英语短句 例句大全



1.As some of them can be medically used to stimulate sexual desires and improve fertility,they are closely related to human existence and reproduction.这些植物的蓬勃生机象征着旺盛的生命力,它们是吸引异性、两情相悦的媒介;它们的某些药用价值具有催发情欲、提高生育能力的功能,因此它们与人的生存繁衍密切相关。

2.The ancient people recognized the functions of water in nature and in the reproduction and the life."月"、"浴(谷)"的古音和象征语义都相通,古人意识中水在自然和人类的繁衍、生命方面的功能,以及水与月、浴(谷)一些现象方面的联系,使得月、浴(谷)成为婚恋、生殖和生命的象征。


1.reproduce off spring [one"s kind]繁衍子孙 [自己的种族]

2.Nuptial love maketh mankind;夫妻的爱,使人类繁衍。

3.Growing or multiplying like plants.繁衍的,广泛生长的象植物那样生长或繁殖的

4.produce young in special places.要在特定的地方产卵繁衍,

5.Giant sequoias are actually dependent on fire for their reproduction.巨大的红杉实际上是靠火来繁衍的;

6.people descended from a common ancestor.由共同的祖先繁衍而来的人。

7.The Nepotism of Wang Jingwei Traitor Group汪精卫汉奸集团繁衍中的裙带关系

8.The Survey to the Development of the Sulu King"s Descendent Group对苏禄东王后裔族群繁衍发展的考察

9.on the other side, the production of human beings themselves, the propagation of the species.另一方面是人自身的生产,即种的繁衍。

10.In this way, Fancha is saved and with him the Aysinjoro clan which gradually thrives again.凡察得救了,爱新觉罗氏才得以繁衍。

11.Beneficial insects are allowed to flourish to keep pest insects in check.益虫得以繁衍,以遏制害虫的数量。

12.Love is an appetite of generation by the mediation of beauty.爱情是一种以美作媒介的繁衍欲望。

13.In this case, prolongation of life should trump reproduction.既然这样,延长寿命就要重于繁衍后代。

14.On the Significance of Multiply,Propagation in Xianguan Clappers;弦管拍板的繁衍、传播及其思想意义

15.Plants,Sex and Reproduction--A Study of the Ecological World in Nine Songs;植物、性与繁衍——《九歌》生态世界初探

16.All the living things on earth will multiply generation after generation world without end.世界上所有的生物将一代一代地永远繁衍下去。

17.The precipitation isa main replenishment sources for plant growth in this area.大气降水是本区植物繁衍的主要补给源。

18.Today, the koala has climbed back from the brink of extinction and is thriving again.今天,无尾熊从绝种边缘爬了回来并且再度繁衍。



1.Stochastic L-Systems Based on Heredity and Self-Multiply Models by Markov Chains;基于马氏链遗传与繁衍模型的随机L-系统



1.Technology for municipal turbid water purification usingself-reproduction microorganism城市河湖水域污水自繁衍微生物净化技术

2.Cognitive models based onself-reproduction are presented and built to improve the cognition of artificial fish, and high-level motion controls based on animal logic are implemented.提出并建立了面向自繁衍的人工鱼的认知模型,提高人工鱼的认知能力,实现基于“动物逻辑”的人工鱼高级行为控制。

3.Aself-reproduction model of artificial fish based on gene control is put forward.该文将人工生命的“自繁衍”特性引入到计算机动画创作中 ,提出并建立了基于基因控制的人工鱼的一种自繁衍模型 ,建立了人工鱼的基因模型 ,给出了人工鱼的遗传规则 。

5)unisexual propagation单性繁衍

6)rapid multiplying快速繁衍

1.The result showed that pianting Neyraudia reynaudiana (Kunth) Keng in areas of intensive soil erosion is a new pattern to promote therapid multiplying of Dicranopteris dichotoma.通过对芒萁世代生活史以及芒萁生长发育规律的研究,提出强度水土流失区采用栽植类芦,促进林地芒萁快速繁衍的新方


