1200字范文 > 自繁衍 self-reproduction英语短句 例句大全

自繁衍 self-reproduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-14 00:04:06


自繁衍 self-reproduction英语短句 例句大全



1.Technology for municipal turbid water purification usingself-reproduction microorganism城市河湖水域污水自繁衍微生物净化技术

2.Cognitive models based onself-reproduction are presented and built to improve the cognition of artificial fish, and high-level motion controls based on animal logic are implemented.提出并建立了面向自繁衍的人工鱼的认知模型,提高人工鱼的认知能力,实现基于“动物逻辑”的人工鱼高级行为控制。

3.Aself-reproduction model of artificial fish based on gene control is put forward.该文将人工生命的“自繁衍”特性引入到计算机动画创作中 ,提出并建立了基于基因控制的人工鱼的一种自繁衍模型 ,建立了人工鱼的基因模型 ,给出了人工鱼的遗传规则 。


1.Technology for municipal turbid water purification using self-reproduction microorganism城市河湖水域污水自繁衍微生物净化技术

2.reproduce off spring [one"s kind]繁衍子孙 [自己的种族]

3.on the other side, the production of human beings themselves, the propagation of the species.另一方面是人自身的生产,即种的繁衍。

4.Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this God-given hay.在户外放养靠自己觅食的牛群,就靠吃这种天赐的干草而繁衍。

5.Since the ancient time, Macao is a part of territory in China. Our Chinese people was born and lived generation by generation.自古以来,澳门是我国的领土,中华儿女世世代代在这里繁衍生息。

6.And if it is, why isn"t plant breeding of any sort unnatural?如果是,为什么植物没有繁衍出任何非自然的植物呢?

7.A succession of ecological communities originating in a dry habitat.旱生演替系列在干燥的地面上繁衍的一个生态群落的自然演化

8.From ancient times our forefathers have laboured, lived and multiplied on this land.自古以来, 我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。

9.Nuptial love maketh mankind;夫妻的爱,使人类繁衍。

10.Therefore your days shall you curse, and the years of your lives shall perish; perpetual execration shall be multiplied, and you shall not obtain mercy.因此你的生活将被你自己诅咒,你的生命消逝毁灭,永恒的诅咒繁衍倍增,你将得不到怜悯。

11.Article 20 In nature reserves and areas closed to hunting, and during seasons closed to hunting, the hunting and catching of wildlife and other activities which are harmful to the living and breeding of wildlife shall be prohibited.第二十条 在自然保护区、禁猎区和禁猎期内,禁止猎捕和其他妨碍野生动物生息繁衍的活动。

12.The essence of life is computing. The features of life such as thinking, birth, growth, heredity, self-production are all computing.生命的本质是计算,生命的思维、生长、发育、遗传、自我繁衍等特征都是计算。

13.They have lived and propagated on Hainan Island since ancient times. Side by side with the local Han"s they worked hard to turn the wasteland into fertile soil.他们自古以来就聚居繁衍在海南岛上,和汉族人民一起,披荆斩棘,开发了海南岛。

14.The fundamental requirements of human existence and development are the production of materials and ourselves.人类生存和发展的最基本要求就是物质需求的生产,和人类自身的生产(繁衍)。而这两方面,

15.The Hehuang culture has been developing within itself multiplicationand in the inosculation with other cultures of China.河湟传统文化是在其自身繁衍和中华民族其他文化的融合下发展起来的。

16.Shooting his thrilling arrows in evils, he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。

17.However, big game, if allowed to increase to an excessive degree, can be their own worst enemy.然而,如果大型的野生动物繁衍超过一定限度,它们将成为自己最大的敌人。

18.Growing or multiplying like plants.繁衍的,广泛生长的象植物那样生长或繁殖的



1.There are many reasons for the great development of Hui nationality in Ming dynasty: the objective influence of officials of Hui nationality,self-multiplying, etc.回回在明代发展壮大,原因很多,如开国回臣之客观影响、自身繁衍之推动等。


1.As some of them can be medically used to stimulate sexual desires and improve fertility,they are closely related to human existence and reproduction.这些植物的蓬勃生机象征着旺盛的生命力,它们是吸引异性、两情相悦的媒介;它们的某些药用价值具有催发情欲、提高生育能力的功能,因此它们与人的生存繁衍密切相关。

2.The ancient people recognized the functions of water in nature and in the reproduction and the life."月"、"浴(谷)"的古音和象征语义都相通,古人意识中水在自然和人类的繁衍、生命方面的功能,以及水与月、浴(谷)一些现象方面的联系,使得月、浴(谷)成为婚恋、生殖和生命的象征。


1.Stochastic L-Systems Based on Heredity and Self-Multiply Models by Markov Chains;基于马氏链遗传与繁衍模型的随机L-系统


6)unisexual propagation单性繁衍


