1200字范文 > 和谐 harmony英语短句 例句大全

和谐 harmony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-02 20:07:51


和谐 harmony英语短句 例句大全



1.Talk about the importance ofharmony between waterand human through the change of Changling Lake;由长岭湖的变迁 论人水和谐的重要性


1.Promoting the harmony between the Party and the masses by enhancing the inner-party harmony;promoting the harmony of the society by achieving the harmony between the Party and the masses;以党内和谐促党群和谐,以党群和谐带社会和谐

2.Harmony of Ecology and System:Two Key Points of Constructing Harmonious Society;生态和谐与制度和谐:和谐社会建设的两大要义

3.Harmonious Society and Harmonious Class--On the Construction of Harmonious English Class;和谐课堂与和谐社会——兼谈构建和谐外语课堂

4.Use the Design Set up a Harmonious Society--Harmonious Design & Harmonious Society;用设计构筑和谐社会——论和谐设计与和谐社会

5.From Harmonious Society to Harmonious College--Analyzing the Formation of a Harmonious College;从和谐社会到和谐校园——浅析和谐校园的构建

6.Chinese Communist Party"s Harmonious Ability,Harmonious Thinking Mode and the Construction of Harmonious Social Order党的和谐能力、和谐思维与社会和谐秩序的构建

7.The Source and Development of "the Harmonious Society" and "the Harmonious World";和谐社会与和谐世界的“源”和“流”

8.The Culture Concerns about "Harmony" of Harmonious Society and Harmonious World;和谐社会、和谐世界的“和”文化关切

9.The act, fact, or state of agreeing or conforming.和谐和谐一致的行为、事实或状态

10.Harmonious in sound or tone.和谐的声音或声调上和谐的

11.Pleasing or agreeable to the ear.声音和谐的声音和谐或悦耳的

12.Harmonious psyche and harmonious society are linked tightly.和谐心理与和谐社会有着紧密的联系。

13.On the Harmonious Thinking and Building a Socialist Harmonious Society;论和谐思维与构建社会主义和谐社会

14.Study on Harmonious Subject Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society;试论社会主义和谐社会和谐主体构建

15.The Research of Constructing the Harmonious Organization under the Processes of Building Harmony Society;和谐社会构建中的和谐组织建设研究

16.How to Create a Harmonious Classroom to Improve the Students Harmonious Development;创设和谐科学课堂 促进学生和谐发展

17.Harmonious Society,the Tao-for-one--A Brief Research on Laozi s Philosophy of Harmony;和谐社会道通为一——老子和谐哲学研究

18.The Construction of the Harmonious Society Should Proceed from the Construction of the Harmonious Family;构建和谐社会应从营造和谐家庭着手



1.Exerting Strength on Establishing Harmonious and Peaceful Mining Area;杨桥矿着力构建和谐平安矿区

anic chemistry education in the construction of innovatingharmonious society;构建创新型和谐社会中的有机化学教育

3.Standing on three satisfies to advanceharmonious development;立足三个满意 促进和谐发展


1.Method for interactive water right initial allocation based onharmoniousness judgment;基于和谐性判断的交互式水权初始分配方法

2.Onharmoniousness and cultural building of university campus;试论和谐与大学校园文化建设

3.On the thinking ofharmoniousness between Yinand Yangin Zhouyi;论《周易》的阴阳和谐思维


1.Man and Nature from Clash to Harmonization;人与自然从冲突走向和谐

2.Fromharmonization to contradiction to furtherharmonization,the relationship between human beings and nature experiences a spiral course which is negation of negation.人与自然从和谐到对立,再到新的和谐,经历了一个螺旋式上升的否定之否定过程。

3.Architectures must obey theharmonization ideas.从建筑美学角度说明构建和谐建筑的必要性。


1.Discussion on theconcordance of urban architectural design;谈城市建筑设计的和谐性

2.Color Concordance and Development of Traditional Chinese Painting;中国画色彩的和谐与演变——析中国画色彩问题

3.systemconcordance,inner employee one,management one and environment one.从体制和谐、内部员工和谐、管理和谐、环境和谐四大方面分析了天地王坡煤业有限公司构建和谐示范企业的一种探索,为同类型企业提供了一种可以参考的模式。


1.The thought can make them todiapason is:reformation means the p.实际上,二者并不存在根本性的矛盾,使二者和谐的主导思想是:改革意味着变法,变法要为改革服务。


