1200字范文 > 现代话剧 modern drama英语短句 例句大全

现代话剧 modern drama英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-21 03:18:32


现代话剧 modern drama英语短句 例句大全

现代话剧,modern drama

1)modern drama现代话剧


1.Humanist Language of Modern Dramas of China;试论中国现代话剧中的人道主义话语

2.The Modern "Little Theatre" and The Ming Dynasty "Jiale" in the Perspective of Mass Media;传播学视野下的现代话剧“小剧场”与明代“家乐”

3.A Semiotic View of the Translation of Modern Chinese Drama;从符号学角度看中国现代话剧的翻译

4.Contrast and Absorb:relationship between modern drama and traditional opera;参照与借鉴:现代话剧与戏曲的关系

5.LI Jian wu is a unique figure in the history of China? s modern drama.在中国现代话剧史上,李健吾是一个特异的存在。

6.On Influence of Western Romanticism on Chinese Modern Drama;论西方浪漫主义思潮对中国现代话剧创作的影响

7.The Symbol and Reflection of Human Life form --Yang Saos Distinctive Contributions to Modern Chinese Drama;生命形式的符号与投影———杨骚对中国现代话剧的独特贡献

8.The tragic archetype of myth evolves into the contemporary tragedy.神话中的悲剧原型演变为现代悲剧。

9.Early Modern Drama: The Prologue to the Modernization of Chinese Theatre;早期话剧:中国戏剧现代转型的序幕

10.The Modernity Problem in the Process of China Stage Play Development during the 20th Century;20世纪中国话剧发展中的现代性问题

11.Between Tradition and Modern --An Explanation to Cao Yu s Dramatic Speech;传统与现代之间——曹禺戏剧话语的一种阐释

12.On the Criticism Text regarding the Modern Chinese Historical Drama in the Twentieth Century;论二十世纪中国现代历史剧的批评话语

13.The Model of Dualism Opposite and the Pursuit for Modernity of China Drama in the Past Century;二元对立话语模式与百年中国戏剧的现代性

14.On Language Transformation and the Birth of Modern Drama in the Formation Period of Modern Literature试论现代文学发生期的语言嬗变与话剧创生

15.Spoken drama in Taiwan took its turn from traditional realism to modernism in late1960 s and in1970 s.台湾话剧从写实传统向现代主义转型是在1960年代后半期及70年代。

16.Both realism and expressionism have brought the contemporary drama and the con- temporary theater a lot of excitement and stimulation..现实主义和表现主义都为当代话剧和当代戏剧带来诸多生机和激发。

17.As there were no theaters there yet, she bought all the well-known plays by modern Chinese playwrights that she could find and read them over carefully.这儿的地方戏院不演话剧,她就把现代本国剧作家的名剧尽量买来细读。

18.FAMILY:TRAGEDY FOR FEMALES --Tragicism in Modern Feminist Drama;家:女性的悲剧——现代女性戏剧之悲剧论


modern Chinese spoken drama现代中国话剧

3)china"s modern drama中国现代话剧

4)contemporary drama当代话剧

1.The article analyses Xiong Fuxi s "Peasant Drama" from its achievements to probe into the revelation for thecontemporary drama regaring the drama art as the enlightening tool in order to call on the mass up-consciousness and build healthy watching and performing relation in drama stage art.该文从分析熊拂西"农民戏剧"实验的成就入手,探寻"农民戏剧"实验对当代话剧发展的启示。

5)Modern Poetic Drama现代诗剧

1.The Lonely Survival Condition and Its Construction Elements of ChineseModern Poetic Drama;中国现代诗剧孤寂的生存状态及其构因

6)modern drama现代戏剧

1.Zhang was the first director of Chinese oral drama performance, He rejected the "new drama" model, namely to write and performe simultaneously, and adopted director system prevailing in Euro-Americanmodern drama stages, after he.张彭春是中国话剧创作的第一人,他于19创作的三幕话剧《外侮》,比现代文学史上认定的中国第一部话剧作品提前了四年;张彭春是中国话剧的第一任导演,自从他19回国加入南开新剧团后,便实行欧美现代戏剧流行的导演制;在中外戏剧双向交流方面做出杰出贡献的,张彭春也是第一人。

2.In the revolution of May 4th drama, Mao Dun had a warm research and introduction to Bernard Shaw, a great dramatist in Britain, which provides him with use for reference for the construction ofmodern drama of China, and also affects his later writings.在“五四”戏剧革命的浪潮中 ,茅盾以高度热情投入到对英国伟大戏剧家萧伯纳的研究和介绍中 ,为中国现代戏剧建设提供了有益借鉴 ,同时也影响了他以后的文学创作。


《中国话剧运动五十年史料集》中国话剧运动史料汇编。共3辑,由中国戏剧出版社分别于1958年6月、 1959年4月、1963年4月出版。1966年"文化大革命"开始后,原拟继续进行的史料搜集和出版工作被迫中断。出版《中国话剧运动五十年史料集》经田汉、欧阳予倩、夏衍、阳翰笙倡议,由田汉、欧阳予倩、阳翰笙、阿英、张庚、李伯钊、陈白尘组成史料集编委会,凤子、葛一虹主持编辑部工作。3辑史料集收入了 《举办话剧运动五十年纪念及搜集整理话剧运动资料出版话剧史料集的建议》、田汉的《中国话剧艺术发展的径路和展望》、74篇个人署名的回忆文章、4篇话剧运动历史文献、1篇延安演出剧目目录(1938~1945)。74篇回忆文章主要记述了中华人民共和国成立前话剧运动的情况,书中还收有不少珍贵剧照、人物肖像和有关图片。
