1200字范文 > 话剧舞台艺术 modern drama stagecraft英语短句 例句大全

话剧舞台艺术 modern drama stagecraft英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-19 01:06:18


话剧舞台艺术 modern drama stagecraft英语短句 例句大全

话剧舞台艺术,modern drama stagecraft

1)modern drama stagecraft话剧舞台艺术

1.Practice,theory,and accumulation of performance are three aspects to measure the influences of traditional Chinese opera on Chinesemodern drama stagecraft.实践、理论、舞台积淀,是衡量传统戏曲对中国话剧舞台艺术产生影响的三个方面。


1.Impact of the Traditional Theatre on Spoken Drama中国传统戏曲对话剧舞台艺术的影响

2.Melioration of Drama in Late Qing Dynasty and the Nationalization of the Stage Art of the Early Modern Drama;晚清戏曲改良与早期话剧舞台艺术的民族化

3.Theatrical arts or performances.戏剧表演或舞台艺术

4.Limitation and Composition--Dress and costume on the stage;浅谈舞台服饰的艺术特征——戏剧舞台中的服饰

5."Veteran artist Zhu Xu, who has been away from the theatrical stage for 12 years, plays the leading role of old man Yang in Courtyard South of North Street."老艺术家朱旭已有未登话剧舞台,在剧中他扮演全剧的核心人物老杨头。

6.The Aesthetical Pursuit in Li Yu s Theory about Drama and Stage;论李渔戏剧舞台艺术理论的美学追求

7.The art or practice of acting and stagecraft.戏剧艺术表演与舞台技巧的艺术或实践

8.Beijing opera is an integrated performing art on the Chinese stage.京剧是中国戏剧舞台一门综合性的表演艺术。

9.Discussion on the Art of Theatrical TV Play论戏曲电视剧叙事艺术——兼与舞台戏曲之比较

10.Stage machinery in theater of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art浙江艺术职业学院实验影剧院舞台机械

11.Between Script and Stage-An Analysis of the Art of a Streetcar Named Desire;剧本与舞台之间:《欲望号街车》的艺术解读

12.On the binary structure of the stage arts in the Pioneering Dramas of the New Era;论新时期“探索戏剧”舞台艺术的二元结构

13.From Tradition to Modernity: An Evolution of Stagecraft of Modern Legendary Variety Plays;从传统走向现代:近代传奇杂剧的舞台艺术变革

14.Great Production of Art and Technology--Multimedia Dramas新媒体时代舞台艺术的奇葩——多媒体戏剧

15.On the stage of the Beijing People Art Theater, Ren keeps on practicing his theatrical ideal of“ harmonizing the traditional and modern aesthetic sensibility on the theatrical stage”.任鸣在北京人艺的舞台上不断地实践着"把传统美与现代美和谐统一在话剧舞台上"的戏剧理想。

16.Study of the Method of the Market Operation Mode of the National Quality Stage Productions--One of series of the study of the National Quality Stage Productions国家精品舞台剧目的市场运作方式研究——国家舞台艺术精品剧目系列研究之一

17.Dear and guileless infancy of art and of stage machinery!这是戏剧艺术和舞台装置结合的新生儿,多么天真,多么可敬!

18.The Sichuan Opera" facechange" to move up the stage, with the exquisite technique make it become a special art.川剧把“变脸”搬上舞台,用绝妙的技巧使它成为一门独特的艺术。


stage art play舞台艺术剧

3)drama and stage戏剧舞台艺术

4)stage art舞台艺术

1.Thestage art has its social functions of inspiring and teaching the society.舞台艺术既有启迪教化的社会功能 ,又离不开政治、政府 ,她是大众的文化。


1.These changes and innovations ofstagecraft are a development and rejection of Chinese opera traditions.这些舞台艺术变革与创新是中国戏曲传统的扬弃 ,更是在外国戏剧文化影响下发生发展的。

2.The traditionaloperas,stagecraft and performance mirror the essenceof regional group ideology,art and regionalcustoms.通过对莆仙戏的调研分析,指出莆仙戏传统剧目反映科举文化价值取向;舞台艺术以兴化方言、乐舞为基础;演出活动以赛社演剧为主。

6)arts o f modern drama话剧艺术


