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筹资 financing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-28 09:39:47


筹资 financing英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis onfinancing and investment of information construction process of 26 large hospitals;医院信息化建设筹资与投资分析:26家大型综合性医院实证研究

2.Investigation onfinancing factors affecting the peasantsfinancing in new type rural cooperated medical service;新型农村合作医疗农民个人筹资影响因素研究

3.Financing Situation of Expanded Programme on Immunization in Areas at Different Economic Levels;不同经济水平地区计划免服务成本的筹资现状分析


1.quality financing售股集资,增股筹资,产权筹资

2.quality financing versus debt增股筹资与借款筹资的比较

3.One, such as a person or an organization, that raises funds.筹资者筹集资金的人,例如个人或组织

4.National Farmland Financing Company全国农业土地筹资公司(农地筹资公司)

5.capital formation instruments集资工具,筹资工具

6.financing of overseas business海外业务的资金筹资

7.finance plan融资计划,筹资计划

8.debt financing举债筹资,举债融资

9.World Federation of Development Financing Institutions世界发展筹资机构联合会(筹联)

10.The Research on Tax Planning of Financing Base on Risk Control;风险控制下的企业筹资税收筹划研究

11.Research on One Discussion over Each Matter, the System to Raise Fund and Labor in Rural China;中国农村“一事一议”筹资筹劳制度研究

12.Research on Funding Level of Basic Social Pension Insurance" Co-Ordinated Fund基本养老保险统筹基金筹资水平研究

13.The fundraising is divided into the owner"s equity fundraising and creditor"s right fundraising by its ownership.企业所筹资金按其所有权分为权益性筹资和债权性筹资。

14.collect funds for oneself and take responsiBility for one"s own profits and losses自筹资金,自负盈亏

15.Self-finance the development programme/为发展规划自筹资金

16.Special Financing Modality for Environmental Projects环境项目特别筹资方式

17.Funding and Donor Relations Service筹资和捐助者关系处

18.For the State Power Board.是为国家电力局筹资。



1.Experimental research on Intensivefund-raising of farmers of new rural CMS;新型农村合作医疗农民筹资的集约化实验研究

2.Problems and Countermeasures on Fund-raising System of Expanded Program on Immunization in China;我国预防接种工作筹资机制存在的问题及对策

3.Analysis of the capital cost in enterprisefund-raising;浅析企业筹资中的资金成本

3)raise funds筹资

1.In this paper I analyzed some capital operation tactics which are suitable for transport enterprises of highway,includingraise funds tactics,merge tactics and capital association tactics.我国公路运输业的资本运营水平普遍较低,本文对适用于公路运输企业的一些资本运营策略进行了分析,包括筹资策略、并购策略、资本组合策略,并对建立交通运输业投资基金的可行性作了分析。

2.Colleges and universities should take their various advantages toraise funds to maximize the in come.高校要充分利用智力密集、人才荟萃、信息灵通、设备先进的优势,广开筹资渠道,使学校收入最大化。

4)raising funds筹资

1.In this article, the author has chosenraising funds as the object to analyze the features built in the private university in the perspective of the third sector in order to predict its development trend.本文选取当前民办高校发展中的一个关键问题—筹资作为分析的对象 ,从第三部门的视角出发来分析民办高校筹资应具备的特征 ,并由此来看我国民办高校筹资的发展趋

2.It opens a new view on anticipation and decision making aboutraising funds of enterprises.本文从会计等式推导出了p-m=A*(m-n)的关系,它在企业筹资预测和决策方面打开了一条新的思路。

5)fund raising筹资

1.The analysis offund raising and investing on city management;经营城市的筹资与投资分析

2.Based on the interest and risk conditions of loans and bonds, and the profit levels of the project in different periods, an optimal model forfund raising by combining loans and bonds is proposed.根据不同期限贷款、债券的本息和风险情况以及项目各期末盈利水平,提出了一个使资金成本最低的贷款、债券组合筹资优化模型。

3.Due to the ever-deteriorating environment forfund raising,non-profit organizations must change mentality from simple fundraising,donation to collecting various resources including relation resource,brand resource,information resource and human resource,etc.在非营利组织筹资环境日益复杂的情况下,为筹资而筹资必定走入绝境,需转变筹资心智模式,从而对非营利组织筹资不能再仅仅理解为筹款、募捐,而是筹集各种资源,这些资源包括关系资源、品牌资源、信息资源、人力资源等,通过各种资源的筹集进而筹到资金。

6)collecting funds and labors筹资筹劳

1.With the unfolding and developing of tax-fare reform experimental unit in the villages,the government of china issued The temporary prescriptions ofcollecting funds and labors in the villages.农村税费改革试点结束后,国务院办公厅出台了《村民"一事一议"筹资筹劳管理办法》,完善并继续推行"一事一议"筹资筹劳制度。


