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启发性 enlightening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-13 06:37:42


启发性 enlightening英语短句 例句大全



1.Enlightening teaching method can improve students’math ability Can it improve students’ability to teach students withenlightening teaching method? This question comes up in the teaching practice, which is also one important item discussed in the field of pedagogy and psychology, and teaching staff are always study this question.运用启发性的教学方法能够提高学生的数学能力吗?这是教育实践中提出的问题,它一直都是教育学、心理学研究的重要课题,同时也受到许多教育工作者的关注。


1.not informative or enlightening.没有教育性或者启发性。

2.This is thought-provoking.这是颇有启发性的。

3.This textbook is not exactly inspiring.这本教科书未必有多大启发性。

4.It is impossible to avoid the use of leading questions.不能避免使用启发性的问话。

5.A very suggestive answer was advanced by Gershtain.盖尔斯坦作了富有启发性的回答。

6.Still, your observations have been illuminating.而且,你的观察很有启发性。

7.The teacher gave us an illuminating lecture.老师给我们上了一堂有启发性的一课。

8.His conversation is so enlightened, so clear.他的谈话是那么有启发性,那么明白。

9.The strongly implicit method may be described heuristically in the following manner.强隐含法可按下列方式启发性地描述。

10.The suggestive notation has been chosen purposely.这个有启发性的符号是特意选择的。

11.Two cases of international investment are instructive.有两种国际投资情况是具有启发性的。

12.Holding a koala is fun, educational, and inspiring.抱着无尾熊很好玩、而且也具教育性和启发性。

13.[size=-2]CORRELATION is not causation, but it can often be suggestive.相关性不等于因果关系,但却往往具有启发性。

14.suggestive or persuasive advertising.启发或说服性的广告。

15.consistency in heuristic search启发式搜索中的一致性

16.Application of Heuristic Algorithm in Flexible Manufacturing System;启发式算法在柔性制造系统中的应用

17.Opening:The Route and Implications of the Development of China s Economic Law;开放性:我国经济法发展的进路与启示

18.The Historical Development and Inspiration of The Linear Algebra Education in Japan;日本线性代数教育的历史发展及启示



1.In the course of teaching, it shows some good features such asenlightenment; guidance and logic.在教学过程中 ,它体现出较强的启发性、引导性和逻辑性等特

2.The author not only expounds the concrete implementation methods of the transverse comparison、longitudinal comparison、vertical and horizontal comparison、identical comparison、circular comparison and trial contrast comparison,but also laid them down as rules,which we must follow in dealing with their possibilities,identities、comparabilites、permeabilities andenlightenments.:本文阐述了比较教学法的含义、要素和特点 ,着重探讨了横向比较、纵向比较、纵横结合比较、相向比较、试验对照比较、环形比较等具体方法 ,以及比较教学法必须遵循的可比性、同一性、全面性、渗透性、启发性等原


1.They are perfect ininspiration, rich in interest, feasible in practice, and can well be applied to teaching.这些解法联系着比较多的知识 ,存在着多种思路 ,具有启发性好 ,趣味性浓 ,实用性强等优点 ,可以在教学中选


1.Taking the teaching of biology as an example, the training of the comprehensive abilities over different academic disciplines should follow principles such asinspiring, associative and involving principles.以生物学教学为例 ,跨学科综合能力的培养应遵循启发性、联系性、参与性等原则。


1.In this article, the author mainly talks about the rhetorical art of teaching language in three respects, ie the orderliness of language combination, theheuristics of designing teaching strategies and a vareety of select teaching methods.本文从语言组合的有序性、策略设计的启发性、手段遣用性三个方面探讨、论述教学语言的修辞艺术。

6)sexual enlightenment性的启发


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
