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何心隐 He Xinyin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 18:55:10


何心隐 He Xinyin英语短句 例句大全

何心隐,He Xinyin

1)He Xinyin何心隐

1.An Educator and Martyr of Taizhou School—— OnHe Xinyin and His Thoughts;泰州学派中的教育家与殉道者——论何心隐及其思想

2.The Dispute ofHe Xinyin’s “Not-fall Spirits”;何心隐的“不落意气”之论


1.Social Participation by the New-Confucians in the 16~(th) Century: A Case Study of He Xinyin of Taizhou School;十六世纪心学家的社会参与——以泰州学派的何心隐为例

2.An Educator and Martyr of Taizhou School-- On He Xinyin and His Thoughts;泰州学派中的教育家与殉道者——论何心隐及其思想

3.No words can express the secret agony of my soul.没有任何语言能够表达我心灵中的隐痛。

4.HAVING WANTED NOT ONLY BEING AN OFFICIAL BUT ALSO TO BE RECLUSE --The Official s Mind of Zhang Hua in the Later Period from《Two Answers to He Shao》;既仕慕隐——从《答何邵二首》看张华后期仕宦心态

5.He ducked no questions, hid no details of his life or his inner feelings.他不回避任何问题,不隐瞒任何生活细节或内心的感然。

6.You can not disguise the fact.任何人不能隐藏事实。

7.People won"t have any privacy,人们没有任何隐私,

8.Ord Mantell can be said to be in the middle of nowhere -- convenient for those wishing to lay low.曼特尔兵站不能算是任何地方的中心,这点对于那些企图隐蔽的人来说是很便利的。

9.Translator:The Soulmate of the Implied Author译者——与隐含作者心灵契合的隐含读者

10.Pity stirred in her heart.她油然产生恻隐之心.

11.Pity heaved her breast [bosom].恻隐之心在她胸中起伏。

12.There be kindness to be find everywhere .恻隐之心人皆有之。

13.That man was inaccessible to pity.那个汉子没有恻隐之心。

14.How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his secret stores looked for!以扫的隐密处,何竟被搜寻?他隐藏的宝物何竟被查出?

15.But how Esau will be ransacked, his hidden treasures pillaged!6以扫的隐密处,何竟被搜寻?他隐藏的宝物何竟被查出?

16.It was always safer to leave no facts for anyone else to unearth.不要隐瞒任何事实留待别人侦察出来。

17.He has a private matter which he will never tell anyone.他有一个绝对不能告诉任何人的隐私。

18.Privacy settings that specify how your computer deals with cookies.指定计算机如何处理 Cookie 的隐私设置。


Research and Exposition about He Xinyin何心隐考论

3)What is Metaphor何谓隐喻

4)official recluse心隐

1.The way to extricate from the predicament,for those who would not leave the court even if they could not realize their political goal,was to be anofficial recluse,which means that they still tried to retain their integration of inner self even though they didn\"t resign his post.对于一部分既无法实现政治理想又不愿退出官场的士人而言,应对困境的策略,是以"心隐"的方式保持个人内在人格的相对完整。

5)Geometrical offset几何偏心

6)geometric center几何形心


