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构成要素 Elements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 02:24:36


构成要素 Elements英语短句 例句大全



1.The BasicElements and Techniques of Cooperative Learning合作学习构成要素及其动力机制

2.This paper analyzed three constituent elements of early-warning mechanism,including the information-gathering mechanisms,the information-analysis mechanisms,the information-communicating、information-feedback mechanisms.文章主要分析了高校预警机制的三个构成要素即思想政治教育信息收集机制,分析机制和思想政治教育沟通、反馈机制,对预警机制的建设有重要的现实和理论指导意义。


1.essential ingredients.See Synonyms atindispensable必要的构成要素参见

2.On the Elements and Supporting Factors of Interactive Teaching;课堂互动教学的构成要素与支持因素

3.The Origin,Connotation and Componentsof Quality-Oriented Education;素质教育的缘起、内涵及构成要素论略


5.Analysis of Components and Influence Factors of Higher Education Costs;高等教育成本构成要素及影响因素分析

6.an investigation of the component parts of a whole.研究整体的构成要素的活动。

7.The Influence on Effects of Contract Arising from the Elements of Declaration of Will;意思表示构成要素对合同效力的影响

8.Study on the Selection of Constructive Factors of the First-line Workers Total Rewards;一线员工全面薪酬构成要素选择研究

9.The Research of Innovation Management Construct Element for High-Tech Enterprise;高新技术企业创新管理构成要素研究

10.Research of the Leadership of the Cadet and Its Essential Constituents;军校学员领导力及其构成要素的研究

11.The Elements of Core Competence of Construction Enterprises;施工企业核心竞争力的构成要素分析

position Elements of Talents Cultivation Standard of Higher Vocational Education and Its Design;高职人才培养规格构成要素及其设计

13.The Features of Constitutional Essentials in Spoken Language Community and Their Dialectical Relationship;言语社区构成要素的特点与辩证关系

14.A Psychological Analysis of the Elements of National Communicative Psychology;民族交往心理构成要素的心理学分析

15.On the Thinking Ways and Their Constructing Elements;试论教练员的思维方式及其构成要素

16.Relationship between normative elements and open constitution of crime规范构成要件要素与开放构成要件关系之辩证

17.Discussion on the Component and Structure of the Teacher Education Standards;试论《教师教育标准》的构成与结构要素

18.The Formational Factors of the Vital Energy of Jian an Literature and the Construct of Its Force;建安文学“气”的形成要素及“力”的构成


constituent elements构成要素

ments on theconstituent elements of modern film posters;浅谈现代电影海报的构成要素

2.This paper puts forward the design strategies of quality classroom teaching,through the analysis on content andconstituent elements of higher vocational education.本文通过对高职教育优质课内涵及构成要素的分析,提出了优质课教学设计策略。

3.This text drew lessons from the idea of the materialist conception of history,and made a brief analysis of the definition,constituent elements and characteristic of public interests,in order to set up independent personality of public interests.本文从"利益"和"公共利益"的起源和发展谈起,借鉴唯物史观的理念,对"公共利益"的定义、构成要素和特征,进行了简要分析,以建立"公共利益"的"独立人格"。


1.The Research on the Components of Audi Brand Image;奥迪品牌形象构成要素的研究

2.The legal theory about thecomponents of commercial property in French law differs from that of China,Japan and Germany in the exclusion of real property and debt.营业财产的构成要素理论分成两派,法国法上将不动产、债权债务排除在营业财产之外的做法及其学理迥异于我国、日本、德国,其在理论与现实中显得并不合理。


1.The characteristics andcomponents of external space of high-rise building;高层建筑外部空间的构成要素及属性

2.Investigating and analyzing thecomponents of core competence——based on China journal full paper database;核心能力构成要素的调查分析——基于中国期刊全文数据库

3.Study of Components and Influence of Financial Ecology Environment;金融生态环境构成要素与影响研究——以宁夏三地区为例

5)Component elements构成要素

1.On the characteristics and component elements of State Terrorism since modern times;近代以来国家恐怖主义的特点及构成要素

2.By expatiating the change of the component elements of design aesthetics, this article gives three features of the design aesthetics in the post-modern society: obscureness, art and systematization.本文通过阐述设计美学构成要素的变化,即材料、结构、形式、功能的改变,总结出了后现代社会设计美学的三大特征模糊性、艺术性和系统性。

3.The thesis,based on the strategic subject, makes an original investigation and analysis on the essential component elements of the creative qualities of modorn qualified personnel.本文立足于这一战略课题 ,对现代人才创造素质的构成要素作了独到的考察与分析 ,并对培养的基本策略和一般措施了较为全面的提炼与概括。


1.The paper discussed that theinscape and the impact of the dramatic Ci poetr有些词因借鉴戏剧的表现形式而更具表现力和感染力,通过论述具戏剧性特征的词的界定,词的戏剧性特征的构成要素及其产生的戏剧性效果来证明这一观点。

2.Theinscape of the core competence of a university lies on the abilities of talent cultivation and academic research,and these two kinds of abilities are valuable,exiguous,hard to imitate and cannot be substituted.大学核心竞争力的构成要素是大学的人才培养能力和学术研究能力,这两种能力具备有价值、稀有性、难以模仿、无可替代等核心竞争力的特点。

3.This article,with a view to theinscape of the ideological and political education,advances that strengthening the practicability of the ideological and political education should depends g.文章从思想政治教育的构成要素分析入手,提出要增强思想政治教育的实效性,须依据力的作用原理,着力培育思想政治教育的教育力。


露天采矿场构成要素露天采矿场构成要素construction element of open pitlut}on eo一kuongehong goueheng yoosu露天采矿场构成要素(Construet;on elementofopenpit)指露天采矿场所构成的几何要素露天采矿和剥离岩土作业的场地,由露天矿坑底、边帮和沟道组成,其形态依矿床的产状而异。最终帮坡面与地面的交线构成露天矿场的上部最终境界线.与露天矿场底平面的交线构成底部周界。露天采矿场封闭圈所在水平与最终底部水平的垂直距离为露天采矿场的最终开采深度。最终边帮是由结束开采的台阶平台、台阶坡面、出人沟底组成。台阶平台按其用途分为安全平台、运输平台和清扫平台。工作帮是由正在进行开采和将要进行开采的台阶所组成。台阶坡面与水平面的夹角为台阶坡面角。工作帮最上一个台阶坡底线和最下 一个台阶坡底线所构成的假想坡面与水平面的夹角为工作帮坡角。在台阶上进行穿孔、爆破、采装、运输工作的场所为卜作面。具备穿爆、采装和运输作业的台阶为工作线挖掘机在采装过程中,根据挖掘机工作规格,将实体矿岩或爆堆划分成一定宽度的条带进行采掘,称此条带为采掘带。露天采矿场构成要素见图。B工早阅亡几‘:通2艺Z心卫匕口刁/塔产命、 匆1举 露天采矿场构成要素图FB一薄天矿采场上部最终境界线.AE一露天采矿场底部境界线; H一落天矿开采深度;FG、BM一露天矿非工作帮;AB、矛省一最终边坡; 户、y一最终边坡角;庐一工作帮坡角;丙一台阶商度, N一工作平盘;a一台阶坡面角 (蔡鸿起)
