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爱物 care about creatures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-24 07:28:35


爱物 care about creatures英语短句 例句大全

爱物,care about creatures

1)care about creatures爱物


1.The humanism in Chinese ancient book collection culture is embodied through benevolence,lovingness and cheerfulness.中国古代藏书文化中的人文精神是通过仁人精神、爱物精神、乐道精神来体现的。

3)thrift and care of things节用爱物

1.In the macroscopic view,such ecological ethical wisdom include the deposit of ecological culture of "affinity between man and nature",the ecological value orientation of "equality of all things" and ecological ethical practice of "thrift and care of things.传统文化中蕴藏着博大精深的生态智慧,从宏观上看,这些生态伦理智慧包括"天人合一"的生态文化底蕴,"万物平等"的生态价值取向以及"节用爱物"生态伦理实践。

4)physical warmth物质关爱


1.Fairytale is called "thelove-gift" by the British author Lewis Carroll.童话是“爱的礼物”,因为爱的意识是童话区别于神话、寓言、传说等文类的重要特征。


1.A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.献上一份甜蜜又可爱的礼物给我最敬爱的老师.

2.The Love-gift: Motifs and Function of Fairytale;爱的礼物——论童话的母题及其功能

3.I displayed the cherished gift on a shelf in my den at home.我把这个珍爱的礼物陈列在我书房的架子上。

4.The most meaningful gifts are the ones that come from the heart.(最有意义的礼物,是来自内心的关爱。

5.Ah, a gift from a doting grandmother, of course.啊,原来是溺爱孙女的祖母给的礼物。

6.Love is always my gift to you. Ha y Birthday!爱恋永远是我给你的礼物。生日快乐!

7.Love is always my gift to you. Happy Birthday!爱永远是我给你的礼物。生日快乐!

8.Love is the greatest gift that we can give.爱,是我们送给别人的最佳礼物。

9.Gifts are given to express our gratitude, love or care.礼物里包含着我们的感激和关爱。

10.Besides, a gift is an expression of thoughtfulness and a token of love.何况,礼物是一种体贴和爱的象征。

11.Most gift-giving (and getting) shows nothing more than the spirit of love and friendship.大多数赠送礼物和接受礼物都只不过是表现爱与友谊的精神而已。

12.A gift sent as a token of love to one"s sweetheart on Saint Valentine"s Day.信物在圣瓦伦丁节时作为一种爱的象征而寄给心爱之人的礼物

13.Valentine"s Day is about love and love does not take tallies of gifts and their appropriateness.情人节是与爱情相关的,爱情是不能用礼物的大小以及礼物合适与否来衡量的。

14.Not only do you get my love, you get a gift as well. Happy Birthday!你得到的不仅是我的爱,还有一份礼物。生日快乐!

15.Never will she measure his love by the dowry he give her她从不会以他赠给她的新娘礼物来衡量他的爱

16.This is a Valentine from a secret admirer.这是一位不具名的爱慕者送来的情人节礼物。

17.Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience.为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。

18.My boyfriend loves me heaps - he always brings me expensive gifts.我的男朋友很爱我,他总给我带很贵重的礼物。



1.The humanism in Chinese ancient book collection culture is embodied through benevolence,lovingness and cheerfulness.中国古代藏书文化中的人文精神是通过仁人精神、爱物精神、乐道精神来体现的。

3)thrift and care of things节用爱物

1.In the macroscopic view,such ecological ethical wisdom include the deposit of ecological culture of "affinity between man and nature",the ecological value orientation of "equality of all things" and ecological ethical practice of "thrift and care of things.传统文化中蕴藏着博大精深的生态智慧,从宏观上看,这些生态伦理智慧包括"天人合一"的生态文化底蕴,"万物平等"的生态价值取向以及"节用爱物"生态伦理实践。

4)physical warmth物质关爱


1.Fairytale is called "thelove-gift" by the British author Lewis Carroll.童话是“爱的礼物”,因为爱的意识是童话区别于神话、寓言、传说等文类的重要特征。

6)love for things爱物观

1.Baoyus outlook on thelove for things has caused the relative tolerance,but its main principle is that man is the purpose.宝玉的爱物观造成了相对主义的宽容 ,但其主旨恰在于人是目的 ,通过对爱物观语境的回溯 ,揭示出宝玉对平等的追求和对爱欲的张


爱物1.爱护万物。 2.心爱的东西。
