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交际活动 communicative activities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-01 02:49:57


交际活动 communicative activities英语短句 例句大全

交际活动,communicative activities

1)communicative activities交际活动

1.About realization forcommunicative activities and curriculum in English;略论英语交际活动与课程目标的实现

2.On the necessity and strategy of addingcommunicative activities toclassroom-teaching in primary and middle schools;略论中小学英语课堂教学中补充交际活动的必要性及策略

3.Effectiveness of Communicative Activities in Spoken English Classes英语口语课堂交际活动的实用性


1.Two Kinds of Typical Communication Activities and the Cultivation of Communicative Competence;两种典型的交际活动与交际能力培养

2.Fete is one of the commonnest intercourse activities in international association.宴请是国际交往中最常见的交际活动之一。

municative Activities in Large Classes;大班英语教学中的交际活动策略(英文)

4.The Design and Practice of Classroom Communication Activities of College Japanese Teaching;大学日语课堂交际活动的设计与实践

5.Integrating Communicative Activities into the Teaching of Grammar;英语语法教学中导入交际活动的探索

6.About realization for communicative activities and curriculum in English;略论英语交际活动与课程目标的实现

7.Developing Communicative Competence with Reference to Organizing Communicative Activities in College English Teaching;培养交际能力——组织大学英语教学中的语言交际活动

8.A Survey on Communicative Activities and Traditional Teaching Activities in College English Intensive Reading Classes;大学英语精读课中交际活动和传统教学活动之对比调查

9.Teachers Role as Mediators Make Classroom Communicative Activities More Effective;发挥教师中介作用使课堂交际活动更有效

10.Successful Communication in Task-based Language Teaching for the Junior High School;中学英语课堂中任务型教学与成功的交际活动

11.Strengthening the Practicing Activity of Languages Enlivening the Atmosphere of English Communication;加强语言实践活动 活跃英语交际气氛

12.Key words: Learn English by practice and experience; intercourse naturally in habit; teach through activities; application of language.关键词:生活化的学习;习惯性的交际;活动教学;英语语言交际应用。

13.News in Brief of the International Academic exchanges中国航海学会国际交流活动简讯二则

14.international youth music exchange programme国际青少年音乐交流活动

15.a diplomatic move that defused the international crisis.一个缓和国际危机的外交活动.

16.international cooperation and academic exchange activities国际合作与学术交流活动

17.The Research on the Communicating Teaching Mode in the English Activity Curriculum;初中英语活动课交际教学模式的研究

18.Designing Grouped Classroom Activities with Communicative Approach;实施交际教学法 巧设课堂小组活动


communicative activity交际活动

3)communicative activities交际性活动

4)pre-communicative activities前交际活动

1.The author focuses on learner anxiety, teacher s talk andpre-communicative activities to develop students speaking ability.通过从我国英语应用环境的变化对口语教学提供了有利条件和社会对合格英语学习者的需求入手,对比传统英语教学没能培养出足够多的口语人才以满足社会的发展,提出对大学生的英语交际能力培养应有所侧重并提出从三方面--学生的表达焦虑,教师课堂话语和前交际活动 --来寻求解决这些现象的对策。

5)communication activities交际活动课

1.Oralcommunication activities to enhance project-based lesson and that is the implementation of the New Curriculum requirements,but also the development of an urgent demand of students for life.加强口语交际活动课,是贯彻实施新课标的要求,也是学生终生发展的迫切要求。

6)Sociality Scale交际活动量表

1.Revision of Service ProviderSociality Scale;服务提供者交际活动量表的修订


