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傩戏 Nuo Opera英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-17 03:58:43


傩戏 Nuo Opera英语短句 例句大全

傩戏,Nuo Opera

1)Nuo Opera傩戏

1.Research on Culturaanges ofNuo Opera from Its Ranges of Performance Space;从傩戏的表演空间范围看其文化变迁

2.A Study onNuo Opera in Zhongcun Village of Ningdu Jiangxi——A Research on Hakka Intangible Cultural Heritage;江西宁都中村傩戏研究——一项客家非物质文化遗产的调查

3.Some Worried Thoughts about Culture——The Case Study ofNuo Opera in the Area of Shuangfeng from the Unique Skills to Extintion文化的忧思——双峰傩戏从绝技到绝迹的个案研究


1.On the Music in Festival Lantern Opera and Nuo Opera in Xiang Xi;湘西花(花灯戏)傩(傩戏)音乐拾零

2.Exorcising opera in western Hunan derived from Han nationality, and evolved from exorcising sacrifice, to exorcising ceremony, to exorcising dance and to exorcising opera.湘西傩堂戏源于中原汉族的傩堂戏,曾经历了傩祭傩仪傩舞傩戏的演变历程。

3.On the Function of Nuoji and Nuoxi in the Perspective of Contemporary Culture;当代文化视角下的傩祭与傩戏功能浅析

4.A Comparative Study on the Mask of Anshun Dixi Drama and the Folk Nuo Drama安顺地戏面具与民间傩戏面具之比较

5.The effects of Taoism on Nuo Opera in southeast Chongqing--Taking incantations for removing masks in Yujia s Nuo Opera at Xiushan as an example;道教对渝东南傩戏的影响——以秀山余家傩戏面具开光咒语为例

6.Dramatic Art as Cultural-historical Sediment:--The Origin,Development,and Artistic Substance of the Nuo Opera;历史文化的积淀——从傩戏的起源和发展探傩戏的本质

7.Research on Culturaanges of Nuo Opera from Its Ranges of Performance Space;从傩戏的表演空间范围看其文化变迁

8.The Social Function of Gui Zhou "Nuo" Ritual Theatre in Patriarchal Society;贵池傩戏对宗族社会的反哺作用探究

9.Thinking about Nuo Opera from the Phenomenon of Disappearance of Stunts in Shuangfeng Village双峰傩戏从绝技到绝迹的人类学研究

10.A Study on the Original Relation Between The HeFanJi in The GuiChi NuoXi Operas and The Liu WenLong in The NanXi Operas;贵池傩戏《和番记》与南戏《刘文龙》的亲缘关系

11.Multidimensional Luo:Plays and Culture--A Comprehensive Report about North Guizhou International Forum of Luo Plays and Culture Held in Zunyi, China多维视野下的傩戏傩文化——中国·遵义黔北傩文化国际学术研讨会综述

12.He wants to decorate the study with Nuo opera masks bought in Guizhou province.他想用这些从贵州买回的傩戏面具装饰书房。

13.Analysis on the Clan Power Effect over Nuo Opera during Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期宗族势力对贵池傩戏的作用考析

14.Some Worried Thoughts about Culture--The Case Study of Nuo Opera in the Area of Shuangfeng from the Unique Skills to Extintion文化的忧思——双峰傩戏从绝技到绝迹的个案研究

15.When he created a Chinese oral theatre, he adopted elements from ancient masked drama, shadow plays and the dancing, singing and drumming traditions.他创作的中国话剧结合了中国古代的傩戏、皮影、戏曲和说唱。

16.A Study on Nuo Opera in Zhongcun Village of Ningdu Jiangxi--A Research on Hakka Intangible Cultural Heritage;江西宁都中村傩戏研究——一项客家非物质文化遗产的调查

17.Nuo Theatre: No Other Choice but Pan-Religious and Marginal Existence;别无选择的生存:泛宗教、边缘化——池州傩戏的文化内涵

18.Nuo Ceremony:From Totem to Opera,Based on the Case Study. Tiger Nuo of Yi nationality in Shuang Bai County,Yunnan Province;傩仪:从图腾到戏剧——以云南双柏彝族虎傩为个案


The Nuo opera傩戏

1.In Guizhou province there exist three types of the Nuo opera in three different regions.贵州傩文化主要表现在傩戏的演出中。

2.The Nuo opera,commonly referred to as a "living fossil" of dramatic play,is a kind of folk dramatic arts that was originated from primitive religion.傩戏是起源于原始宗教的一种民间戏剧艺术,被称为当今戏剧的“活化石”。

3)Nuo play傩戏

1.Influence of Buddhism on Nuo altar andNuo play in Southwest China;佛教对西南傩坛、傩戏的影响

4)nuowu he nuoxi傩舞和傩戏

5)Chizhou Nuo drama池州傩戏

1.In Anhu,Chizhou Nuo drama mask’s development continuously shows the immortal vitality, the symbolization and decoratlization of color shows ancient romantic imagination.安徽池州傩戏面具随着历史的变迁而不断发展,显示了傩文化、傩戏的不朽魅力和独到的特色。



