1200字范文 > 傩 Nuo英语短句 例句大全

傩 Nuo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-11 05:41:35


傩 Nuo英语短句 例句大全



1.The effects of Taoism onNuo Opera in southeast Chongqing——Taking incantations for removing masks in Yujia sNuo Opera at Xiushan as an example;道教对渝东南傩戏的影响——以秀山余家傩戏面具开光咒语为例


1.Exorcising opera in western Hunan derived from Han nationality, and evolved from exorcising sacrifice, to exorcising ceremony, to exorcising dance and to exorcising opera.湘西傩堂戏源于中原汉族的傩堂戏,曾经历了傩祭傩仪傩舞傩戏的演变历程。

2.In the Zhou Dynasty, in particular, this type of dance was differentiated as "Guonuo"and "Xiangrennuo".周代,并有"国傩"、"乡人傩"之分。

3.The Feasibility Analysis of Creating Exorcism Boxing Based on Nan Feng Exorcism Dance;基于南丰傩舞创编傩拳的可行性分析

4.Analysis on the Feasibility of Adapting the Exorcising Dance of Nanfeng into Exorcising Exercise;将南丰傩舞改编成傩操的可行性分析

5.On the Music in Festival Lantern Opera and Nuo Opera in Xiang Xi;湘西花(花灯戏)傩(傩戏)音乐拾零

6.On the Function of Nuoji and Nuoxi in the Perspective of Contemporary Culture;当代文化视角下的傩祭与傩戏功能浅析

7.Nuo Ceremony:From Totem to Opera,Based on the Case Study. Tiger Nuo of Yi nationality in Shuang Bai County,Yunnan Province;傩仪:从图腾到戏剧——以云南双柏彝族虎傩为个案

8.Multidimensional Luo:Plays and Culture--A Comprehensive Report about North Guizhou International Forum of Luo Plays and Culture Held in Zunyi, China多维视野下的傩戏傩文化——中国·遵义黔北傩文化国际学术研讨会综述

9.The effects of Taoism on Nuo Opera in southeast Chongqing--Taking incantations for removing masks in Yujia s Nuo Opera at Xiushan as an example;道教对渝东南傩戏的影响——以秀山余家傩戏面具开光咒语为例

10.Dramatic Art as Cultural-historical Sediment:--The Origin,Development,and Artistic Substance of the Nuo Opera;历史文化的积淀——从傩戏的起源和发展探傩戏的本质

11.On Environment Factors of Creation and Development of Nuo′s Culture;论傩文化创生传承的环境因素——以湘西傩文化为例

12.Both of them have deep relations with the "Nuo"dance in ancient times.它们与古傩都有着深远的源流关系。

13.In its northern districts the peasants have prohibited the incense-burning processions to propitiate the god of pestilence.北乡各区农民禁止家神老爷(傩神)游香。

14."Nuo"dancers usually wear masks."傩舞"大都是戴着面具表演的舞蹈,

15.The contract, signed in September1941, required that at least500,000 square feet(46,500 square metres) of building be ready for occupancy no later than May1 st.昵┒┑暮驮贾刑岢隽酥辽傩枰

16.The Comprehensive View of Exorcise,Shaman and Yoga in Myth Renaissance傩、萨满、瑜伽——神话复兴视野上的通观

17.The Calendar of the Dancers--Exorcism Dance and Stomping Songs of the Blang People in Shidian;舞者日历——施甸布朗族的“傩舞”与“踏歌”

18.Research on Culturaanges of Nuo Opera from Its Ranges of Performance Space;从傩戏的表演空间范围看其文化变迁


Nuo god and goddess傩公傩母

1.Nuo god and goddess are spouse,who are worshiped in Nuo altar in Hunan,Hubei,Sichuan,Chongqing,Guizhou,Yunnan,and other provinces.傩公傩母是湘、鄂、川、渝、黔、滇等省(市)傩坛班崇拜的一对配偶神。

3)"Nuo" in Jiangxi Provimce赣傩


1.The confluence of ceremony about Tangzeng andDanuo;“堂赠”与“大傩”合流考

2.The music was used not only on the ceremonies for emperors,empress dowagers,queens,crown princes,princes and ministers of certain ranks,but also on the occasions for victory,Heshuofagu,Danuo,marriages,funerals,night alarm and morning curfew.鼓吹曲既用于皇帝、皇太后、皇后、皇太子、亲王以及一定品级大臣的仪仗,又用于凯乐、合朔伐鼓、大傩、婚葬和夜警晨严等场合。


1.Spatial Plastic Arts in Ceremonial Environment——A Case Study ofGaonuo in Sangzhi;仪式环境中的空间造型艺术——以桑植高傩为个案分析

6)Na Yuan傩愿

1.This is to introduce types ofNa Yuan(wishes) and the procedures of the rites ofNa Yuan and the way of culture spreading of Maonan Nationality.介绍毛南族傩愿种类和傩愿仪式的程序及毛南族傩文化的传承方式。


