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否定性 negativity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-10 11:23:09


否定性 negativity英语短句 例句大全



1.It embodies an infinite and absolutenegativity.反讽产生于认同感的缺失和对自我意识的审视,是无限绝对的否定性。

2.Marx pointed out thenegativity s incompleteness of Hegelian dialectic and revealed the revolutionary and critical nature of dialectic.马克思对黑格尔辩证法最大的否定之处在于辩证法的前提预设与理论基础上 ,马克思改造了黑格尔辩证法中内在的否定性的不彻底性 ,揭示了辩证法内在的、批判的、革命的本质。

3.Only rooted in the human practices can thenegativity and criticalness of the negative dialectics have the inherent validity.只有把辩证法的否定性植根于人的现实的生存实践活动之中,其所具有的否定性和批判性才具有内在的合法性,而只有这样去理解辩证法及其否定性,才能使辩证法的否定性得到彻底的和现实的彰显,从而在人的生存和解放中发挥更大的作用。


1.Investigation of Denying Special-Purpose Adverbial Word of Structure of Modern Chinese;现代汉语否定性结构专用副词的考察

2.Negative thinking on the construction of pre-trial judge system in China;我国构建预审法官制度的否定性思考

3.Right to Silence:Chinese Rational Choice After the Negation of Negation;沉默权:否定之否定后中国的理性抉择

4.A Comparative Study of Negative Structure and Meaningfully Implied Negation in Contemporary English;现代英语中否定结构与意义否定的对比性探究

5.The positive or negative character of a proposition.命题的性质命题的肯定或否定的性质

6.It outputs a determination whether or not the program satisfies the given properties.它输出确定该程序是否满足给定特性。

7.On Some Concealed Affirmative Meaning in English浅谈英语中否定结构的隐性肯定含义

8.Whether the facts of the case are clear, and whether the evidence is true and sufficient; Whether the determination of the nature of the case is correct;案件事实是否清楚,证据是否确实、充分;定性是否准确;

9.Axiom1: If a property is positive, then its negation is not positive.公理1:一个性质是肯定的当且仅当它的否定是否定的.

10.Two noes make a yes.否定的否定就是肯定。

11.License for Polar Sensitivity: from Negation to(None) Veridicality;极性敏感项的允准:从否定到(非)真实性

12.Tokyo Trial can"t be denied and the authority of trial given by international court can"t be denied.东京审判不容否定,国际法庭审判的权威性不容否定。

13.rhyme or reason1.(用于否定句)(诗的)韵味或涵理,2.(用于否定句)逻辑性,条理;道理

14.“Negative Dialectics”in the River of Time:A Historical Annotadon of Adomo s Negative Dialectics;时间川流中的“否定的辩证法”——阿多诺《否定的辩证法》的历史性注释

15.A denial, contradiction, or negative statement.否定,反对或否定的原则

16.dye, reactive, synthetic, whether or not chemically defied合成活性染料,不论是否化学规定的

17.Fat chance of voting out his suggestion.投票否定他的建议,可能性不大。

18.Can there be absolute certainty about anything?是否存在认识的绝对肯定性?



1.Negation, namely the two-waynegation relationship between human as subject and human s outer world as object, is the essence of human activity of practice.否定性是人的实践活动的本质 ,即人作为主体与外部世界作为客体之间的双向否定性关系。

2.It is undisputed thatnegation is the nature of dialectics even though we have different understanding of dialectics.尽管学界对辩证法的理解不尽相同,但是就否定性是辩证法的本质这一点来说,却是没有争议的。


1.By analyzing the problems in the translation of prohibitive ornegative public signs,this paper presents two reasons that explain these problems.针对目前否定性公示语翻译中出现的问题和原因进行了分析探讨,指出公众并没有认识到公示语翻译的专业特性并给以充分重视,另外一个原因则是译者缺乏基本专业素质和语言技能,不甚了解英汉两种语言在文化,语言系统和表达方面存在巨大差异。


1.The latter modernism may be divided into thedenial modernism and the constructive nature modernism.后现代主义可以分为否定性后现代主义和建设性后现代主义两个向度。

5)the negativity of the negation否定之否定性

6)implied negation隐性否定

1.Analysis ofimplied negation in English words;英语词语的隐性否定浅析

2.This paper discusses the Chinese translation ofimplied negations in English with reference to certain translation principles,aiming to help English learners understand better the unique characteristics of the linguistic phenomena in English."隐性否定"是英语语言中一种常见而又独特的语言现象。


