1200字范文 > 资源环境基尼系数 resource-environment Gini coefficient英语短句 例句大全

资源环境基尼系数 resource-environment Gini coefficient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-31 12:02:51


资源环境基尼系数 resource-environment Gini coefficient英语短句 例句大全

资源环境基尼系数,resource-environment Gini coefficient

resource-environment Gini coefficient(Gre)资源环境基尼系数

1.Yinbo Zhang considered that resource-environment Gini coefficient(Gre) was designed according to the conception of Gini coefficient and used to evaluate the fairness levels of resource consumption and pollution releasing under the same economy contribution rate,and green contribute coefficient(GCC) was used to estimate the unfair factors of resource consumption and pollution releasing.张音波等认为:资源环境基尼系数是用来反映在"经济贡献率"相同的情况下,资源消耗、污染物排放公平程度的一个指标,并用"绿色贡献系数"来判断资源消耗与污染物排放的不公平因子。

3)environmental Gini coefficient环境基尼系数

1.By introducing Gini coefficient used in economics into environmental field,a new method of total pollutant load allocation in different areas of the same river was established using the new concept ofenvironmental Gini coefficient.将应用在经济领域的基尼系数引入环境领域,应用环境基尼系数这一新概念建立了一套新的流域内各区域间水污染物总量分配方法。

2.To maximize the integrated economic,social and environmental benefits,a hierarchical model is developed for both qualitative description and quantitative analysis of the distribution of total water pollutants allowed to be discharged among the sub-areas of a lake basin by applying theenvironmental Gini coefficient to the distribution.从经济、社会和环境系统整体效益出发,将环境基尼系数应用于总量控制分配中,分别以人口和工业增加值等作为湖泊流域内基尼系数分配的指标,建立了一种定性与定量相结合描述湖泊流域分区水污染物排放总量分配的层次结构模型。

4)economy-environment Gini coefficient经济-环境基尼系数

5)Forest Resource Gini Coefficient森林资源基尼系数

6)Gini Coefficient of Forest-Resources Industry森林-资源产业基尼系数


