1200字范文 > 画院 painting academy英语短句 例句大全

画院 painting academy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-18 02:55:14


画院 painting academy英语短句 例句大全

画院,painting academy

1)painting academy画院

1.The Influences of Song Dynasty Literati Paintings Theory from the Song Dynasty Painting Academy从宋代画院看宋代文人画论的影响

2.Since 1980s there has been a saying that some "painting academy" or " Painting House of the Imperial Academy" was set up and became the firstpainting academy in Chinese painting history.自上世纪80年代以来,西蜀有“画院”或创建有“翰林图画院”为中国绘画史上有画院之始,几乎成了中国美术史学界公认的史实。


1.Later he became a painter of the Imperial Painting academy of the Northern Song Dynasty.后为北宋画院画师。

2.They were under the direct administration of the imperial government.画院由国家直接管理,

3.The Organizations of the So-called "Southern Sung Painting Academy" and Its Imaginations after 1279;“南宋画院”之省舍职制与画史想象

4.The entry examination for the painting academy was included in the imperial civil service examination system.画院日趋完备,画院考试正式纳入科举考试之列,以揽天下画家。

5.The Northern Song Dynasty s Court Painting under the Royalty──A Study of the Northern Song Dynasty Court Painting s Characteristics;皇权控制下的北宋院画──谈北宋“翰林图画院”绘画的创作特性

6.Once Zhao asked the painters to draw a peacock spreading its tail, but he was not satisfied with their works.有一次,赵佶要画院画家画孔雀开屏的屏障,画了几次他都不满意,

7.all the great painters from the Five Dynasties applied for posts in the Song Dynasty Imperial Painting academy, and it became the creative center of painting of the time.原来五代时画院的高手都在宋画院供职。宋代的画院成为全国绘画创作的中心。

8.The Effect of Song Dynasty s Painting Education to the Painting Academic Education of Modern China;宋代画院教育及其对当今中国画教育的启示

9.The abbot of the Zhaoying Palace of the Yuqing Temple selected painters to draw murals on the palace wall;为了挑选为新建的玉清宫绘制壁画,画院主持向全国召募画师,

10.Poetry Containing Painting: On Aesthetic Spirit of Academy of Painting in Song Dynasty from Guo Xi s Painting of"Early Spring";“以诗入画”——从郭熙《早春图》看宋代画院绘画的审美特质

11.after the liberation of China in 1949, Li taught in the Chinese Central academy of Fine arts and then worked as president of the academy of Traditional Chinese Paintings.解放后,李一直在中央美术学院任教,任中国画院院长。

12.The artist erected a man in the front yard,于是,这位“画家”就在前院里画了一个人,

13.The Symbolism of Yuanti Drawing and Scholar Drawing in the Song Dynasty;浅谈宋代院体画与文人画中的象征性

14.Shallowly Discussed Two Song "the Courtyard Body" the Drawing and "the Painting of a Scholar" Gives the Later Generation the Influence;浅谈两宋“院体”绘画和“文人画”予以后世的影响

15.On the Mimetic Ideas of the Traditional Chinese Painting From the Flower and Bird Painting in the Song Dynasty;从宋代院体花鸟画看传统中国画的写实观

16.The Exploration on Possibility of the Setup of Academy of Chinese Painting and Discipline of Chinese Painting;中国画学院与中国画学科建设的可能性探析

17.Opening the Curtain for Traditional Chinese Painting in the New Century --Comment on the"New Court Art School" Exhibition;为新世纪中国画的发展拉幕——评“新院体画派”

18.Walt Disney enjoyed drawing and studied cartooning at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.沃尔特?迪斯尼喜欢画画,在芝加哥美术学院学习漫画。


the Court Painting院画

1.Research of the Art & Crafts of the Song Dynasty Influenced bythe Court Painting Style;院画风格影响下的宋代工艺美术研究

3)Painting and Calligraphy Academy书画院

1.TaizhouPainting and Calligraphy Academy;台州书画院竣工后的思考

4)Chu Yang Painting Studio初阳画院

5)Southern Tang Painting School南唐画院

6)Early Song Painting School宋初画院

1.From the evidents of the methods of classical paintings, the style of Zhao Gan s "First Snow of Riverside" as well as seals and the scription, the author reaffirms that there was no painting schools in Southern Song Dynasty and Zhao Gan was the student ofEarly Song Painting School.重申南唐确实没有画院、赵干为宋初画院学生说。


