1200字范文 > 道口 crossing英语短句 例句大全

道口 crossing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-15 01:28:31


道口 crossing英语短句 例句大全



1.Design of the train-detection device on the rail-highway gradecrossing;铁路道口过车检测装置设计

2.Application and Modification of Alarming System of Railway Crossing of Industrial and Mining Enterprises;厂矿企业铁路道口安全报警系统的运用与改进

3.Automatism safety monitoring system of railwaycrossing based GSM short information;基于GSM短信息的道口安全自动监测系统


1.gate, level-crossing, electrically-powered operating equipment for道口道栅电动操作设备

2.gate ,level-crossing of iron or steel平交道口道栅,铁或钢制

3.Every famous Chinese dish tastes delicious.中国名菜,道道口味鲜美。

4.A body opening or passage, such as the opening of the ear or the urethral canal.道口身体的开口或通道,如耳朵眼或尿道

5.congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice先天性膀胱尿道口狭窄

6.Be careful when you get to the railway crossing.到铁路道口时要小心。

7.remote supervision of level crossings平交道口的远程管理

8.guarded railway crossing有防护装置的铁路道口

9.The train wrecked at the crossing.火车在交叉道口失事。

10.Sediment begins to choke the channel"s opening.沉积物开始淤塞河道口。

11.threshold light入口界灯 -跑道的

12.He"s talking (a load of) codswallop.他(满口)胡说八道.

13.To determine the caliber of(a tube).确定(管道的)口径

14.a delicious meal, cake, flavour可口的饭、 糕点、 味道

15.The second mouse bragged,第二只老鼠夸口道:

16.partial control of access局部限制信道出入口

17.coffee-flavored liqueur.带有咖啡味道的利口酒。

18.bell-mouthed siphon spillway钟形口虹吸式溢水道


Level crossing道口

1.The simple calculation model of making collision analysis between train and bus at level crossing is given.建立了列车与汽车在道口发生相撞事故时进行碰撞分析的简化计算模型 ;分析求解了在碰撞过程中汽车变形的位移、速度、加速度和碰撞力 ;对比分析了列车在不同速度下与汽车发生碰撞后各参数的变化情况。

2.The existing traditionl railway level crossing can not fit in with the operation condition at presnet,but the new type railway level crossing has achieved good results in the practical application.传统铁路道口难以适应当前的运营条件 ,而新型铁路道口在实际应用中取得了较好效

3)railway crossing道口

1.This paper gave a special integrated rebuild ofrailway crossing signal control system.在单线半自动线路上的一例道口大修施工中,由于新道口控制盘的集成化改造和功能的完善,必须对原DX2型双线双盘单控电路进行修改,以满足单盘集成控制的要求。


5)Crevasse channel决口水道

1.It indicates that crevasse channel is a kind of very narrow and shallow short range small channel with a fixed path which is formed among wide ranged channels by the major channel after the avulsion crevasse in a fluvial and deltic sedimentary.对以往研究较少 ,并在油田勘探阶段及开发初、中期地质研究中被遗漏或忽视的决口水道的成因、沉积特征与模式、空间分布及在油田开发中的意义进行了研究与探讨。

6)railway crossing铁路道口

1.Image processing-basedrailway crossing surveillance and alert system;基于图像处理的铁路道口监控与报警系统

2.Research on early warming device forrailway crossing based on GPS and GPRS;基于GPS和GPRS的铁路道口预警装置的研究

3.Implementation of Networking Monitoring System torailway crossing;铁路道口联网监控系统的实现


道口1.路口。 2.管道或洞穴的出口。 3.铁路与道路的平面交叉处。
