1200字范文 > 恩物 Gift英语短句 例句大全

恩物 Gift英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-29 05:15:29


恩物 Gift英语短句 例句大全



1.He proposed explicitly the educational aim idea and pointed out the status and function of art,game and gifts in the process of child\"s creativity development.福禄培尔从人的创造本质出发,阐发了自我表现是人的本质的自我表现,儿童的活动是创造本能的基础,明确提出了培养人的创造性的教育目的观,指出了艺术、游戏、恩物在儿童创造力培养过程中的地位与作用。


1.be [prove] a great boon to...(成) 为…之大恩物,对…极为有用之物

2.People and Animal in the Same Boat Helping Each Other;人与动物 同舟共济──“感恩的动物忘恩的人”解析

3.fabric of Berandine (or Beraudine) peat fibre, woven机织贝兰代恩(或贝劳代恩)泥炭纤维织物

4.Finally one of the biologists, Gene Byrne leaned down and looked in.最后,生物学家吉恩·伯恩躬下腰来,向内探视。

5.Ngorongoro Caldera Game Park恩戈罗火山口野生动物园

6.Braun tube【物】布劳恩管, 阴极射线管, 示波管

7.Jean says that pearls are a gift of nature,吉恩说珍珠是自然赐予的礼物,

8.The old man got a gift on the Thanksgiving day.这位老人在感恩节那天收到一份礼物。

9.the Natural History Museum and the Hirshhorn Museum of Modern Art.自然历史博物馆,赫什霍恩现代艺术馆。

10.the materialistic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.马克思和恩格斯的唯物主义。

11.Brain, you want to be a big deal in life,right?布赖恩,你想成为大人物不是吗?

12.Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。

13.The Category of "Material Production" in Marx and Engels;论马克思恩格斯的“物质生产”范畴

14.Research on the School-Based Biology- Curriculum Development in High School in Xuanen County;宣恩县一中生物校本课程开发的研究

15.Studies on Polysaccharide Containing Selenium of Cardamine with Rich Selenium from Enshi;恩施高富硒植物碎米荠含硒多糖研究

16.Some Thoughts on Development of Indigenous Garden Plant in Enshi State;恩施州乡土园林植物开发利用之我见

17.The Implication of Redburn by Characterization;从人物塑造看《雷德伯恩》的文本内涵

18.Why Marx and Engels not Givingthe Definition to "Matter";马、恩未对“物质”做出科学规定原因分析


repayment for one"s favor动物报恩

3)Art Museum in Bonn波恩艺术博物馆

4)Coanda effect[物]柯恩达效应

5)Vaughan split products沃恩氏分裂产物

6)animals" gratitude motif动物感恩母题


