1200字范文 > 新绿洲 oasis英语短句 例句大全

新绿洲 oasis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-11 07:10:05


新绿洲 oasis英语短句 例句大全



1.Landscape pattern change of the newoasis in the Jingtai electrical irrigation area;景电灌区新绿洲景观格局分析

2)Xinhe Oasis新和绿洲

3)Xinjiang oasis新疆绿洲

1.Research on the Sustainable Development of Xinjiang Oasis Eco-economy System;新疆绿洲生态经济系统可持续发展研究

2.Based on determining and explaining land use/cover,the paper analysis acreage change and development direction ofXinjiang oasis in the past five years.在新疆土地利用/土地覆盖类型判读解译的基础上,对新疆绿洲近五年来的面积变化及发展趋势进行了分析。

3.This paper give a synthetic analysis of the natural environment ofXinjiang oasis,then calculate the environmental capacity of Xinjiang from four aspect in detail,and put forward corresponding countermeasure aim at the major environmental problem of Xinjiang.系统地分析了新疆的自然环境条件,计算了新疆绿洲的环境容量,并针对新疆生态环境的主要问题,提出了相应的对策。


1.Empirical Analysis on the Moderate Scale of Farmland in Xinjiang Oasis;新疆绿洲农用地适度规模的实证分析

2.Characteristics of Spatial Distribution in Soil Nutriention of Cotton Field in Xinjiang Oasis新疆绿洲棉田土壤养分时空分布特点

3.Planting Technique of "thick,short,early and the plastic film" of Cotton in Oasis Region of Xinjiang新疆绿洲地区棉花“密、矮、早、膜”种植技术

4.The Urban and Rural Mutual New Dynamic Situation of Xinjiang Oases under the Main Function Oriented Zone Policy主体功能区政策下的新疆绿洲城乡互动新格局

5.Research on the Sustainable Development of Xinjiang Oasis Eco-economy System新疆绿洲生态经济系统可持续发展研究

6.Research on the Land Sustainable Utilization of Oasis in Xinjiang;新疆绿洲土地资源可持续利用问题研究

7.Oasis Economy Analysis by Population Resource Environment Economics;新疆绿洲经济人口资源环境经济学分析

8.Synthetic Evaluation and Research of Xinjiang Oasis City s Sustainable Development;新疆绿洲城市可持续发展综合评价与研究

9.On the Oasis Urbanization and Regional Harmonious Development in Xinjiang;新疆绿洲城市化与区域协调发展战略研究

10.On Supporting System for Sustainable Utilization of Land and Water Resources in Oasis of Xinjiang;论新疆绿洲水土资源可持续利用支持体系

11.The Study on Changes of Oasis Agriculture in South of Xinjiang during the Period of the Republic;民国时期新疆南疆地区的绿洲农业变迁研究

12.Study on Reproduction Technology With Woodened Branch cuttings of Populus Alba var.Pyramidalis in Ejina Oasis额济纳绿洲新疆杨硬枝扦插技术研究

13.The Appearance of Oasis Culture in Xinjiang Uygur Muqam;新疆维吾尔木卡姆中的绿洲文化显现

14.Mountain-Oasis-Desert System and Characteristics of Climate in Xinjiang;新疆山地-绿洲-荒漠系统及其气候特征

15.Ecological safety assessment of Manas River Basin oasis,Xinjiang新疆玛纳斯河流域绿洲生态安全评价

16.Study on Estimation of Arid Oasis-Desert Ecosystem Biomass-Taking Fukang Oasis in Xinjiang as an Example;干旱区绿洲—荒漠生态系统生物量估算研究——以新疆阜康绿洲为例

17.Analysis of Markov process of LUCC in oasis of arid area-A case of the Yutian Oasis;干旱区绿洲LUCC马尔柯夫过程分析——以新疆于田绿洲为例

18.Study on Agro-landscape Change of the Latest 30 Years in Shanshan Oasis, Xinjiang;近三十年新疆鄯善县绿洲农业景观演变研究


Xinhe Oasis新和绿洲

3)Xinjiang oasis新疆绿洲

1.Research on the Sustainable Development of Xinjiang Oasis Eco-economy System;新疆绿洲生态经济系统可持续发展研究

2.Based on determining and explaining land use/cover,the paper analysis acreage change and development direction ofXinjiang oasis in the past five years.在新疆土地利用/土地覆盖类型判读解译的基础上,对新疆绿洲近五年来的面积变化及发展趋势进行了分析。

3.This paper give a synthetic analysis of the natural environment ofXinjiang oasis,then calculate the environmental capacity of Xinjiang from four aspect in detail,and put forward corresponding countermeasure aim at the major environmental problem of Xinjiang.系统地分析了新疆的自然环境条件,计算了新疆绿洲的环境容量,并针对新疆生态环境的主要问题,提出了相应的对策。

4)new and old oases新、老绿洲

1.Under the different local climatical conditions in thenew and old oases, the physiological-ecological characteristics of crops, such as the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance, may differently respond to the climatical factors.在新、老绿洲局地气候差异条件下 ,绿洲作物玉米、棉花和油葵的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度对气候因子会有不同响应。

5)Oasis of Xinjiang新疆绿洲

1.Precision Agricultures Application Research and Discuss inOasis of Xinjiang;精细农业在新疆绿洲的应用研究与探讨

6)newly constructed oasis新建绿洲


拜哈里耶绿洲拜哈里耶绿洲 埃及西部沙漠中的绿洲。处在一片长95公里、宽40公里的洼地中,由小丘环绕。种植椰枣、麦类、果类、稻谷等作物。有铁矿开采,矿石通过542公里长的新建铁路运往赫勒万钢铁厂。拜维提是主要居民点,有航空站。
